Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Finally the age she acts

My darling daughter is 8 today. Since about age 6, she has been pegged as an 8 year old by strangers. This is due to her size and I believe to her maturity level. She is an even-keeled, socially intuitive (a term I made up myself) young lady and she makes us proud. Having said that, lately I feel as if I'm dealing with a premenstrual teenager. We've been getting a lot of lip, slamming doors and sullen expressions. The word on the street though is that some of the boys her age are also acting this maybe, just maybe, it is an age-appropriate thing we're experiencing.

Princess' day has already reached a pinnacle because her Dad surprised her with a Zune...her very own (he works for the 'mothership' who makes them). I struggle with this because I remember being 14 when I got my first walkman (does anyone remember THOSE?), and my 8 year old has her very own state of the art personal music thingy....don't children have to wait for ANYTHING anymore? I AM making her wait to get her ears pierced until she is 13 (I had to be 16). She has pointed out every friend who already has hers pierced, just in the slightest chance that I might be convinced to change my mind....I'm not budging on this one.

Anyway, our 'Do-do' (pronounced doo-doo) is getting old and I am not sure how to feel. On one hand, I am so blessed with a healthy, happy, considerate, loving human being in my life who is growing and thriving; and on the other, my baby-girl isn't little anymore and that makes me sad. Happy Birthday sweet girl!
We have a tradition in our family where we serve breakfast in bed on special days. It started when the kids were 3 and 6. My husband was in Seattle buying us a house and I was back in North Carolina with the kids. It was Mother's Day and they decided to make me breakfast in bed, that was an interesting experience both in bed AND in the kitchen (which I had the pleasure of cleaning up).

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Cleaning for the cleaning lady

It has always been an conundrum to me that we clean for the cleaning lady; but here I am doing the mad dash today to get the house in ship shape order for the cleaning lady (or should I say person). I am having about 18 ladies over tonight to play Bunko and I thought it would be a nice treat not to have to do the scrubbing myself. This is my birthday present to myself (a month late). Unfortunately, by 9am tomorrow, the house will be back to its normal state...oh the humanity.

It was quite difficult to find a picture that represented cleaning in my stash of this is the closest.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Like cats and dogs

Forecast for the week: RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm losing my mind!
Picture taken of our bus stop mascot this morning.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Fooling myself rich

I saw a motivational speaker named James Ray (he was featured in the Secret). He talked about how he was once told to walk around with hundred dollar bill in his pocket at all times and it would help you to "feel" richer. So, I decided, what the heck, what harm could it do?

Since that time, I've had a hundred dollar bill in MY wallet. I'm not sure it is having the effect that it is meant to. The feelings I get when I carry the $100 are; I hope I don't lose my wallet; or, boy I wish I had smaller bills; or, I find that I am explaining to the store clerks that I in fact am not 'super rich' and only have a $100 because I'm trying to fool myself that I am. It also gets tricky when you want to give lunch money, allowance or make a small donation to the kids...but I'm working on a solution. LIKE, carrying more than just a $100 bill. Recently, my dreams were even effected; my car was robbed and everything was stolen in my wallet and my first thought (in my dream) was, darn, they took my $100 bill.

The positives are that I actually spend less money because if, say at the gas station, I go in to buy a "treat" and they only take cash or I must spend more than $10 to use a credit card, I end up passing on the treat. I save money and calories at the same time. Also, a kind stranger gave me 2 free tickets for the bus because my smallest bill was a hundred (not that I told her that).

Now that I've shared this little secret, those of you who are local...better not be trying to dip into my wealthy wallet...ya hear!

Gratitude X 10

  1. Sunny weather for our Hawk Walk and Run fundraiser on Saturday

  2. Hawk Walk and run fundraiser is OVER

  3. Drinks with friends to celebrate Hawk Walk and Run completion

  4. Nothing pressing to do this Sunday

  5. Son sleeping in until 8:30am

  6. Daughter sleeping at friend's house

  7. Spring might be on its way here finally

  8. Warm snuggly hug from Monkey this morning

  9. Reclaiming my house after crazy week last week

  10. Daughter's birthday next Wednesday.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The wheels go round and round

I took the bus yesterday! This was a mini goal I had this week. I'm trying to find creative ways to keep me moving (and oh by the way, save the planet). I had a general idea of the bus routes but things weren't all that smooth. Firstly, I had forgotten any small change (I only had a $100 bill which I'll explain in another post). I just happened to ask the right person where a cash machine was because she gave me 2 free bus passes (note to self, I need to "pay it forward"). I got the 'short bus' which had my destination on it, well, lets say it wasn't the express bus. So I took a scenic route which I really did appreciate because; I saw the lake that looked like glass with crew boats on it; I found a short cut I hadn't known about; and I got to people watch (for a long time). I made it in good time and really didn't mind the ride. Then on the way back, I made a very similar mistake and then some, I got the bus that took me to a different terminal than I needed. No harm done because I had nice passengers help me to find another bus to back-track my way home. Through all of this, I considered it an adventure, and I happened to have the time to do it. I can see doing it again if the time permits.

A few observations:

1) a lot more people take the bus than I had expected.

2) even though a lot of people take the bus, there are still too many cars on the road (including mine). I do think the tide is shifting a little, but not in a huge way.

3) I love public transportation from my days in London and San Francisco, but its a little different and more complicated when you're out in the burbs.

4) there are many people who know A LOT about which bus takes you where....I mean A LOT. One woman told me all she knew (a little like Rain Man).

5) I'm glad I carried my hand sanitizer.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Ridin' along

Yesterday I did my part for Earth Day. I rode my bike all day long to do errands and go to meetings. Since September '07, I had been planning to ride my bike to the kids' school whenever possible. Well, uh...good intentions, not-so-good follow through. Now that I've finally done it, I have no excuses. It was so easy, refreshing and rewarding. I am glad that I gave it a try.

Despite the dead squirrel I passed, the exhaust fumes I inhaled and the behemoth hill I had to walk up with my bike, it was an enjoyable adventure.


For the past week I've been working on a vision board. This all really began in the first part of this year during my 'soul searching'. The theme of vision boards has come up many times, so I thought I'd give it a try. I went through tons of magazines and cut out pictures and words that 'spoke to me'. The themes that came about were health & fitness, meditation (that one is surprise to me), love, and sleep. I also have a few random ones like, organization and art. In addition I clipped a ton of inspirational words. Last night I made an attempt to make some sense of my clippings, and the results are provided here. I now have a goal to make one just focused on finding out "what I want to do with my life". That one might involve a deeper search. One of the inspirational clippings has a quote which sounds like something Oprah might say.

You live your best life when everything's connected, all aspects are aligned...your budget, your time, your style, your family, your self....

Monday, April 21, 2008

If I had a Million Dollars....

...would I change my shopping habits? According to my sister-in-law, NO. I tend to agree with her.

I shop for the kids and myself almost exclusively at consignment stores. I cannot bring myself to buy retail. I get overwhelmed and depressed in those stores, there is too much "stuff" and it is overpriced. I'm happy to let someone else do the paying, and I'll benefit from their style. Its not like I run around looking like an 80's Madonna wannabe, I only buy what might pass as stylish today and often get compliments on my attire.

My favorite consignment stores are Buffalo Exchange, Crossroads and Plato's Closet, but I've been known to go to thriftier stores like Goodwill and Value Village. I'm certain that my daughter will either rebel and only shop high end one day, or there will be therapy involved at some point. For now, she is happy to just be able to shop and buy anything. This thriftiness turns out to be trendy thing because 'recycling' is all the rage. Who knew?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Oh Hail part 2 (or 3 or 5)

Just started hailing rather heavily. Isn't it April 20th?
I had just finished packing a picnic lunch and was going to take the kids for a long bike ride...scratch that.

Gratitude X 10

  1. Date night - Indian food and a movie (Forgetting Sarah Marshall)

  2. Catching up on sleep - 2 hour nap yesterday and slept in until 9:30am today

  3. Keeping fitness and healthy eating on my radar

  4. Eating NO CANDY for a whole week

  5. House remained tidy ALL WEEK - a record of sorts

  6. New pair of shoes - albeit not so fashionable (purple)

  7. Snow might be over for the year - emphasis on might, it snowed yesterday

  8. Friends helping me stay on task with my goals

  9. Emails with my brother - hang in there dude

  10. Remembering everyone's birthday this week...a record of sorts : )

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Momma's got a new pair of shoes

Gone are the days of buying my shoes for the style, price or color. None of that went into the decision for these GRAPE Kool-aid purple shoes. Due to a bum knee from the 1998 London Marathon and recent numbness in my right foot (isn't aging GREAT?), I threw down a chunk of change on a pair of shoes that I would never have chosen. I like more funky colors like orange or green, or very understated colors. Grape Kool-aid purple does not register as cool to me. I think Brooks needs a new fashion director. I would love to use my brand new purple shoes outside, BUT the weather is so nutty. Shortly after taking this picture we had an accumulation of hail AND today it is registering 35 on our thermometer. I'm so confused?

Friday, April 18, 2008

Mad Rush

I am amazed that the kids are fed, clothed, lunches packed and out the door this morning. I woke up at 8:05am and bus came at 8:30am. Bonus is that I only got a little lip from my daughter, and my son staid on task (which is a challenge). Maybe this WILL be a good day despite the cold, damp weather. It may even snow this weekend....What THE?

Thursday, April 17, 2008

My Mommy

Today is my mother's birthday. This year is a big year for her, well actually a smaller year (in the physical sense). She has made changes in her life to become more healthy and fit and I am super proud of her. She has become a whole new person with tons more energy. I LOVE her new outlook and look forward to many years of fun adventures with her. Way to go mommy, I'm proud of you! Love, Me

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Lifetime supply

Monkey: When these die, I'll pick more. I'll always give you flowers mommy. And when I grow up, you'll still be my mom.

I see a dandelion bouquet in my future.

Cowboy boots with shorts are all the rage this spring.

Another Teenager

Today is my nephew's 13th birthday. I think he is one of the coolest boys I've had the chance to get to know. We've often called him cool kid in fact. My children look up to AJH and enjoy tormenting him during our summer beachweek. Monkey makes outfit choices based on AJHs style (except maybe the cowboy boots with shorts). Princess tries to do and say things that will impress him. I am glad to call AJH my nephew AND Godson. Happy Birthday, dude.

Monday, April 14, 2008


Last night Princess had her first experience with shampoo (adult version not the no-more-tears kind) in her eyes. She did not take it well AT ALL. She began screaming like a pig going to slaughter. It was an insanely loud high-pitched scream. It even drew her father into the room to investigate. I would not have been surprised if Child Services and the Police were making their way to our house. Anyway, after some TLC, some Tylenol (a placebo to convince her the pain would stop), some popcorn and a bit of Star Wars watching, she calmed down. Whew, yet another Child Services incident averted...JUST KIDDING....but I'm never going to get Mother of the Year!

By the way, this picture is from when she was 3, NOT from last night...that would be bordering on abusive...but I wouldn't put it past me.

Oh Hail!

What a CRAZY weather pattern we've had...80's on Saturday, 50's on Sunday, and now its hailing. Both kids have sports today (and I'm coaching one of them). According to my friends, sports are not cancelled unless there is lightening...but I'm thinking I might have to VETO that. Well now, as I finish this blog, the hail has stopped and it actually looks brighter now...maybe a blizzard will stop through too right as we're in mid scrimmage. Craziness.


Grumble, grumble, grumble. It is a rainy cold day again. Forecast - rain on Monday, rain on Tuesday, rain on Wednesday and all days in the low 50s. You know, I have a superstition that if you acknowldege out loud that something is going good, then you'll jinx yourself. Well, now I have some data to prove my point. I'm so confused! Help me, I'm meeeeelting!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Gratitude X 10

Many of the books I've read lately have talked about being grateful. I’ve tried to do this on a daily basis. So, on Sundays, I plan to give the Reader’s Digest of my week. I’m going to hold myself to10. Some weeks I’ll want to blather on and on and some weeks I may have to dig deep…this way both the happiness and moonshine sides of me will be challenged. Here goes for this week….

1. Sunshine!

2 Writers block has been thwarted THIS WEEK…stay away you dastardly devil

3. Eating healthier- or should I say thinking about eating healthier – Candy is my nemesis

4. All the jelly beans are out of the house! Now to campaign to get them out of the stores too.

5. Walking with a friend – she gave me hand weights for my birthday so we can look sooo cool

6. Cleaning lady booked for the end of the month (a birthday gift)….now to try to figure out how to get money to have her come on a daily basis. Note to self, buy lottery tickets daily.

7. Rockstar 8 year old soccer players who actually listen to their coach - ‘the goal is the OTHER way!’

8. Monkey playing sports FINALLY: soccer (dad is coaching) & t-ball - he has to wear a cup….have you seen a 6 year old sized cup? So cute!

9. Husband home for dinner every night – AND he cooks the dinner. I hit the jackpot.

10. Having the guts to say NO more often! I still had a friend say that I had the word “sucker” written on my forehead this week….JUST SAY NO.

Peace Out! PS. I cannot seem to figure out how to auto number without numbering my paragraph above...will work on this.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Something in my eye

I woke up with this foreign thing in my eye....the Sun!!!!

Where have you been? I missed you. I thought you were mad at me. I'll do anything to keep you with me, even sell my soul. Please stay. Love, your Vitamin D deprived lover.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Crick in the neck

In an effort to get more buff (notice I said more), my husband has been a regular at the gym. Well, the other day either he over did it OR he is getting OLD because his neck hurts and he moves his head like Frankenstein. He is even taking painkillers which means it really does hurt because he has something against taking meds.

Lucky me, I get to give him backrubs which for some reason is not my favorite thing. I think it is because I really don’t like backrubs myself or probably more true is that I somehow don’t like making him feel good, I’m sadistic that way. Anyway, this might work in my favor in our biggest loser challenge, maybe I’ll set some booby traps so he trips up here and there, mwahahaha.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Window into the soul

About 5 years ago I had a crazy thing happen. I got the courage and confidence to start a small black and white photography business. I had the good fortune of meeting a friend of a friend who was willing to share all of her business and creative ideas with me. I also had help from a now dear friend Mo. She helped design my website and we shared business prospects. This generous act of sharing from these two women has inspired me to always give back to others (mainly other women). We need to support each other and build up confidence in "our own kind". Her information was such a catalyst for me getting the business going. I love working with clients and using my camera as a "window into the soul". When in the flow of my sessions, I can see/imagine what the image will look like in black and white which was so cool to me (almost magical).

Now that I've gone digital it is a bit tricky due to the fact that the images start as color and then I turn them black and white. The fact that the images are now able to be both, it loses its artistic quality to me somehow. I cannot seem to get the nerve up to only provide the black and white versions. It almost feels wasteful to discard the color (eventhough they aren't as special to me).

I now work a little less consistantly than in the beginning, but still dabble with clients and love the results. I feel that I'm at a plateau with my work and am looking for inspiration to either 'take it to the next level' or continue this outlet as is. I'm counting on time and circumstance to give me the answers. I'm putting it out to the univers to give me a sign. The picture attached is of my very first little angel client. I will forever treasure this picture. Peace out.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Perchance to dream

I am STILL AWAKE and its 2:30 am. There is no really good reason except that I've been a busy beaver today with a whole bunch of should I phrase this...well for lack of a better word, crap. I've been so productive that I now can't get my mind to stop working. I must find a pillow and give sleep a try because tomorrow I have to coach 8 active and chatty girls in a soccer match. It is our first one and we are sleepy coach and rusty team might actually make the 6 o'clock news for some craziness. MUST SLEEP

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Stop and Smell the Roses

Recently, I’ve been reading the Eckhart Tolle book A New Earth. It was a really hard book to understand. I found myself reading the book out loud to myself when no one was around. If I tried to read in my head, the words just went swiftly past my eyes without entering into my gray matter. Even reading out loud did not make a huge difference in my comprehension. Nonetheless, I powered through to the end. I have since gone back to read chapter by chapter along with Oprah’s worldwide classroom on Mondays. The interviews with the author provide a lot more clarity, but it is still a stretch for this simple mind.

The one thing that I’ve taken from his writing is the metaphor of the flower as the representation of our "innermost being". It is the symbol of grace, joy and love. It just grows without effort, provides a brief moment of joy and then dies away. In a sense that is what our lives are in the ‘big scheme of things’. It would be nice that in our time on this earth, we CAN provide joy, beauty and love to others.

Since reading about this metaphor, I’ve literally and figuratively “stopped to smell the roses”. I will look more intently at the flowers, I'll gaze at the snow capped mountains of the Cascades, I’ll stop to stare at the cloud formations before a big rain, and I’ll remain still to watch an eagle go about its business of hunting for food (hopefully not me). I’m not sure that I have always taken those moments in the past. They provide me with a sense of peace. I almost feel proud of myself for stopping and appreciating (which is teetering on being an ego-motivated act which is a no-no for Mr. Tolle). I am trying to point out these finer details to the kids. I cannot expect them to appreciate nature as an adult can or would because their lives (by definition of being a child) are egocentric.

If spring ever comes to the Pacific Northwest (where are you sun and warmth???), I WILL stop and smell the roses, thankyouverymuch. Happiness and sunshine!

NOTE: Cutie petutie picture I did for a client

Monday, April 7, 2008

And they're off!

In attempt to "Stop the Madness" I've come up with a little 'sumpin' for my husband, a couple up the street and me to do. We're going to play 'Biggest Loser'! We weighed in yesterday and have until May 15 to do 'whatever' we want to try to lose some poundage. Then we'll weigh in that morning, and the one with the largest percentage lost will win. The ultimate prize is still up in the air. On Saturday (the day this idea was born), lots of ideas were swimming around over beers, tacos, chips and other things that add to our girth. Luckily 'wife swapping' did not come up as a reward!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Stop the MADNESS

Many of my friends and family know of my peculiar practices in the start of the new year. About five years ago, I had overdone it during the Holidays and felt like a bloated sack of you know what. I decided that, at the stroke of midnight on New Years, I’d give up junk food until Easter. This practice has stuck with me since. It has its inherent issues. One is that Easter sometimes is early and sometimes is VERY LATE. Also, my birthday often falls in the middle of Easter so I cannot even eat cake.
This weird ritual confounds some, they take it personally and try to poke holes in my commitment and rational. Others think it is interesting and wish they had the self control, while others think I am a coo-coo bird. While I am in my state of denial of all things yummy, I really don’t find it to be a challenge. You can shove a big bowl of chips and salsa in front of me and I’ll not touch one. Candy in a dish, not a second look. Birthday cake, no biggie.

Once Easter day hits though, I am the exact opposite of my saintly self. I cannot get enough candy into my mouth fast enough; I eat anything and everything that is not good for me and shun anything that has a nutritional content higher than zero. I always think that this gorging behavior will “just be for a few days”…but it lingers. I’ll start the day out saying no to junk and then I’ll pass by a 7-11 and mysteriously need to ‘buy something’ there. Then, I’ll try to pass by a fast food joint thinking I don’t eat that kind of food anymore, and find my car has a life of its own as it pulls into the parking lot of DQ.

Easter has come and gone and I have been true to form. We had a Costco sized bin of Jelly Bellies that were demolished in a matter of days. I’ve snuck a few bits of candy from the kids, I had jelly beans for breakfast AND lunch and the madness continues. Junk Fest 2008 MUST end....I'm drumming up a solution which will be revealed when the details are finalized. In the meantime, I hear some jelly beans calling my name...yes dears, I'll be right there!

Crossed wires

Huge disappointments for me. I saw no LIVE whales. Every morning I would lie in bed visualizing a whale off in the distance, tail out of water, hump of the head cresting, water spouting. Then I 'felt the feelings' I would have if I saw one. That is what they say to do in order to manifest what you want. Well, I saw (and continue to see) all sorts of whales, but none are alive. I've seen paintings, sculptures, preserved bones and a bench in the shape of a whale, but none of the real thing.
I think my visualization technique is off because, instead of seeing whales, I saw EIGHT live deer on three different occasions while in Oregon....What's with that?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Off to see whales

I HOPE!!!!

We're headed to the Oregon coast for a few days. Books say whale sightings are possible between March and September (or something like that). One of my goals for the year was to see a whale (besides at an aquarium). Another thing to check off my list!
May not be able to post to the blog until we're back....

Found my calling

A conversation with Monkey while putting him to bed last night. We were listing things that we are good at:

Him: Daddy's good at fixing things.

Me: Princess is good at dancing, you are good at making noises with your mouth (ie plane, car and gun), and I'm good at photography.

Him: No mommy, you are good at hugs.