I sat down to write today and really am not feeling like I have anything interesting...so I am going to list my 'things' that are keeping me busy:
- Chaperoning play practice (just today thank goodness)
- Writing communication survey for PTA
- Reading the book SWITCH which is about change and is very interesting
- Re-reading the Joy Diet because I am going to run a course on it...wanna join?
- Organizing my office and house based on the ideas of David Allen, Getting Things Done
- Networking with new people outside of my normal circle
- Coaching clients
- Creating visual journal pages (my new addiction)
- Eating healthier AND eating candy...as I pop a mini Heath Bar into my mouth
- Supporting my children with their learning goals
- Keeping the 'flippin' house clean grrrrrr
OK...now that I've listed it all...I must do, do, do...ciao for now! (that brings me back to 1987 when I lived in Italy and that was what I wrote on all my letters back to the states).