Sunday, November 30, 2008

Gratitude X 10

  1. Mashed Potatoes
  2. My brother and his kids
  3. My fun town
  4. Walking everyday
  5. Crockpot dinners made by my niece
  6. Free babysitting from my niece
  7. The relationship my kids have with their cousins
  8. More fun photography for my 'stash'
  9. Happy husband 'cause his team won - go Hokies
  10. Great Grandma Laitinen (because without her I wouldn't have my husband...think about it). I wish comfort to my husband and his family on Monday and Tuesday as they remember her.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

All we are saying.....

They shall beat their swords into phoughshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation neither shall they learn war any more. Isaiah. 11.4

I just decided to dive into my $2 quote book and found this. It made me laugh and remember my 7th grade speech I made about the nuclear holocaust (that I was certain was going to happen). My father was instrumental in finding this bible quote for me. I don't know if my fixation on the doom of the world was because of my outlook on life, the hormones raging in my body in those pubescent days or the fact that my dad was somewhat involved in the arms race. Each of us had to make a speech that year and mine was pretty dire I guess. I don't believe I ever really paid attention to the words from that passage, but they still resonate today in terms of wanting peace and a unified outlook on humanity. I am doing my best to live a peace-filled life and if we could all do the same perhaps we could approach the sentiments of this bible verse. What is the harm in trying?

Friday, November 28, 2008

Playing Tourist

Isn't it the case that you never explore your own hometown as much as when you're on vacation somewhere else? Today I had the opportunity to play tourist with my brother and niece. We started out at the 5 Spot for brunch which is now our favorite place to take our guests. We did the Underground Tour which I had not done in the 2.5 years we've been here. We also went into local 'must do' stores, had a snack at an Irish Pub and just spent a lovely day out and about (even in the drizzly rain). I had a fun with my camera too and have tons more 'footage' for my posts (actually my niece had the camera for most of the time, but I'm going to claim them as mine because they are 'my style'). It is now 'nap time' for all so, off to get in cozy clothes, wrap up in a blankie, turn on the boob tube and let the afternoon "happen" however it must. I love these types of days especially when there are bodies in the house doing the same 'nothing' that I am.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

T is for Turkey

Today is a day of family, food, TV, triptophan coma and more of the same. So, this post is short and sweet with a thought of gratitude for the life I have, the people who make my life great and a specific prayer for those who aren't able to be with family, keep them safe and well on this special day.

I also want to do a belated shout out to my sister-in-law whose birthday was earlier this week. I have no good excuses. I know that she is enjoying her family today because she of all the people I know holds family most near and dear and I appreciate her for that. She and my older brother are hosting my wayward parents this weekend and that makes me happy to know that they'll be well cared for.

We're about to prepare Trevor the Turkey (my niece decided that Tom is so "last year"). Cheers!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Michigan Rose

Yesterday Grandma Laitinen (my husband's grandma) passed. We will miss our visits with her when we go to the U.P. to the lake house that she and Grandpa Laitinen built. My thoughts and well wishes are with the extended Laitinen family.

The random coincidence of this is that my daughter is doing a family tree for a classroom project and my mother-in-law provided this information

Mother: Rosemary Irene Nuranen (maiden name), the oldest of 14 children
Birthdate: February 14, 1923
Birth Location: Highway Location, Michigan

On the form it also asked for date deceased and it was left blank. The project has not been submitted so we will have to add this new information. We will miss you Grandma Rose. This picture was taken in 2007 and is 4 generations and the baby in her arms has Rosemary as her middle name. Her legacy will carry on.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Busy Readying

Today I am busy 'readying' my house for our lovely guests, my brother and his kids. We are excited to have them for the rest of the week to enjoy our city, family time, Thanksgiving and whatever else transpires. I know that my brother wouldn't care if our house was a pig sty, but it is not in my nature to allow guests in our house without a little cleaning. My husband is actually more 'worried' about cleaning for guests than I am which makes for an interesting mix. He makes me so 'uncomfortable' when he is buzzing around the house doing his cleaning. Firstly, his cleaning schedule and mine are not always in sync. Secondly, his standards of clean are different than mine (picked up is clean to him). Thirdly, he sometimes moves my piles OR culls them and that drives me crazy. What he does is moves my piles INTO THE CENTER OF THE ROOM SO THAT I HAVE TO DEAL WITH THEM....instead of leaving it neatly stacked on the surface that I HAD DECIDED TO PUT IT IN THE FIRST PLACE. I've asked him NOT to move my piles and it still seems to happen. One day I'm going to move the pile exactly back from whence he moved it and see how that plays out. Did you know that in England "piles" is actually the term for Hemorrhoids....which equates to Pain in the Ass...which is what I feel about Ed moving my piles.

Anyway, those are my issues and my thoughts not his so at some point I should just accept this 'dance' we do and take care of what I want and he what he wants. But word to the wise, don't be messing with my piles!!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Touchstone Moments

This weekend I shared several lovely moments with my children (albeit when I wasn't feeling well).

Saturday 9am: Marathon Monopoly Junior game with Princess. We had lost the money for the game so we got creative. I now realize that my daughter is a hoarder when it comes to money (a good quality to have for the state of the world today), but also generous when she sees others who are less fortunate (she donated many dollars to me to keep me in the game).

Saturday 1pm: Monkey and I went on a 2 mile walk. Along the way we sprinted, we stopped to look at berries, plants, strange trees and other natural wonders AND we sang 100 bottles of beer on the wall...(I tried to go with 100 bottles of Coke but he knew the real lyrics and wanted to stick with that). The connections we made during that time just warms my heart.

Sunday 2:30pm: Princess, Monkey and I went for a 3 mile hike that involved some rock climbing, trailblazing and imagination. Princess got very involved in a wonderful imaginary world where there was a troll under a bridge, where we had to make ourselves invisible if we saw humans and where we were living in Leaf World. Sometimes I forget that she is just a child and that she likes to play...she seems so mature most of the time and it is hard to tell.

Based on the success of our weekend adventures, I now want more. When my husband and I were driving home from our evening at the Symphony (another touchstone moment) we both were gushing about how great our kids are and that we need to really focus on this time of 'greatness' because we suspect in the teen years, our moments will be few and fleeting....hopefully I am wrong!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Gratitude X 10

  1. Report cards with all good grades
  2. Big PTA program nearly over
  3. Many coaching hours
  4. New friendships developing through my coaching
  5. Making progress toward my 300 mile goal...43 miles to go
  6. 2 mile walk with my son brings tears thinking how special it was
  7. 3 mile adventure with both kids where we pretended to be elves in leaf world
  8. 24 hour flu is over
  9. Standing down my guard on the 'hair issues of the past'
  10. Night out with friends for drinks, appetizers, and evening at the symphony (the pianist rocked)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Proud Mama Bear

Here is an excerpt from an email I received about my kids

I, personally, adore BOTH your children, and I think the crowning moment of Thursday night was when [Princess] ran up to [Monkey] and gave him the biggest hug for his achievement. Not only did she hug--but he hugged back.

My kids participated in a National art program for the public school PTAs which is called Reflections. I had a role in the planning and execution of this program, and it culminated in a reception for all participants. As I had involvement in the program, I MADE my kids participate. Princess did a photograph, Monkey painted a picture. The theme of the program this year is WOW and the kids had to artistically represent what WOW meant to them through visual arts, photography, literature, dance, video or music composition. In year's past, Princess has been recognized for her work and in one case was chosen to move to the next level in the competition.

This year, the tides shifted and Monkey was chosen in his age group and Princess was not. I knew this going into the reception and was preparing my speech about how it is fair, how she has had her moments in the past, how her category is different than his and that it is more competitive in her age group....I was ready for "the talk". All my planning was 'for naught' because the moment Princess found out that Monkey was a finalist she was very proud and announced it to everyone. She never made one comment about her NOT making it.

At the reception I made special announcements for the finalists and they came up individually to collect their certificates and ribbons, when I called Monkey up, Princess ran up and gave him a genuine hug. I did not witness this but two parents have independently told me how sweet that moment was. How can I not be proud of them both. Did I have anything to do with this love for each other? I'd like to think so, but it could easily be a gift we were given in the genetic lottery. If you were in my house this very minute, your opinion might change about them because they are playing Lego Star Wars on Xbox and keep grumping at each other!

Friday, November 21, 2008


It is grade time for our 1st and 3rd grader. It is so funny how nervous I get opening their grades. It must hearken back to my anxiety as a child. Also, in some way I see the grades of my children as a reflection of my parenting skills (eventhough that might be misguided). I am confident just in knowing my kids that they CAN perform at least at standard and if they aren' gets 'personal' for both my husband and me and we work hard at home to fill in the gaps. The grades for this time around make us proud! Now for more of the same at home and school....and it will be a successful school year!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Piano pros and cons

The story goes that my parents had bought a piano for me to have when we lived in Iceland that was to be mine when I left the house for good. Well, said piano was too big and cumbersome for my efficiency apartment in Wisconsin in grad school, my rental in Mississippi, my 1 bedroom I rented from a friend in DC, my 3 flats in London, my tiny apartment in San get the picture, I didn't really have a need for a piano until I had kids and started buying houses with my husband (houses not as in many at one time, but many because we don't sit still). Well, the elusive piano got tricky because my husband didn't really see the value in adding a clunky piece of furniture to our home that he did not believe it would be played or be useful through our the piano never made it to our house and it now has a lovely spot in my brother's guest room (because he DID want it in his house). As we made our big hop across the country to Washington state I believed that any hopes of having a piano in my home was lost.

I just happened to tell my friend's mother my story about my piano and how I would still love a piano but husband -notsomuch. Well, my friend's mother "does" estate sales and the very next day she called me with the news that she had found a good condition piano for $150. It so happened that my husband was out of town and I got a wild hair and bought the piano site unseen and without the 'nod' from my husband. This was the first time I had ever done such a thing....buying something significant like this, without a discussion, while also knowing that we weren't in complete felt GOOD!

Our piano is now tucked in our dining room, not exactly fitting but 'who cares'. My daughter takes to the piano famously, loves her lessons and has blown through one book and is onto another.

I am now in the spot that my parent's were circa 1986 when I was trying to learn Fur Elise and played the intro OVER, and OVER, and OVER. Now I'm feeling the same sort of love hate thing with my daughter's music because she either gets stuck and tries and tries again OR she plays her favorite song every day, many times a day, all week long. The new issue is that her book right now can guess.... Christmas songs. I'm already tired of Jingle Bells and Joy to the World...what am I going to do for the next month and a half? Between the holiday music at the stores and the piano music at home, I might show my Grinchy side at times!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Dinner menu

For dinner tonight....yummy baby thighs with a side of gummy cheeks. It is painful to hear them cry when I eat them.....but I cannot help myself.

Why is it that we say, "That baby is so cute I could eat her"? Or, "Her thighs look good enough to eat". I said some of those very words last Saturday when I photographed this yummy 5 month old baby.....too funny! We all had a load of laughs at her expense....I'm sure her parents will pay at some point in the future.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Alice doesn't live here anymore

One of the techniques for my coaching program is to identify your "inner lizard" and name it. The concept of the inner lizard refers to what scientists have identified as deepest layers of the brain which they call the reptilian brain because it is said to be evolved from early vertebrates. This portion of the brain constantly sends out survival fears (like a broadcast) that can be considered lack or attack fears...either we don't have enough of something or we are in real danger. Examples of these human lack or attacks fears (ie your inner lizard) may be the times that you've consistently talked yourself out of something, or when you have certain thoughts or behaviors that you do in times where you are out of your comfort zone, or when you constantly compare yourself to others. Martha Beck describes this much more eloquently and in depth in her book Finding Your Own North Star.

It took me a while to even want to acknowledge that I had a lizard...but as my time in my program has progressed I've really gotten to know my lizard well. My lizard's qualities are: that I can allow people to make me feel small and less significant. It either can be people who show me signs that they believe they know what they're talking about so I defer to their judgement (even if I might have an equally good (or better) idea), my lizard also likes to compare me to all the others out there and likes to talk me into thinking I'll never be good enough, finally, if someone just is a grumpy person and wants to grump all over me, I'll let them and even try my darndest to make them like me even though that isn't even the point of the issue. As I think about these qualities and I think about how I describe them, I often use the term "I make myself small". So as I keep using that phrase, the idea of the story of Alice in Wonderland becoming small came to me (this also fits with an earlier theme in my life).

So, Internet, meet Alice (the lizard), everyone.

As I've gotten to know Alice a little better, I've been able to 'objectify her' (through this technique) and sometimes I can even say "Oh that is Alice talking" or, "I'm not letting Alice win this one", or I can just see when my reactions are Alice reactions. By no means have I solved my issues with this, but I have another way of looking at things and ways of challenging my thoughts. So, eventually, the goal is to transition Alice from playing an active role in my life to being a mere character in a little doll house having a perpetual tea party with the Mad Hatter. Instead of lack or attack, I will be amused (like the Cheshire Cat) by what her story used to be....that is the goal anyway. So what is your Lizard and what is it's name?

Monday, November 17, 2008

Clean Mind, Body and Soul

Every Monday at 10am I have a class via telephone.
Every morning prior to the class I clean.

The cleaning is a quick paced run around the house picking up, wiping down, sweeping, taking trash out, loading the laundry, making beds kind of clean.

As much as I'd like to say I do this because I am such a neat and tidy person, I actually believe it has something to do with my 10am class.

It feels almost like a meditation ritual for me to have my home 'prepared' for ME when I have my enlightening hour and a half call.

I have likened it to nesting and I am preparing for the 'birth of the new me'.

Besides being clean for my calls though, it is a great way to start the week and frees up my time to either go 'deeper' into my cleaning later, or just to have the house tidy for when my husband comes home because he is a 'tidy house' kind of guy and I'm DESPERATELY trying to honor that....and I feel more settled too when it is 'just so'. I am still waiting for the cleaning person to knock on my door and say, surprise, I've decided to give away a weekly cleaning to YOU for the rest of your life....'on the house'. Is that at all possible? Universe, are you listening?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Gratitude X 10

  1. Brand new fancy shoes for $8
  2. Saturday night at a birthday party only for adults (for a new friend of mine)
  3. Babysitters
  4. Sunny days
  5. High School Musical on Ice (I'm a sucker for this stuff and I'm lucky I have children to give me excuses to see them)
  6. Busy-ness around my coaching - loving it!
  7. My family has healthy hair, my family has healthy hair
  8. Invitation to be in a bookclub - Reading A Complaint Free World
  9. 40th Birthday trip plan has been set - Austin, TX in April with "My Girls" from college

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Circle of Healing

Last night my family participated in a wonderful ancient ceremony we like to call...KILL THE NITS. We (really "I") decided to have a healing ceremony to finally end our journey with these critters (actually the shampoo bottle says to do the treatment 7 days after first application). We stood in a circle, held hands, closed our eyes and took some yoga breaths (well Monkey did heiena breaths). Then I asked all members of the tribe to visualize the tops of their heads seeing cleanness, shiny scalps (like glistening water on an ocean), to visually run their fingers through their scalps and describe what you see...I had everyone yell...NOTHING. Then we chanted..."Our family is Nit Free, our family is nit free, our family is nit free". Then we ceremoniously doused our heads with pesticidal shampoo (not really but I'm sure there is something toxic in it) then we combed with nit combs. In the middle of our hair treatments I had a revelation....we should no long say NIT FREE because just saying the word (I'm not going to write it again by the way) may be telling the universe that we want more of our new family mantra is.....drum roll.....We have Healthy Hair (WHHH), We have Healthy Hair, We Have Healthy, Hair....WHHH - eeeeeee....and then my husband called some people and I am now wearing a nice new WHITE jacket and I'm typing this with my mouth and a pen because the jacket strangely makes it hard to use my hands! tra-la-la-la...peace out.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Many Hats

How many hats do you wear in a day?

Today I was a:

1) Mother - kids to school and home

2) New friend - a long conversation with a new acquaintance from my coaching program

3) Business coach/consultant - new client

4) Coach/therapist - to an old friend
5) Daughter - mommy called
6) President - 'holdin' down the schoolhouse'

7) Wife - this lice thing has kept us apart a bit....on separate couches, separate beds, separate schedules a kiss bye in the morning and kiss hi in the evening is our M/O right now.

Did I wear the hats well? questionable

Did I actually wear them? figuratively yes

Am I proud of myself? yes because on the whole I'm doing the best I can with all good intentions and that, right now, is what I am all now what hat do I wear....PARTY HAT!

Its Friday! Maybe we'll do the "La Cucaracha" with our "la nitty, nattas"....OK that was really bad, I think I'm losing it. This post is officially OVER. Peace out.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Pesonal Hero

OK, so how cool would it feel if your father said that you were his personal hero...that would be like the ultimate in awesome I believe. Well, that is what my dad said about my brother. He is returning home ANY MINUTE NOW from Afghanistan. The welcome committee is prepped, ready and waiting at the airport to envelope him back into their lives and one of those greeters will be my father. Who, by the way is a hero himself...Vietnam, Beirut, cold war (hunting submarines from the air) and much more (that he wasn't supposed to tell me because he'd of had to kill me). So for a hero to call a hero a hero is like -CACHOW....Superman and Batman as BFFs. Welcome home brother....and I have a warm girlie colored bed (my daughter's) for you when you come for Thanksgiving...or I could throw you in the basement on the hard cold floor if that is more comfortable for you at the moment having done that for 9 months! I love you man and am aching to squeeze you myself....Nov 25 cannot come soon enough.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Feelin' good in the Neighborhood

I just felt like writing that title because it rhymes so well...imagine it being said gooood, and hooood just was fun to say.

Anway, the reason why I wanted to use those words is because that is how I'm feeling about my coaching 'ride' I am on. I've been actively coaching people for about 3 weeks now and it feels awesome. It feels exactly right to be going down that path....that is not to say I've not stumbled and skinned my knees from the Stones in my path...but I like this is goooood in the neighborhooooood. I want more of this feeling and I want it NOW (ala Verca Salt).

I've been just taking it all in, reading, coaching, listening, connecting, writing, thinking, brainstorming...all kinds of 'ings' around this and I like how I'm spending my time.

I must give a shout out to my parents for MOST of this energy and passion. They were so supportive of me in my life and because of it, I fell into my master's degree in industrial and organizational psychology (say that 5 times fast) so effortlessly, which lead to management consulting, and so on and so forth. Now in this time of my journey they have been my ultimate cheerleaders and have really made this a possibility for me (they know what they've done). The way that I was 'pushed over the threshold' for this was by my mother. She said that if I did this, it would be somewhat of a gift to her because in her past she denied herself some soul 'filling' endeavors because of circumstance and misguided advice and I was essentially doing it for HER and all other women who have given up on a dream (well maybe not that deep, but something like it). So, she made me feel empowered to take this on JUST FOR find out what I can do and to create a life that I dear mother....I am grateful to you and I love you dearly (and you too daddy). Big Hug! Now I'm off to follow the yellow brick road....lions and tigers and bears...oh my!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Unknown benefits

Last night I witnessed a side benefit to our lice problem. We have taken every stuffed animal and 'bagged them', we've blocked entry into both kids rooms, and we have placed our basement (playroom) on a 'no play zone' for 2 weeks. We did this in haste on Friday without realizing that our kids would actually possibly be 'needing' things from there. Well, yesterday I was on a call with my mother for a good spell and the kids were entertaining themselves...with what you might ask....their imagination. I walked into our family room area where the kids had nothing but their hands making motions and they told me they were running a pet walking business and they had a number of pets, all of them named and many clients. Well, I'll be, kids CAN actually use their imagination. I was beginning to wonder with today's overstimulation, must have, need to have, latest and greatest yadda, yadda, yadda. This really lightens the load for Christmas this year....I'll just box up a whole bunch of 'nothing' and see what the kids come up with! I imagine, they'd come up with a revolt is what I think would happen! But really, I plan to simplify this year when it comes to the holiday shopping...hey wait, that is what I say every year...I'll report back on that one.

Monday, November 10, 2008

A new day

Shake it off Chief......well, I really can't. Firstly, Nits don't 'shake off' you have to physically remove them and secondly I'm dedicated to a steril, Nit free home...and that is all I'm going to say about the subject.

In the meantime I've decided to take my mind of the situation by doing a little 'book of quotes diving'. That is where I open my $2 book from the cheap-o bookstore and find a quote that it THE ONE....

"Man is a social animal." SENECA

This quote is so true for me. Recently I've been grumpy a bit and what I started to do was isolate myself AND do nothing in my isolation and then all of the demons began to talk to me, "you're not doing all that you should be", "you have tons of books to read why aren't you reading them", "you should be cleaning", "there are library books that are overdue"....and so on and so forth. At some point I recognized this funk and decided to see if I could do something about it. So, I got the energy to drive myself to Starbucks for coffee. I didn't even really get out of my jammies (I was in sweats all day). Just the thought of making that transition from my home started to perk me up. Although I wasn't actively interacting with the people at Starbucks, the fact that they were there gave me energy. I decided to write down what I learned from my little 'social experiment' and here is what I wrote

1) It was easier to get out than I thought
2) The thought of warm coffee warming my hands made me feel better (eventhough I hadn't gotten a cup yet)
3) The vision of me sitting with coffee and writing my thoughts brought me peace
4) The weather was not the only factor, but the combination of weather and the 'no fun tasks' I had to do was getting to me.
5) Eventhough this week I needed to continue with the no fun tasks, next week I am going to identify the no fun tasks and see if I can bag, better or barter them (one of my new life coach tools).

I also decided to come up with a list of things to do in the event of a "grump attack" and use it as a cheat sheet for getting out of the grump

1) Take time to comfort myself
2) Move myself to environment that gives me energy (coffee shop)
3) Contact a friend and meet her/him
4) Do something that feels comforting (read a book, contact a friend, go to a movie
5) Do small things that make me feel proud (connect with someone, write)
6) Play music

What I've been learning lately as a life coach is that just the act of acknowledging emotions and feelings helps to eradicate the situation more quickly and effectively rather than ignoring it. It is important to identify the event, the thoughts about the event, the feelings associated with the thoughts,...and then the work comes in where you then need to decide what emotion you'd rather have and make a strategy to get there. Sometimes you can make a big shift from say complacency to joy, but other times it might be from despair to indifference (which isn't as wonderful as the joy feeling but better than despair). We all have the power to be happy, sometimes it might mean a 'chipping away' at thoughts and feelings, while other times it is a euphoric shift that sets you off into positive orbit. Both are great because both mean you are making choices to be happy....and that is what I'm all about right now!

Now, I do have to say, sometimes when I am grumpy, I just want to be grumpy and revel in my grump, and that is ok as long as I acknowledge that I am doing it and set a limit to how long I'll allow it to go on! I don't know if my fellow life coaches would agree, but for now, that is my story and I'm sticking with it until proven otherwise!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Gratitude X 10

  1. Friends who are willing to help with my lice problem
  2. Nit Combs
  3. Washer and Dryer
  4. Cleaning products
  5. Kids who go with the flow
  6. No more 'lice' on our heads
  7. The hope of no nitts in the future
  8. Husband who takes "care" of kids all day so I can clean
  9. My sanity
  10. My new friend Jen who still agreed to go to dinner with me eventhough I told her of our "issue"

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Only a matter of time

Lice has been rampant in ALL of the schools in our area...even the posh-fancy-dancy-sought-after ones. Our school has only had a smattering of cases (that I know of). Weeeeellllll, my daughter's good friend noticed some 'hoppers' in Princess' hair yesterday at school. My daughter of course said NO I DON'T. Her friend's family, CLEANEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD had it this summer and so since they are experts, they inspected Princess and sure thing there were critters. How fun for me! I sent both my kids home (Monkey in tears and Princess' pride crushed). I got the 411 on what we should do (they paid a significant amount of money to delouse their home which isn't an option for us). She sent me home with a nit comb, shower caps, fancy sprays and bottles and an instruction sheet. Our house went immediately into lockdown mode.

Last night we alternately smelled like salt and vinegar chips with a side of Tuna Salad as I 'deloused' 2 kids and myself. Princess wins the prize with the most showings, but both Monkey and I had a few suspicious things in our hair. My husband who has few hairs to begin with, went out to buy the industrial strength stuff for him (and probably for all of us today). He of course doesn't have it so it seems that this whole process has become my issue to clean up...of course he IS helping but doesn't seem as 'put out' by the whole thing. Even this morning I asked him to help comb the kids hair for me while I am on a call for my class, and he said he doesn't know how....WELL MR MICROSOFT smart dude, I didn't know how either 18 hours ago, but somehow "I" figured it out....I didn't win on that one because I still am going to be doing it AFTER my call. Must now go and continue my efforts for a "NIT FREE" home.... I didn't take the picture!

Friday, November 7, 2008

In Awe

Last night we had a bake sale at the school. As with every other bake sale, we had tons of left overs. We usually take some for ourselves, put some in the staff lounge and then we take some to the Fire Department. I volunteered for the Fire Department drop off for many reasons a) I'd rather do that than count the money b) it was on my way home c) what woman doesn't like a man in uniform (my family had a few uniformed Navy men so I'm partial)? d) the kids would get a kick out of it.

Well, let me tell you, we got the whole department to answer the door and they all were incredibly grateful for the snacks and gracious enough to give my kids a personal tour of the station. It was one of the neatest moments for the kids. They couldn't stop talking on the car ride home. The memory of this experience for me is the picture of my son's face looking up with awe at the truck with the lights flashing and the fire fighters speaking.
I left there feeling grateful to those gentlemen who happened to have had a very busy day with the awful weather we are having. They kept saying that they expected more calls through the evening. They definitely are heroes that willingly do their jobs to save lives and I am grateful to them. I will certainly give more money when they Pass the Boot AND I'm going to have the kids write a thank you to them....they were so kind to spend the time with us last night (and oh by the way, they didn't look too bad in their uniforms).

Thursday, November 6, 2008

And the rains came

Well, as it does here in Seattle, it is raining and it will continue for a bit. That is what I signed up for when I came here, but after 2 years, it still can get to me. I am always amazed how the natives do not let the rain stop them in the least. On a rainy weekend and a sunny weekend, you'll still see the die hard bicycler's going about their day. I don't believe that will be normal for me EVER. Anyway, yesterday I was in a tiny funk and chalked it up to weather (and perhaps a little bit of an overbearing to do list)....but I am announcing today, that I will take charge of the funk and get past it! Now that I am a life coach, I even have some nifty tools to help me through awesome is that? I may possibly be able to work myself into happiness at all times. In fact, I've joined a happiness movement...take a look and join if you're at all interested . It just started so you can be on the ground floor of the movement. You know it doesn't hurt to be happy. I'm off to create happiness today (in the form of peanut butter/Hershey kiss cookies I'm making for a bake sale tonight)!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I met Obama last night....

Last night I fell asleep with CNN covering every nook and cranny of the election. As you might guess the name Obama was repeated like a gazillion times. I think that is what caused me to have a very strange dream last night.

I needed a ride home from some election event and a limo stopped to offer me a ride. It was Obama himself who offered and I hopped in. He didn't scooch over so I was sitting entirely too close to the man and felt slightly awkward (like I was cheating on my husband). I offered him my congratulations and began to give him advice on what he should do next (more from a day-to-day perspective not a running-the-country perspective). I suggested that he should have his children meet Chelsea Clinton so that she could give them pointers on what it is like to be in the White House. At the end of our journey he was dropped off at a friends' house and invited me in. There was a bustle of activity at this house and Obama was whisked away to grab some shut eye. I was enveloped into the house and its goings on and I felt very out of place, but didn't want to end my visit. I made myself useful by cleaning up kids' toys, clearing dishes etc. All the while I was waiting for the people to acknowledge that I was an impostor.
It was a very strange dream and may have tons of underlying hidden meanings. But, the main thing of this is I awoke laughing at myself for having such a dream. I've also dreamt in my life that Jennifer Anniston and I are there you go! Back to reality for me : ).

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

An old comfy sweater

That is what I think of when I meet up with an old friend (not in age but in years of knowing). Last night my husband and I enjoyed a wonderful evening with a friend we had met in 1996 in London. We've remained in contact (and have actually lived in similar locations) through the years. Our relationship is an interesting one where we actually didn't spend a ton of time together (even in London) but it was a true, deep caring relationship. The kind you can just 'feel' is a genuine one. Last night when Jim gave me my hello hug, it felt like I was putting that sweater on and for the few hours we shared together, it was warm and cozy. We shared news, old stories, laughs and disappointments all in a matter of 5 hours. There was not a dull moment, or lull in conversation. It could be a number years until I see Jim (and his wife hopefully) again but it will feel as if not a moment has passed. Don't you love those friendships? They just feel so right...just like that sweater does!

Monday, November 3, 2008


As this neverending presidential campaign is soon to end, so is my candy binge. I am ending it a day earlier than the elections so I WIN! No more candy...until....hmmmm.....Christmas. I'll have to soul search on that one, but, I'll give it a go. Please 'be there' for me when I start the shakes and cravings. I'll need a support group. I am 3 hours into my day and I'm doing GREAT!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Gratitude X 10

For some reason I feel like focusing on the big important things today!

  1. Happy healthy children
  2. Loving husband
  3. My desire to learn and try new things
  4. A warm and lovely home
  5. Wonderful friends across the globe
  6. 2 sets of parents who value marriage
  7. Extended family who love me and my family
  8. Changing of the seasons
  9. My health
  10. Life!


Saturday, November 1, 2008


The countdown is over; Monkey is now 7 years old. My husband and I often say that he is the cutest boy ever (and we're not biased). He is so sweet, loving, sensitive, kind, generous and many more adjectives like that. As much as these assets are what you want from a human being, sometimes they are a risk for him too. We see that he is brought to tears quickly and often, and that some kids find their strength by pushing his buttons (including his sister). I would like to find tools for him that capitalize on the good but also give him strength...his father sometimes wants him to 'fight back'....I know he doesn't' always mean physically but it comes across as 'get a spine kid'. I appreciate this perspective and sometimes go into that space...but for now, I'm looking for the elixir for him that allows him to be authentic to his true nature while also being strong in face of the meanies! Today, we are going to have an awesome day celebrating the 7 year young life of a wonderful will involve playing Lego Batman on xbox 360 with his dad, playing board games he got from his party, dinner at a restaurant of his choice....and many hugs, kisses, and praises from his family. We love our Monkey and we cannot wait to see what this year brings for him!