Thursday, September 30, 2010

Today's Comfort

  1. A cup of coffee
  2. A friend lending me $5
  3. Dedicated moms
  4. Time to myself
  5. Flu shots for protection
  6. Coaching
  7. Cardigan sweater
  8. Quesidilla for lunch
  9. Facebook update from my husband
  10. Writing

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Three musketeers

My kids and I are very well suited to have mini 'dadlessness' times. Because I don't normally cook, the meals are often of the frozen variety and so I'm usually making something I know they'll dig...then I add some veggies and fruits to make myself feel better. I allow them a little TV time if they've done their homework (which gives me, some "me" time). I let them both sleep in my bed...and I'll sleep on the couch or in one of their beds. It is all kind of a "different" flow of things...BUT (and it is a big one)...I would not want to sustain that 'flowiness' forever. We like our foursome A LOT. We love having daddy home. In fact just this evening I heard my daughter singing the night time song my husband sings pretty much every night (and I have to isn't a song you want to stay in your head). It is actually the Mickey Mouse Club theme song (with some creative license). So...our little threesome is moving toward wanting to be a foursome again...and that is ALL GOOD! I appreciate my life immensely...just thought I should say that out loud!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Complete and Delete

This week I am busy being a single mom...which I'm good at in week=long doses. I actually enjoy it. I also enjoy when the time is over Friday afternoon is glimmering in the distance.

My intention for the week is to complete and delete something every day. Yesterday I completed an outstanding group email I wanted to send to my colleagues and I deleted many emails from my inbox. Today my complete was editing and printing photos for a soccer delete is actually the word WEDNESDAY from the newsletter I helped produce (and replacing it with the word THURSDAY). I'm not sure that counts as a feel good thing but it is something I am compelled to do because I made the error (aaargh). Tomorrow...well, tomorrow is another day...who knows what I'll complete and delete...but either way it will FEEL GOOD!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Gratitude X 10

  1. I'm on post 777...coolio
  2. Sunny day on Saturday
  3. Rainy day on Sunday (cozy)
  4. My coach Beth is AWESOME
  5. Shopping for healthy food
  6. Movie night with family - Liar Liar
  7. My kids are awesome
  8. My husband is a great provider - we'll miss him on his business trip.
  9. My PTA newsletter is "in the can"
  10. I enjoy my free time...which I have right now!

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Why does it take all day to pick up a house, no matter how messy it is? I was determined to have it looking nice...and that task filled up most of my day!

Friday, September 24, 2010

The good thing...

...about not being able to sleep is that you can get a lot of work done before the day begins.

The bad thing is

a) you beat yourself up
b) you probably could have tried more to get to bed
c) it is hard to work in the pitch black
d) it'll be interesting to see what the day holds
e) it's hard trying to be "quiet as a mouse"
f) the quality of the work done may be suspect!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I am

  1. Busy editing PTA newsletter

  2. Snacking too much

  3. Happy I picked up the house

  4. Tickled by this morning's "picture day preparations'

  5. Proud of my son and daughter when they're giving it all in soccer

  6. Missing my friend who is in Europe until Sunday

  7. Excited for my night out with my Martha Beck tribe

  8. Calm because I meditated and wrote in my journal

  9. Pumped because I had 3 calls today that were in my 'sweet spot' of connection

  10. Amazed that the week is nearly over.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Totally Random

Random thoughts because I don't have much focus power right now:
  1. Kids are about to be home and I don't feel 'ready' for their energy
  2. I did sleep in my bed last night but took about 2 hours to fall asleep. I'm proud I stuck it out.
  3. I am excited that all the shows are starting back again.
  4. I have a sugar addiction...right now there are sour gummy worms on my desk
  5. I am so grateful that my co-VP is 'on it' with our school newsletter. This first one it a total "winging it job" to figure out how to get someone ELSE to do it.
  6. In a matter of a month, I've gotten very knowledgeable about our school...maybe too knowledgeable.
  7. I get to go out with my Martha Beck peers tomorrow night. I need a fix.
  8. The book I'm reading now is called Practical Intuition by Laura Day. I'm learning to listen more to my 'hunches''s fun.
  9. I have a friend who is dealing with a sister with a severe illness and complicating factors. I'm learning how to support without attachment. I don't know that I am good at it.
  10. My waste bin in my office needs to be emptied...(maybe that one belongs on my to do list).

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I got a feelin'

I have a 'great day' kind of feeling and this is why
  1. I woke up in my own bed at 6:30am
  2. My daughter made the school lunches while I traipsed off to a meeting
  3. I reconnected with my coaching peeps
  4. I had a great client session
  5. My productivity on the school newsletter was off the charts
  6. I meditated
  7. I only had to drive my daughter to soccer, not pick her up
  8. I found something I was looking for on the first look
  9. I got an 'out of the blue' email from a friend
  10. My new scanner printer worked on the first try.

Monday, September 20, 2010


My word for the week is are things I'm going to reconnect with...
  1. Clients
  2. Friends
  3. Family (I WILL contact my oldest brother this week - it is a goal we set this summer)
  4. Journal writing
  5. Meditating
  6. Networking
  7. Blog writing at
  8. Peers
  9. Reading (finish a of many I've started)
  10. Sleep (it was elusive last night and I TRIED)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Gratitude X 10

  1. Movie night all by myself
  2. Sun at soccer games
  3. Kudos for hard work
  4. Sleep in my bed
  5. Talk with family
  6. Pizza from Costco
  7. High marks on State test (for daughter)
  8. House cleaned
  9. Sheets washed
  10. Good thoughts for next week

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Saturday morning moment

Here are the sounds and feelings of the next moments of time

  1. Tickle in the nose

  2. A sneeze

  3. A belly grumbling

  4. Son singing in a funny voice

  5. Football on the TV

  6. Daughter bouncing around in her room

  7. Sniffle

  8. Sip of Coffee

  9. Squeal of son

  10. Ears pop

Friday, September 17, 2010


  1. It
  2. is
  3. Friday;
  4. I
  5. am
  6. ready
  7. for
  8. the
  9. weekend
  10. !

Thursday, September 16, 2010


  1. I woke up grumpy today
  2. I wonder if it has anything to do with my buggin' post or if its because
  3. I had a PTA meeting until 9:30pm last night
  4. I don't like how grumpy can linger longer than I want
  5. I want to sleep but have an appt at 2pm
  6. I don't like how my time has been consumed by school
  7. I feel a sense of being sucked into the vortex of crazy PTA
  8. I want to maintain a clear boundary of helping the school to a point
  9. I will keep my intention somewhere visible to remind myself
  10. I don't mind busy as long a it feels as if I'm choosing it, versus it consuming me

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Not much bugs me...but here goes...I'll try for 10.
  1. My pimples and other facial fungus
  2. My hairy legs
  3. My lack of confidence in my "gifts"
  4. My desire to 'solve things' when maybe leaving it alone is a good thing too
  5. My aimless web trolling when I'm bored and lonely
  6. My sleeping habits (but they've improved)
  7. My smelly basement
  8. My inability to "spend money" (within reason of course)
  9. The loop in my head that says "Who do you think you are..." or "I'm not worthy..." (and I'm not even Catholic!)
  10. When I don't listen to my gut.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Random Thoughts

  1. I'm sleepy even though I had a good night's sleep
  2. The "PTA volunteer monster" has invaded part of my brain
  3. I love my weekly a one-on-one conversation with my buddy
  4. Chewing gum is fun
  5. I want candy
  6. I'm so excited that Oprah is back on
  7. I missed my walk today and will tomorrow
  8. Thank you eyebrow lady for spending extra time on my face-scaping
  9. I want to read
  10. Time alone is both great and a drain.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Book Title Prophecies

Here are words from book titles that "spoke to me".
  1. Practical
  2. Intuition
  3. Heal
  4. Yourself
  5. Infinite
  6. Possibilities
  7. Joy
  8. Ask
  9. Right
  10. Steering
  11. Way
  12. Lucky
  13. Thought
  14. Conversation
  15. Self-Esteem
  16. Attraction
  17. Can
  18. Love
  19. Your
  20. Power

Here is what they mean (according to my practical intuition):

Practical Intuition will help Heal Yourself. There are Infinite Possibilities for Joy. Ask and you will be Steering the Right Way. With Lucky Thoughts, your Conversations will improve your Self-Esteem. This creates an Attraction that Can help you LOVE YOUR POWER. AMEN

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Gratitude X 10

  1. Kids pitching in to clean house
  2. People who step up and take charge
  3. Friends who invite us up to watch football
  4. Husband who makes my coffee in the morning
  5. Principal who inspires the school and parents
  6. Teachers who show that they'll challenge my kids
  7. Clients who are ready for change
  8. Parents who call to chat and remind me that I am loved from afar
  9. Websites that keep me learning and growing
  10. Peers who coach me through my "issues"

Friday, September 10, 2010

I want

  1. A new house plant
  2. My basement to smell fresh
  3. My school volunteering to be smooth and rewarding
  4. My time with clients to feel like "flow"
  5. Our soccer Saturday to be a fun day
  6. To laugh during dinner with my husband and friends
  7. My days to include time to meditate
  8. More water drinking
  9. A serendipitous moment
  10. A book to move me to a new level

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Contents = Meaning

Here is a view into my life right now in no particular order (literally) in the form of the contents on my desk. I give you one word that pops into my mind for what they mean - it'll be a "pop" test about my values:

  1. Phone = connection
  2. Check from a client = ambition
  3. Lysol 4-in-1 wipes = cleanliness
  4. Matches = light
  5. Lovely smelly candle = sensory
  6. My cell phone = remote
  7. Old bag of popcorn = hunger
  8. Diet coke = thirst
  9. Notebook for my "thoughts" = reflection
  10. Notebook for PTA = support
  11. A note to myself "I am..." = goals
  12. The book The Power is Within You by Louise Hay = growth
  13. My Nikon DSLR = creativity
  14. My Holga = funky
  15. Cootie Catchers made by my daughter = play
  16. A timer = structure
  17. New Sketch book to capture my creative thoughts = fun
  18. A jean jacket (I "borrowed" from my sister-in-law's giveaway bag) = style
  19. My husband (briefly) to say Happy Anniversary = love
  20. My Sanity (ish) = sketchy
Sounds about right to me!

Holy Cow that was fun! You should try it (it doesn't have to be a desk)!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Strong Moments

Here's a list of things I've done recently that I feel I'm good at:
  1. Follow-through
  2. Listening
  3. Synthesizing
  4. Big picture view
  5. Reflecting
  6. Devil's advocating
  7. "Showing up"
  8. Engaging with curiosity
  9. Going the distance
  10. Detaching from the outcome

That feels like a personal pat on the should try it for yourself!!!!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Random things

  1. These lists are fun!
  2. I'm getting used to writing in my other post soon.
  3. Cooking in Croc Pots makes me hungry earlier than I should be.
  4. I like music in the background.
  5. I don't listen to enough music.
  6. The radio in my car is broken and I'm not interested in the money it might take to fix it.
  7. I like being "efficient" - that was my intention for today, and I've done pretty well so far.
  8. I cannot believe that on Thursday I'll have been married 15
  9. My daughter LOVES the mall and I'm scared...I've avoided it for 10 years...but she now knows their 'potential'.
  10. I love coincidences...they make me giddy. Sunday I thought of a photography client in the morning and then I saw her at the mall that evening, AND she had JUST given photos to her mom from our session.
  11. Random is fun!
  12. I Don't like ending on an odd number....can you say OCD?

Monday, September 6, 2010

Mood Lifters

The other day I was thinking of all the little things that make me smile or lift my mood. Here is just the beginning of my list.
  1. Dogs in passenger seats looking like humans (and cute dogs in general)
  2. Smiling at strangers and saying hi (even better if they say hi back, but it isn't required)
  3. Parking spots that feel like the 'best spot in the lot'
  4. Remembering to bring in my reusable bags to the grocery store
  5. My kids saying I love you for no special reason
  6. Open check out stations at the grocery store
  7. Shopping at Trader Joe's
  8. First sip of beer on a Friday evening
  9. House picked up (even if it is by me)
  10. Ice water at restaurants

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Gratitude X 10

  1. Invites to parties
  2. Nieces turning 18
  3. Girls playing dress up (in 2007 & 2010)
  4. School starting
  5. Teachers who care about my kids
  6. Walks with my friend
  7. Calls with new clients
  8. Facebook communication with my family
  9. Husband who cooks dinner
  10. Naps (I'm about to take one)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Appreciation: Friends who email

  1. Friends who email to tell me their good news
  2. Friends who email to ask for prayers
  3. Friends who email just when I need a little connection
  4. Friends from my past who email out of the blue
  5. Friends who email to tell me how cute my kids are
  6. Friends who email to make plans
  7. Friends I can email when I'm having a dip in confidence
  8. Friends I can email when I'm feeling lonely
  9. Friends who email to remind me of things I might forget
  10. The next best thing to friends who email are friends who CALL but I'm not picky.

NOTE: Friends do include family members...'cause I like to think my family are also my friends!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Daily Bliss

  1. Horoscopes that actually are spot on.
  2. Morning coffee.
  3. Eating healthy.
  4. Volunteering with cool people.
  5. Walking in unknown (to me) areas.
  6. Salad bars at a cool store.
  7. Shower before a meeting.
  8. Nap-time before kids come home.
  9. Big hugs as kids get off the bus.
  10. Not my day for soccer carpool.
  11. Father/son errand (mommy home alone).
  12. Computer time in a quiet house.
  13. Order in my house.
  14. Laundry caught up.
  15. Yummy dinner made by my husband.
  16. Reading the exact meal we had (Ravioli and Green Beans) in the book I'm reading the kids (SCAT)...I love word serendipity.
  17. Kids to bed on time...and me following them shortly after.
  18. Tylenol for my headache this morning.
  19. Morning walk with my friend in the SUNSHINE.
  20. New client who starts at 1pm today!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Rampage of Appreciation: 'Tis a gift to be simple

  1. Admiring my husband for making time to coach my son's soccer team
  2. Hugging my sweaty son after soccer practice (he doesn't stink yet)
  3. Dinner made by my husband AFTER soccer practice
  4. Requiring a hug from each of my kids as admittance to dinner.
  5. Watching a cheesy Disney show with my kids (Camp Rock2)
  6. Hearing about the first day of school from my kids
  7. Looking into my kids' eyes and seeing how 'wiped out' they are from a full first day.
  8. Reading a chapter book to my kids every night...will continue this as long as they'll let me
  9. Spending 2 hours blabbing, questioning, coaching, laughing, commiserating with my coach buddy
  10. Hearing the good news about my husband's review (he makes me proud)
  11. Not getting emotionally involved in my daughter's meltdown before bed
  12. Allowing my husband to 'take over' the final steps of bedtime (he doesn't engage like I do in the drama)
  13. Falling asleep at 9pm
  14. Waking up at 5:45am to have a nice quiet morning to myself
  15. Looking forward to 2 more days of school, and me getting back into my routine
  16. Deep breaths of appreciation for this simple (but full) life I've got.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Rampage of Appreciation: My kids are great!

  1. I love that I wasn't ready for my kids to start school (not always the case in years past)
  2. I love that I have free time now and don't actually know what to do with it
  3. I love that I decided to buy the Costco size tin of Jelly Bellies and hope that it lasts more than a day.
  4. I love that I bought a smelly candle for my office to add a sensory element to my space.
  5. I love that I slept in my bed last night (versus falling asleep on the couch).
  6. I love that my daughter asked me to be with her all morning before school.
  7. I love that both kids allowed me to walk them to their spots in line at school.
  8. I love that I was confident to talk in front of the school parents even though I have a HUGE scab on my upper lip.
  9. I love that my husband is confident that he'll get a good review at work.
  10. I love that my my house is clean.
  11. I love that I am clean.
  12. I love that I have "partner in crime" as a co-chair on the PTA board
  13. I love that I am doing this kind of blog.
  14. I love that I keep typing "I love that"
  15. I love that I remembered to change the picture on my blog.
  16. I love that my cutie pie kids love each other.
  17. I love that my daughter towers over my son when they're only 18 months apart
  18. I love that people's eyes bug out when they hear that my daughter wears a size 8 shoe
  19. I love that my son is so excited to get reading glasses.
  20. I love that...tomorrow I will be doing this again! (hopefully I remember).