Saturday, March 29, 2008

I would walk 100 miles...

One of my new year resolutions for 2008 is to walk 300 miles by the end of the year. A mini goal was to walk 100 miles by my birthday (March 25). The walking is in addition to normal everyday getting around walking. I racked up the miles via eliptical, stariclimber, treadmill or good old fashioned walking outside. Some weeks I was committed 100% (just like Horton) on other weeks I could barely scrape a mile together. Well, talk about coming in under the wire, I had to walk 4 miles every day for the last three days to make my goal, but I did only 200 more until 1/1/09. That seems doable. I don't think I could have done it (from a commitment point of view) if it weren't for L.P. up the hill, her morning calls (and sometimes mine to her) kept me on track. Here's to accountability and friendship (raise your moonshine one and all).

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