Wednesday, January 4, 2012

When the Mood Strikes

Happiness and moonshine has been sitting here quietly and consistently being source of both memory and consternation for me. I love this place I created. It was a source of amazing growth for me and it so served a huge purpose in what I am creating today. I want to write here, but then I want to write there...then here...then there.....the there has won out lately and it still is possibly where most of my writing will sit....but then there is here...this place where I get to really just show up at a moments notice and write about pretty much nothing and it feels good. It feels really good to me to write in this story telling way. I actually also write in a personal journal that I use as my morning pages....and even that doesn't create the same sensation as this place. about this; Why don't I say that I will use this space, for now, as my go to 'fix' for when I want to make 'much ado about nothing'. That feels good. Thanks for waiting.

Thank you for being here gracefully waiting and being a source of both growth and memory for me. For now...I write here when the mood hits.