Sunday, April 6, 2008

Stop the MADNESS

Many of my friends and family know of my peculiar practices in the start of the new year. About five years ago, I had overdone it during the Holidays and felt like a bloated sack of you know what. I decided that, at the stroke of midnight on New Years, I’d give up junk food until Easter. This practice has stuck with me since. It has its inherent issues. One is that Easter sometimes is early and sometimes is VERY LATE. Also, my birthday often falls in the middle of Easter so I cannot even eat cake.
This weird ritual confounds some, they take it personally and try to poke holes in my commitment and rational. Others think it is interesting and wish they had the self control, while others think I am a coo-coo bird. While I am in my state of denial of all things yummy, I really don’t find it to be a challenge. You can shove a big bowl of chips and salsa in front of me and I’ll not touch one. Candy in a dish, not a second look. Birthday cake, no biggie.

Once Easter day hits though, I am the exact opposite of my saintly self. I cannot get enough candy into my mouth fast enough; I eat anything and everything that is not good for me and shun anything that has a nutritional content higher than zero. I always think that this gorging behavior will “just be for a few days”…but it lingers. I’ll start the day out saying no to junk and then I’ll pass by a 7-11 and mysteriously need to ‘buy something’ there. Then, I’ll try to pass by a fast food joint thinking I don’t eat that kind of food anymore, and find my car has a life of its own as it pulls into the parking lot of DQ.

Easter has come and gone and I have been true to form. We had a Costco sized bin of Jelly Bellies that were demolished in a matter of days. I’ve snuck a few bits of candy from the kids, I had jelly beans for breakfast AND lunch and the madness continues. Junk Fest 2008 MUST end....I'm drumming up a solution which will be revealed when the details are finalized. In the meantime, I hear some jelly beans calling my name...yes dears, I'll be right there!

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