Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Progress in 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Monday, December 29, 2008
Missing the feeling

Sunday, December 28, 2008
Gratitude X 10
Friday, December 26, 2008

- Perseverence and taking a risk...we made it to DC 2 days early and have tons of stories to tell
- Enjoying family time, food, drink and merriment
- Kids at Christmas...pure joy
- Grandma E's sugar cookies
- Granpa E's Christmas dinner
- Baby laughs
- Feeling 'at home' with family
- Night out with our best friends in DC
- Gift giving
- Comfort of my family
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Hope floats
Monday, December 22, 2008
Change of address

Change of plans

Sunday, December 21, 2008
Gratitude X 10
- Winterwonderland in my front yard
- 4 lazy days with my family (with some spurts of snow energy)
- Icecicles hanging from our roof (Princess loves collecting them)
- Sledding
- Snowball fights with my kids
- Warm boots, pants, coats, gloves, scarves
- Heat
- Power
- Snow hike with monkey where we collected dinosaur meat to survive because we were the only ones left on earth
- HOPE (that we will be landing in DC on time tomorrow safe and sound)
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Batten down the hatches

Then there are the neighbors across the street...they are...shall we say, different. The dad/husband has a generator (and a back up generator). He looks forward and is "hoping" that our power goes out (his daughters told me I'm not speculating here). He wants to show himself and the n'hood that he is prepared for the 'end of the world'. They admit that they were stocked and ready for Y2K. The problem I have with his model is that HE WANTS THE POWER TO GO OUT....doesn't he realize that most of the rest of the world DOES NOT HAVE A GENERATOR. Anyway, we are ready and waiting for what Mother Nature has in store and we'll be as prepared as can be for the next few days. Our main hope is that by Monday morning at 6am we are on a plane to DC safely making our journey the waiting arms of Grandma E (and Grandpa)....I know she is anxious for our arrival and I love that about her.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Fright Night
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Chance of Snow Day

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Dear Santa
Monday, December 15, 2008
Nature AND Nurture

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Gratitude X 10

- Slight dusting of snow which made the kids giddy last night
- Holiday party (and after party) with neighborhood friends
- Clean house
- Husband safely home
- Sleep
- Books I'm reading
- Commitment to organizing my house
- New basketball shoes for the kids...monkey said the quintessential kid thing...."I can run faster and jump higher" it!
- Daughter enjoying reading more and more
- One more week until holiday travel begins...getting excited.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Not much
- It DIDN'T snow last night eventhough that is all the news covered was the CHANCE of snow (it did snow in the mountainous areas)
- My husband is home safe in bed catching up on sleep from his 2 week trip...Michigan, NYC, San Fran, home, Paris and London, then home. We are happy to have him here
- I have a photoshoot this morning with a cutie petutie 2 year old
- My kids both have basketball games and it is picture day for them....I don't care about sport pictures for some reason, so it is tedious to make special arrangements for this
- My house is still clean from my party on Thursday. I spilled Pomegranate juice on my counter and it is now in all of the drawers. It will be a few days before I feel confidant that it is clean.
- My tummy hurts a little
- I have a little more holiday shopping to do. I am having a hard time shopping for Monkey while Princess is a synch...she likes all things fashionable at the moment.
- I am getting excited about traveling to DC for the holidays
- I'm tired of thinking of 10 things
- I'm glad I am at 10 now.
Peace out!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Hello Pillow

Thursday, December 11, 2008
A Day of it

- I woke up in a warm and cozy bed
- My children woke up in a warm and cozy bed
- My house is 90% ready for the party tonight
- I have an overflowing schedule doing things that are useful to others
- My husband is in London visiting with our dear friends (really that isn't gratitude it is jealousy)
- My kids have food to eat for breakfast, lunch AND dinner
- I have the time, energy and health to successfully get through this day
- I will be interacting with tons of people throughout the day (which gives me energy)
- I am going to see a play with Monkey's class (we're walking to a local theater)
- I love my life
On a totally different and 100% more important note...please everyone who reads this say a prayer or whatever you are inclined to do for my friend's sister who has a very serious and complicated brain aneurysm and will be operated on tomorrow. She has 4 daughters and a husband and and extended family who love and wish for her to be well.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Grumpy McGrumpster

Monday, December 8, 2008
Fire drills

Here is my plan for myself. I have cupboards, closets, bookshelves, cubby holes, piles etc that need to be cleared out. I thought I'd try a little experiment. I am going to list the top 10 things that are bothering me from a home organization perspective and test how much I can get done in 15 minutes on each item. Now, I may have to make some areas a double dip where I believe they are too large for just one fire drill. So here are the rules (that I made up just today).
1) Make a list of the things (up to 10 if you are brave and remember you can double dip (but them as 1,2,3 on your list)
2) Prioritize the list whatever way feels good (least scary, highest impact, most visible, biggest pain in the ass, smallest pain in the ass)
3) Set the intention that every day I will set the timer for 15 minutes and see what progress I can make on my item (checking it off as you get done).
4) My goal is to keep it simple and manageable so I may just do one item per day
5) After each item, I will celebrate my success by doing something for myself (buy a coffee, watch a show, read a book, take a nap...whatever)
6) Also after each item I will acknowledge the hold that item had on me and release it and not beat myself up for how it got there or how 'little it took' to get rid of it
7) After 10 days (and all items checked off)....I will reward myself buy a piece of clothing? go to lunch? watch tv all night? read a whole book? buy flowers?
My list is below:
1. My closet - done
2. My closet - done
3. Linen closet -done
4. Coat closet
5. Other linen closet
6. Laundry room
7. Garage
8. Garage
9. Playroom
10. Playroom
My other big thing that has been 'bothering me' is my photo albums being now and Dec 22, I am going to find 15 minute 'spots of time' to make progress...the list of things I need to do is:
Day One: Assess how many albums I need (making sure to buy one for 2009)
Day Two: Buy albums
Day Three: Find out how far back I am behind in printing pictures
Day Four: Put all pictures I have printed already in one box
Day Five: Separate pictures by year (and further by 'time of year')
Day Six & Seven: Go online and purchase the pictures for each year (up to the number of pages in ONE book per year)
Day 8 & Nine: Organize newly purchased pictures by year and general date
Day 10/11: Put pictures in albums (and drink wine!)
Does this sound like a challenge for you too? Even though we might argue we don't have time because of the holidays...what a gift to give ourselves for 2009 to start out a little more 'organized'....that is my thought anyway!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Show me the money

Friday, December 5, 2008
Under Pressure

To further his training for adulthood, my son just barely made the bus, he ran to it with his coat half on, papers flying in his hands and a look of fear. Isn't that what we do often as adults when we are carrying the weight of the world. I have to say I do feel a tiny bit of guilt for my son's morning stress, but I also chalk it up to a learning experience for us all.
Thursday, December 4, 2008

When my husband is away, we shift our standards at home. Bedtime is looser, more tv is watched, meals barely resemble healthy choices and other fun shenanigans like eating out, messy house, and laundry strike. I actually feel awesome about this scenario, I don't beat myself up, I consider it 'the way' and we all lean into it. I feel that mommy is happier and the kids miss daddy less (because they're being brainwashed by the tv).
After our 'brinner' last night Monkey said:
Mommy, you don't do dinner as well as daddy, but you're really good at cooking breakfast.
I support that assessment and "am one with it". There was no offense taken by me and I actually felt proud that he likes my breakfasts...all is good here in Bizarro World when daddy is away.
For dinner tonight....hmmmm, mac and cheese is looking really good!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Angel boy

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Kindness of strangers
- There is kindness in the world
- That I was calm and 'not attached to the outcome' but hopeful
- That I actually now have a new friend (albeit via email at the moment)
- That being honest doesn't hurt that badly
- That I need to slow down a little.
Namaste ("I salute the divine in you.") my new friend.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Finding normal
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Gratitude X 10
- Mashed Potatoes
- My brother and his kids
- My fun town
- Walking everyday
- Crockpot dinners made by my niece
- Free babysitting from my niece
- The relationship my kids have with their cousins
- More fun photography for my 'stash'
- Happy husband 'cause his team won - go Hokies
- Great Grandma Laitinen (because without her I wouldn't have my husband...think about it). I wish comfort to my husband and his family on Monday and Tuesday as they remember her.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
All we are saying.....
Friday, November 28, 2008
Playing Tourist
Thursday, November 27, 2008
T is for Turkey

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
A Michigan Rose

The random coincidence of this is that my daughter is doing a family tree for a classroom project and my mother-in-law provided this information
Mother: Rosemary Irene Nuranen (maiden name), the oldest of 14 children
Birthdate: February 14, 1923
Birth Location: Highway Location, Michigan
On the form it also asked for date deceased and it was left blank. The project has not been submitted so we will have to add this new information. We will miss you Grandma Rose. This picture was taken in 2007 and is 4 generations and the baby in her arms has Rosemary as her middle name. Her legacy will carry on.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Busy Readying

Monday, November 24, 2008
Touchstone Moments

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Gratitude X 10

- Report cards with all good grades
- Big PTA program nearly over
- Many coaching hours
- New friendships developing through my coaching
- Making progress toward my 300 mile goal...43 miles to go
- 2 mile walk with my son brings tears thinking how special it was
- 3 mile adventure with both kids where we pretended to be elves in leaf world
- 24 hour flu is over
- Standing down my guard on the 'hair issues of the past'
- Night out with friends for drinks, appetizers, and evening at the symphony (the pianist rocked)
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Proud Mama Bear

I, personally, adore BOTH your children, and I think the crowning moment of Thursday night was when [Princess] ran up to [Monkey] and gave him the biggest hug for his achievement. Not only did she hug--but he hugged back.
Friday, November 21, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008
Piano pros and cons

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Dinner menu

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Alice doesn't live here anymore
Monday, November 17, 2008
Clean Mind, Body and Soul

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Gratitude X 10
- Brand new fancy shoes for $8
- Saturday night at a birthday party only for adults (for a new friend of mine)
- Babysitters
- Sunny days
- High School Musical on Ice (I'm a sucker for this stuff and I'm lucky I have children to give me excuses to see them)
- Busy-ness around my coaching - loving it!
- My family has healthy hair, my family has healthy hair
- Invitation to be in a bookclub - Reading A Complaint Free World
- 40th Birthday trip plan has been set - Austin, TX in April with "My Girls" from college
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Circle of Healing

Friday, November 14, 2008
Many Hats

Today I was a:
1) Mother - kids to school and home
2) New friend - a long conversation with a new acquaintance from my coaching program
3) Business coach/consultant - new client
4) Coach/therapist - to an old friend
5) Daughter - mommy called
6) President - 'holdin' down the schoolhouse'
7) Wife - this lice thing has kept us apart a bit....on separate couches, separate beds, separate schedules a kiss bye in the morning and kiss hi in the evening is our M/O right now.
Did I wear the hats well? questionable
Did I actually wear them? figuratively yesAm I proud of myself? yes because on the whole I'm doing the best I can with all good intentions and that, right now, is what I am all now what hat do I wear....PARTY HAT!
Its Friday! Maybe we'll do the "La Cucaracha" with our "la nitty, nattas"....OK that was really bad, I think I'm losing it. This post is officially OVER. Peace out.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Pesonal Hero