Monday, October 6, 2008

Rain on my parade

This is a follow on post to my last one. I just took the car into the shop (with my bike inside). Just as I got my bike out of the car and started to ride the 3 miles home, it began to lightly rain, then a little more and a little more. All the while I'm saying, Murphy's Law. I smiled all the way home thinking it is funny. It was actually refreshing and fun (and only 3 miles). So, the minute I pull into my driveway....guess what....IT STOPPED RAINING!

At no point did this get me down, but I just thought is was a funny little scenario to share. If someone is trying to test my will to be happy, that one didn't work...but please don't bring on any major life events for the next test...keep up with the little ones!

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