Thursday, October 23, 2008

As high as an elephant's eye...

Every time I see a corn field I start singing...."OOOOOK-Lahoma where the wind come sweeping down the plain". Yesterday started out brrrrr, but ended up beyootiful. I decided to take the kids to the punkin' patch after soccer to a) take advantage of the nice day and b) avoid a huge crowd on the weekend. The patch had a corn maze (or maize maze as my friend calls it). Of course the kids wanted to do it. I am not a fan of mazes and I believe Hollywood had something to do with know, the Shining. Within the maze they had 8 stations to get hole punches on a card. If you got all 8 you got a tiny pumpkin as a reward. Well, we went round and round and only achieved 5 hole punches. Finally mommy had to call 'game over' because I was tired and I wanted to get out before the sun set (or maybe I would meet Johny of the "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" variety). They let me out, we got 4 pumpkins for each family member and we made our way home. On the ride home my daughter announced that she had a really fun day. That is like getting a "big fat bonus" in the world of parenting.

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