Friday, October 31, 2008


Wednesday night bedtime conversation:

Mommy, I'm excited for the "snowball" dance at Skate Night!

Me: Why Princess?

Because I'm going to skate with Jaden.

Me: Isn't that the boy you skated with last time?


Me: Do you hang out with him at school?

Not really

Me: (phew is an almost audible thought in my mind)

Fast forward to Snowball (girls roller skate across floor to grab a boy to skate with and then they do the same where the boy skates to get the girl for the next song).

Princess makes a bee-line to Jaden and they skate...mixed emotions from mom..ahhh how cute, and then throw up feeling at the fact that my daughter ALREADY has an interest in boys (and from my math, it has been for 6 months now).

Then its the boys turn to grab the girl...In my mind I'm thinking: Jaden, please pick someone else, pick someone else (but then a picture of devastated daughter popped into my head). Not surprisingly Jaden picks Princess (more throw up feeling from me).

The final act: Jaden's dad takes a picture of the happy couple standing together on the skate floor (now there is evidence and a whole other "side" of people involved).

I got to meet Jaden's dad (Matt) and we exchanged that awkward conversation about how cute but also scary it is that they "like" each other. Then Matt says, at least Jaden is consistent and Princess is cute. Easy for him to say!

All told, I wish Princess believed that boys still had cooties...but it IS cute...but not! HELP ME!!!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

You know you've got a problem when....

...your daughter says we need to buy ANOTHER bag of Halloween candy and Mommy, you're not allowed to open it (read eat any of it) until Trick or Treating time.

Hello, I'm Chief and I'm a candy addict.

I always say that I am still carrying the Costco sized bag of candy (ie weight) on my body from the year 2001 when I was about to deliver Monkey. I bought the bag in the middle of Oct to be ready for Halloween since I could have 'gone into labor' any day. Well, that bag was 'toast' before Halloween (my husband DID help a little)...and I never went into labor....I was induced the day after Halloween on 1/01/01 at 10:00 pm ...we call Monkey our Binary Baby.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Field Trip

Things I liked on the first grade field trip to a farm:
  1. The excitement of the kids
  2. The exposure to nature and how things work
  3. Watching the teacher treat the kids respectfully while also imparting rules and behavior expectations
  4. Being with my son and watching him enjoy life
  5. Taking pictures of nature
  6. Seeing the fall leaves at their best
  7. Seeing a bear paw print in the mud (thankfully not the bear)
  8. Seeing an artichoke growing
  9. Hearing a rooster crow
  10. Hearing a turkey gobble

Things I did not like

  1. Taking children to the porta potty
  2. Having to ask kids to slow down, listen, behave
  3. Watching a kids sneeze and the boogers fly out of his nose
  4. The smell of the pig pen
  5. The allergies I got from the hay

I have to say the good always outweighs the bad from an overall view of the event...but sometimes the bad can stick with you a little too long...shake it off!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Branding needed

OK here is the challenge: Come up with a name/brand for my business that would be informative, light hearted, inviting and so on and so forth. I also need to be able to secure the domain name which is another challenge. So, if you know me, if you know what I'm trying to do, if you are creative and want a me!

I am going to be a life coach who MAY focus on business-related coaching and individual life issues coaching (still feeling that out), I am authentic, I am gentle but also don't let you get away with things (like not doing what you set out to), I am empathetic, I want you to succeed, I want to support you, I will be there for you, I am practical, I am realistic (but intend to stretch reality a bit), I am goal oriented....I like to have fun, I like to laugh, I like to make you laugh.

That is my 5 second brainstorm of me and some of what I hope to be. Start the suggestions!

Monday, October 27, 2008

I got Shushed

I went to see High School Musical 3 with a gaggle of girls yesterday. There was another mom to share in this experience. The movie delivered exactly what I expected...pure campyness. We moms sat to the side of the girls and kept groaning, sighing, giggling etc over the predictability, cheesyness and so on. At one point I decided to dictate an alternate plot for the show where Troy and Gabriella make a bad choice and end up not making it to college, raising a kid and not having everything work out so 'shiny' as the actual movie did. That got both us giggling and all our little girls shushed us. We moms both concurred that Troy IS dreamy. But, I wonder if when he sees this movie played back that he is a tiny bit embarrassed by the over the top dramatic acting and singing that he did....well, if you get a pretty paycheck at age 21, I think you'll suffer the humiliation all the way to the bank.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Gratitude x 10

  1. I'm life coaching now!
  2. The Vipers ended the season UNDEFEATED (or undefeatable as one of the teammates said - which I think might be the opposite of undefeated, right?)
  3. My brother is nearly "outa' there" from Afghanistan
  4. I survived the maize maze
  5. My daughter has completed 2 of her 3 homework challenges
  6. I finally found a costume my son likes (a star wars 'trooper' of some sort)
  7. Date night with my husband
  8. House is clean (ish)
  9. Hair cut
  10. My cozy slippers from Costco

Saturday, October 25, 2008

7 until 7

Monkey will be turning 7 in 7 days (Nov 1). He has been talking about this birthday since the summer. About 2 months ago we made a birthday countdown chain for him so he could figure out the days (instead of me having to). It has worked a charm. Now that the day is imminent, he will wake up and the first thing out of his mouth is...9 more days until my birthday, 8 more days, today of course will be 7. It is hard to honor the excitement of the child while also dealing with the tedium of answering the same questions (when is my birthday?, is it almost my birthday?, how many days until my birthday?) for over 4 months. I HOPE we don't let him down on that birthday since he's been doing some serious dreaming about it. We'll need to start the 'Santa chain' shortly after his birthday because I suspect that will be the new record playing at our house.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Gift Horse

I've often said that my husband should have checked my teeth before he married me (as horse buyers do) because I am a huge dental liability. I have so many fillings that I'm surprised I don't set of the metal detectors. Yesterday the kids and I had our 6 month dental visit and luckily the kids are all good. Me, well, I have to get a filling replaced and they are 'watching' an area that looks like some decay is there. So, today, I am off to the dentist once again to get the lovely Novocaine and be pushed and prodded. I think my dental issues are twofold. My mother' mouth had issues too (and they say the Mother's flora can be passed down to the kids) AND I like candy too much. So with both of those variables, my teeth are doomed. So I'm off to get the ever dreaded numb lip. Wish me luck

Thursday, October 23, 2008

As high as an elephant's eye...

Every time I see a corn field I start singing...."OOOOOK-Lahoma where the wind come sweeping down the plain". Yesterday started out brrrrr, but ended up beyootiful. I decided to take the kids to the punkin' patch after soccer to a) take advantage of the nice day and b) avoid a huge crowd on the weekend. The patch had a corn maze (or maize maze as my friend calls it). Of course the kids wanted to do it. I am not a fan of mazes and I believe Hollywood had something to do with know, the Shining. Within the maze they had 8 stations to get hole punches on a card. If you got all 8 you got a tiny pumpkin as a reward. Well, we went round and round and only achieved 5 hole punches. Finally mommy had to call 'game over' because I was tired and I wanted to get out before the sun set (or maybe I would meet Johny of the "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" variety). They let me out, we got 4 pumpkins for each family member and we made our way home. On the ride home my daughter announced that she had a really fun day. That is like getting a "big fat bonus" in the world of parenting.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


The weather has definitely shifted here in the PNW. I might have to break out my fingerless gloves for my office when I do my posts. If someone were to do a 'carbon footprint' study of our house, I'm sure that we'd get all kinds of bad grades because our house is not well insulated (I think). Soon the long underwear will be a necessity...while being a cozy solution, it isn't always attractive and I always feel a bit 'puffy' in my clothes ...but warmth vs. style becomes a daily debate in the fall and winter. I must finish this before my fingers break off...must find the hat, scarf and glove box. (picture me blowing on my fingers right now because that is what I keep doing).

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Unsung Hero

Last night I had a great phone call with my sister-in-law. We were talking logistics for Thanksgiving, we were talking fashion, we were talking about kids and we were talking about the imminent reentry of her husband (my brother) into her normal everyday life.

The call was good on so many levels but what came to my mind, is that she had 'done it'. She has survived this crazy ordeal that was thrown at her last November and I believe she did a great job of it. I'm guessing that along the way it was a roller coaster of emotions, some days that were patched together, and times that felt like it would never end, but by golly the light is actually at the end of the tunnel. Our whole family was worried for her due to many factors, one being that she is a high-powered executive person in a law firm and this would be a challenge to juggle both her job and caring for the kids (thanks Mom and Dad for pitching in), another is that she had JUST lost her father when she found out about my brother's recall, another is that she has 2 kids at home, one a 3rd grader who misses his father dearly and a 16 year old daughter who is navigating that whole crazy scenario called High School (who also misses her father dearly).

Anyway, I just wanted to do a huge shout out to her. The next coming month is going to be stressful for sure. I remember my mother being a bit frenetic at times, trying to lose weight, trying to finish projects she'd started, trying to get the house in ship shape order, trying to 'keep it together'. My mother had to endure these long absences many times in her life and I appreciate her for that.

The next big challenge will be dealing with my brother at home again, reintegrating him into the flow of family life, while also being sensitive to his perspective having been gone for a year in a crazy, insane scenario. It will continue to be an 'experience', but isn't LIFE? I take my hat off to my sister-in-law and give her a virtual High Five for a job well done.

Monday, October 20, 2008


This week is jam packed with good things. I am starting to do some individual coaching and I am excited for the ride. I am ready to be TAO. I am ready for the bumps and jostles along the way. If anyone wants to join me on this journey...I am offering a 6 week program for free. I have 5 clients and would like up to 5 more for this fall. If you want to do some work to improve yourself either in big ways or just to get 'unstuck', please let me know. I believe that doing this 'now' will help you be clear about what 2009 should bring for you in a positive and proactive way. Seat belts fastened, put your mask on before you help others AND don't forget to enjoy the ride! (This coming from someone who has issues with flying).

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Gratitude X 10

  1. Husband home from India
  2. New scarves/wraps from India
  3. Making apple pie with Princess
  4. Did not miss deadlines this week
  5. Beautiful weekend weather
  6. Color of leaves in fall
  7. My warm cozy poncho my sister-in-law gave me
  8. Good Indian food
  9. The sound of my daughter's piano lessons
  10. Lounging with my son on Saturday morning

Saturday, October 18, 2008


We have an apple tree in our back yard.
My daughter was bored.
I told her to pick apples.
She picked them.
I told her we could make a pie...she was pleased.
She would not let a minute pass without wanting to make the pie.
We happened to have 2 pie crusts in the freezer.
We peeled apples, cut apples, mixed apples and other ingredients and made apple pie.
We shared our apple pie with neighbors.
The pie was good and our bellies are full.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Two steps forward, one step back

Today has been one of those Murphy Law days. I was helping get a grant application in before its deadline. We actually got it in in great time, but I had signed up to do copies and get it into the office for the originator of the grant. Well, copy machine runs out of paper, teachers come in needing to jump in to copy something, stapler is out of staples, I needed to make another copy after having "industrial" stapled a document, I forgot the applications in my car having walked all the way to the office get the picture, one little thing after another to 'upset' a smooth orderly process of submitting a grant that CANNOT be late and MUST be perfect. That is my next task.

I have important homework due for my class that is to be read by THE Martha Beck. I have had it done for ages but for some reason I never got the the will to submit it. Today I realize that I could possibly miss the Deadline which is 48 hours before our class on Monday. I rush home to submit. I open Internet Explorer, it is still not working. I go to Firefox, get to the website and my 'cookies' are not there, so I have to remember my username and password, I forget them both so I have to search around in old emails to find them. I finally do and I finally get it done and I am not late for my homework...but I could have been. I don't know if "the Internet ate my homework" is a good excuse. Anyway, once again it is Friday and once again I am wondering if it is 5 o'clock somewhere? And NO Mom, I don't have a problem.


Thursday, October 16, 2008

The seal is broken

Today was my first day ever to wear my jammies to the bus stop. The bus comes nearly to our doorstep and every day for the past 2 years I've been getting 'somewhat' dressed to send the kids off to school. Today I decided that it is no longer necessary. It isn't like I'm in a negligee. So I had pink plaid bottoms, red clogs, purple slipper socks and a big white coat. I'm sure I looked "smokin' hot". Of all days to tarry at the bus stop, I spent a good 15 minutes downloading with another parent about the trials of having a 3rd grader. Another neighbor happened to drive by and gave a little wave. I saw her later today and she made a special point of commenting on my bus stop attire. Now that I've done it once, it may be my daily attire...people will call me the jammy lady....and I like it!

On another unrelated topics....this is my 200th post and wouldn't have to be that my Internet Explorer is on the fritz. I'm using Firefox (never heard of it until today) and I'm posting way later than I had intended...but it is still my 200th day. Yay me!

Firefox and photo upload are not playing nicely no photo today!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My life as a children's book

Yesterday I had time and energy to do a little cleaning and organizing. I'm not usually in that mode, but somehow yesterday was a day for it. It all started with the sock clean out the day before, which lead to the cupboard clean out, which lead to the accidental junk draw clean out (well actually, junk is now in a box to be filtered). Each one of those clean outs was not planned. I had had it with having no matching socks. Then yesterday I needed something in the cupboard but couldn't locate it, so I cleaned it out. Then I was trying to move something from the cupboard to the junk drawer but dropped everything on the floor (that was a forced clean out). Anyway, by the end of my twisting, turning and cleaning, I felt like the now classic book, If You Give A Mouse a Cookie...where every new item introduced lead to a different but more fun and messy adventure. Mine was definitely messy but not really fun!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The conundrum of socks

My goal for yesterday was to match all of the socks that had been collecting over the past 2 months. It had gotten to a point where every day I had to scrounge for a pair of socks for each kid (and myself). Enough was enough and I final tackled the huge basket that hadn't been folded. It is sometimes a rewarding task (and therapeutic) until the bitter end when you realize there are about 30 socks that have no mates and you have no earthly idea where to find them. I always have a mind to 'dump' the whole lot of them, but the other part of me is hopeful that the matches will be found. What is THAT all about? There must be some psychological term for being hopeful that one day all socks will have their mates returned...sockmatchephrenia? Anyway, as I always do, I save the socks for probably a year and then just dump them all at once. I'm sure some group would take my mismatched socks...I should try to find a home for them!

Monday, October 13, 2008

State Capitals for 500, Alex

I'm in a "be careful what you ask for" kind of moment. Recently I've been actively pushing the school to provide more challenging work for the higher achieving kids to keep them engaged, and 'pushed'...Well it is here. It has come in the form of 3 challenge homeworks for my 3rd grade daughter (given on a monthly basis). By October 30th, she has been challenged to learn all 50 States and their Capitals, describe how building a Skyscraper involves math and write a detailed book report on an adventure book. I LOVE these on an individual level, but combined and in the next 2 weeks, I-chihuahua. So, I decided to test my own knowledge of the State Capitals on this website. I only got a little more than half right!!!! So, both Princess and I have some learnin' to do. Anyway, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed that this might not be a doable task, BUT my kids have amazed me at what they can memorize, I think their brains aren't full of things like, phone numbers from the 18 moves I've done in my life, and silly poems I learned in 4th grade, a Moody Blues poem and the name of my friends husband's brother's best friend that I also seem to remember.

My parents are probably really proud of me right now that I don't know my capitals. I distinctly remember a loooong car ride where they were amazed that I DID NOT know my capitols way back when so they spent the whole ride quizzing me on them. Obviously that little exercise didn't work because I'm back at square one. Maybe with my daughter and then my son learning them, I'll be able to remember them? Or NOT!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Gratitude X 10

  1. Nice weekend weather
  2. Evening gathering on Friday
  3. Husband enjoying himself in India
  4. Only 2 soccer games left for the Vipers (undefeated)
  5. Biked 3 days last week (plus other work outs)
  6. Daughter had a sleepover
  7. Monkey and I ate out, played Guess Who, watched Tom and Jerry and snuggled in the same bed...we needed that time together
  8. Started organizing my offices (actually purging papers)
  9. Husband's car seems to be fine (thanks to the shop for not charging us a cent)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Random things

Thing One:
I want to put a 'hit out' on Hannah Montana. I have to listen to her CD everyday because my daughter LOVES it. I think there is a specific 'deep groove' made specifically on my brain with these songs tucked into it. When I am old and dealing with memory issues, this CD and it songs will be front and center of what I DO remember because by golly I know every word (unfortunately). Right now my left eye is twitching because the CD is playing and I've developed a nervous me!

Thing Two:

Monkey: (crying for no good reason, just because) A boy made fun of me in Kindergarten and used the W word. (Monkey is in First grade so he's digging deep for his sadness)

Mommy: What is the W word, "wimp"?

Monkey: No

Mommy: Say the word sweetie, you won't get in trouble (curious to find out the offending W word is)

Monkey: What the heck!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Is is 5 o'clock somewhere?

My week was manageable but busy, sometimes stressful and I was running on empty yesterday. We had a PTA board meeting that was meaty in discussion, a little tense at times (and Chief does not do tense) and I really could barely hold my head up due to my 4am body alarm clock. So, this morning with some sleep under my belt and memories of a long hard week, I'm feeling like 5 o'clock may not come fast enough. Luckily my neighbors have invited this 'wayward family' up the street so we can have good company, a distraction for my kids and some 'moonshine' for me. Yes, I am watching the, I don't have a problem. At least "I" don't think I do!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Give me back my hours

It is uncertain how today will play out due to one main factor....I WOKE UP AT 4am! There was no big noise or even snoring that jarred me awake....I just awoke, full stop. I did try and try (and the more you try the more you wake up I learned) but no sleep came. Then, when my husband started his 'puffing snoring', I was done! In the past 3 or so years, I've noticed that my husband does a weird 'puffing noise' with his mouth if he is flat on his back. It ranks up there with scratching your fingers on the chalk board for me (sorry babe). Anyway, once the puffing began, I was outa' there.

Since 4:30am I've caught up on emails, written a document for a meeting tomorrow (I mean today), pushed paper around on my desk and now I am ready for the family to awaken so I can make noise in other parts of the house. I actually like to be up early to 'be ready for the day'...but 4am is pushing it. Given that my husband is off to India this morning, it could be an interesting day AND week, if I cannot recoup the hours of sleep I'm missing. You might want to watch the evening news for reports of a mom who has gone whack-o. Please put in a good word with the judge for me!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Stock Rises

Here is my father's response to yesterday's post:

Date: November 1970
Place: Monterey, CA County Airport
Event: Watching aircraft takeoff and land
Participants: 29 year old Naval Aviator, one 6 year old, and one 5 year old
Query: "Were you ever in the cockpit for takeoff?"
Initial Response: What did you think my job was on the airplane?
Come Back: You got the coffee for the pilots

I'm sure my father's stock (figurative) went WAY up (not like today's literal stocks) when he told my brothers that in fact HE flew the planes and someone else got him coffee. I'm sure their response was WOW versus Monkey's confused "oh" about my husband's job.
The fact that my father was a pilot is somewhat of a comical joke in MY personal life. I have this irrational fear of flying and my dad flew planes. He can sit and tell me the reason for every tip, turn, bing, bang and swoosh and I still am not convinced that the plane will stay in the air. How's that for irony (sort of).
As for irony: My husband is a stickler with the word irony. He is very literal about it. Somethings are unfortunate while others are true irony. The fact that it rained during my bike ride some might say is irony, nope...its unfortunate. Here is an example of irony I just found on the www.

The government decided to build a wall or fence so illegal immigrants would not cross to the country. Well, who is building the fence? illegal immigrants!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A small vision of Daddy's job

Monkey: Daddy, do you learn anything while you are at work?
Daddy: Sure, why do you ask?

Monkey: I thought you just organized papers and looked at emails?

Look of amusement and love for the child shared between Mommy and Daddy.

Daddy: Well (after some thought), I learned today that my product won't be launched until the B1 version is ready.

Monkey: oh!? (in small confused voice)

Mommy: I learned that if you plant a lollipop tree it won't grow lollipops! (see here)

Monkey: Duh mom; I knew THAT!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Rain on my parade

This is a follow on post to my last one. I just took the car into the shop (with my bike inside). Just as I got my bike out of the car and started to ride the 3 miles home, it began to lightly rain, then a little more and a little more. All the while I'm saying, Murphy's Law. I smiled all the way home thinking it is funny. It was actually refreshing and fun (and only 3 miles). So, the minute I pull into my driveway....guess what....IT STOPPED RAINING!

At no point did this get me down, but I just thought is was a funny little scenario to share. If someone is trying to test my will to be happy, that one didn't work...but please don't bring on any major life events for the next test...keep up with the little ones!

An adventure gone awry

Yesterday we decided to have a little adventure and that is what we had. We took the kids to a fun park in the city. They played, we played and then we took a nice meander through some gardens. It was all good, the kids loved it and I took some pictures (which I haven't done in ages). We had intended to find another adventure spot, but we had a tiny problem (actually not so tiny and possibly very expensive). My husband's 1999 Pathfinder is deciding it wants to get all hot and heavy on us. The car was driving funny AND the heat gage was at its highest (usually I believe is should be happily in the middle of the H and the C...I'm no mechanic though). So we decided to scrap the other adventure but had a dilemma, how do we get home? We had to decide to leave the car and find a ride and a tow home (by the way, neither of us had our cell phones with us!) or risk the 20 minutes home which included a stint on a bridge over water. What we decided to do was to drive (with the heater blasting because the handy owner's manual says so) and stop and drive and stop. My husband also stopped to get some liquid to put in it (I've not a clue what it was OR if he put it in the right place). So we made it home...Whew! My son was unphased by the scenario, my daughter was a little nervous (mainly because we told both of them to stop asking questions and be quiet "because Daddy needs to focus on getting us home").

The lesson I took from this is that my husband and I were concerned about 2 different things. He was concerned about the hassle of possibly getting stuck somewhere (especially on the bridge) and how we would get home..yadda, yadda, yadda. I found that those details, while inconvenient were not horrible, we'd take care of it somehow and all would be good sweat just a bummer. I, on the other hand, was concerned about being engulfed in flames as our car blows up...I've seen that happen on the streets before and I was trying not to focus on that visual...because I had a tiny (well not so tiny) fear that it would be us experiencing THAT. In the end all is good and the kids got a treat at the gas station as a bonus.

Now added to my day/week is the task of trying to get said car to a fixer place, and get home (via bike), and get my daughter to the Ortho, and get my son to soccer all with one car that is currently at my husband's work (because he needs a car too). Again, all will be fine and the only thing is a little could be a lot worse....we could have been engulfed in flames, we could not have had a second car, we could not have a bike for me to get home, we could NOT have been able to afford to actually fix the car, I could not have had a caring husband....the point is, I have a great life and I am continually grateful for this is just a tiny gnat in the big scheme of things...I just need to swat it away and then smoosh it, then it is over and I am happy!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Gratitude X 10

  1. Slept in this morning - thanks family!
  2. I'm loving my Martha Beck program
  3. Breakfast out with kids and friends yesterday
  4. New fitness outlook
  5. A pretty mellow week for PTA
  6. Husband is back home for a few days
  7. Warm cozy clothes on brisk (and rainy) days
  8. House is 80% clean
  9. Movie "in" with husband
  10. Life is good!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Group Hug

My husband has been on the road again this week. While he was making his way home from Chicago, the kids and I were at the school Carnival (them running amuck, me working it). He wasn't due home until 11pm, but he was able to get home earlier. So, when we spilled into the house at 9:30 (after having Mexican food (and beer for me) with friends), Daddy was already home. We were ALL happy to see him home and we had a family group hug. It was truly a tender moment and all of us had smiles and the "warm fuzzies". We're whole again....but not for long. Daddy leaves again next Wednesday for more than a week. He gets to fulfill a desire he's had ever since I've known him. He is going to India for work. He LOVES Indian food, so now he'll get a taste of the real thing. Hopefully he doesn't bring home a cow as a souvenir our house isn't big enough!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Tree Mold

I can tell the fall is upon us, not by the nip in the air or the changing of the leaves, but because my eye is a big swollen mess from me rubbing it all night. I also have that telltale sinus headache and the nasal stuff. I am obviously allergic to something in the fall here. It used to be the normal springtime hay fever that got me (which I still have) but now it is a fall something too.

I always say that I have a memory of a dog. They seem to be able to go from one moment to the next without memory of what just transpired. Like when you leave them for a whole day and they are miserable and then you come home, they could care less because you're home and they are happy and they're all like "what miserable day, I didn't have a miserable day, I'm a happy dog". Anyway, I feel like that is what I do with my allergies. When they magically disappear at whatever moment they do, I forget about them and then they come back again and I say...Oh yeah, I have allergies....I've never gone to a doctor about them but maybe this is the year. I'm not a huge fan of medicating, but one day I might rub my eyelashes off and then I'd be REAL PRETTY.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Big Check

I have just completed a huge task that had been on my to do list for a while now. I helped to edit some writing of my friend's. It was an interesting task, a challenging task and a rewarding one. I can now put a big 'ole check mark on my list. I know we'll still be back and forthing, but this was a huge step. So, now at 12am I'm needing a reward...that usually comes in the form of jelly beans or Swedish fish...but I have none and I'm a single parent until late Friday night, so I cannot even run to the trusty 7-11 for my fix. I'm sure that is a blessing, but boy would I just love that sugar high....maybe force myself into a diabetic coma....OK I'll just go to bed and dream about it.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Nothing in my mind

Nothing to do but work,
Nothing to eat but food,
Nothing to wear but clothes
To keep one from going nude.
Ben King- The Pessimist

My mind is blank this morning so I thought I'd dip into a book of quotes I bought for $2 at a used book store. I opened up the book to a random page...and this is what spoke to me. It is the truth, and it is funny. It is interesting that I identified with The Pessimist because ultimately I'm an optimist, but I can bring on the 'half empty' sometimes too. Make sure you keep those clothes on!