Monday, October 13, 2008

State Capitals for 500, Alex

I'm in a "be careful what you ask for" kind of moment. Recently I've been actively pushing the school to provide more challenging work for the higher achieving kids to keep them engaged, and 'pushed'...Well it is here. It has come in the form of 3 challenge homeworks for my 3rd grade daughter (given on a monthly basis). By October 30th, she has been challenged to learn all 50 States and their Capitals, describe how building a Skyscraper involves math and write a detailed book report on an adventure book. I LOVE these on an individual level, but combined and in the next 2 weeks, I-chihuahua. So, I decided to test my own knowledge of the State Capitals on this website. I only got a little more than half right!!!! So, both Princess and I have some learnin' to do. Anyway, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed that this might not be a doable task, BUT my kids have amazed me at what they can memorize, I think their brains aren't full of things like, phone numbers from the 18 moves I've done in my life, and silly poems I learned in 4th grade, a Moody Blues poem and the name of my friends husband's brother's best friend that I also seem to remember.

My parents are probably really proud of me right now that I don't know my capitals. I distinctly remember a loooong car ride where they were amazed that I DID NOT know my capitols way back when so they spent the whole ride quizzing me on them. Obviously that little exercise didn't work because I'm back at square one. Maybe with my daughter and then my son learning them, I'll be able to remember them? Or NOT!

1 comment:

Catherine said...

I spent about two hours last night relearning a lot of my geography. A great site - couldn't decide if it was time well-spent or a time waster. I really did have other things I needed to do!