Mommy, I'm excited for the "snowball" dance at Skate Night!
Me: Why Princess?
Because I'm going to skate with Jaden.
Me: Isn't that the boy you skated with last time?
Me: Do you hang out with him at school?
Not really
Me: (phew is an almost audible thought in my mind)
Fast forward to Snowball (girls roller skate across floor to grab a boy to skate with and then they do the same where the boy skates to get the girl for the next song).
Princess makes a bee-line to Jaden and they skate...mixed emotions from mom..ahhh how cute, and then throw up feeling at the fact that my daughter ALREADY has an interest in boys (and from my math, it has been for 6 months now).
Then its the boys turn to grab the girl...In my mind I'm thinking: Jaden, please pick someone else, pick someone else (but then a picture of devastated daughter popped into my head). Not surprisingly Jaden picks Princess (more throw up feeling from me).
The final act: Jaden's dad takes a picture of the happy couple standing together on the skate floor (now there is evidence and a whole other "side" of people involved).
I got to meet Jaden's dad (Matt) and we exchanged that awkward conversation about how cute but also scary it is that they "like" each other. Then Matt says, at least Jaden is consistent and Princess is cute. Easy for him to say!
All told, I wish Princess believed that boys still had cooties...but it IS cute...but not! HELP ME!!!!!