Sunday, August 31, 2008

Gratitude X 10

  1. Sunny Saturday
  2. Bike ride with Princess to the Saturday Market
  3. Met my 10 book goal
  4. Reading A 1,000 Names for Joy by Byron Katie
  5. Exchanged an email with my bro in A-ghan
  6. New hair-do
  7. Kids are excited about the teachers they'll have for the year
  8. Husband had a great performance review (he's so smart)
  9. I got to take pictures of a 3 week old baby!!!!
  10. I'm ready for school to start (and a little bit not ready)

Saturday, August 30, 2008

10 Books

My summer goal of reading 10 books was achieved! A lot of these books were quick reads (I'm a slow reader) but at least I did what I set out to do. I actually think I have a few other books I could list, but the titles escape me and obviously they don't stand out in my mind. Here is my list. Now I must walk 5 miles in the next three days to make my other goal (walk 200 miles Jan-Sept). After Sept 1 I will have to think about my goals for the end of the year. I know one is to walk 100 more miles (or more!) and maybe read at least one book a month....Martha Beck Course, PTA, coaching soccer and general life maintenance will probably get in the way of reading much more than that.

  1. The Last Lecture - by Randy Pausch and Jeffrey Zaslow
  2. Steering by Starlight - by Martha Beck
  3. Gift from the Sea - by Anne Morrow Lindbergh
  4. The Road - by Cormac McCarthy
  5. A Lesson Before Dying - by Ernest J. Gaines
  6. A Separate Peace - by John Knowles
  7. Slummy Mummy - by Fiona Neill
  8. Candy Girl - by Diablo Cody
  9. Alexander and the Wonderful, Marvelous, Excellent, Terrific 90 Days - by Judith Viorst
  10. Naughty Neighbor - by Janet Evanovich (definition of SUMMER READ)

Friday, August 29, 2008

Memory fades

This morning my son awoke and the first words out of his mouth were:

"This is the sunniest day of my life", and then he said "Maybe it WON'T rain today".

The sad thing is it is NOT the sunniest day of his life. We were just back East where it was blazing hot and sunny without a cloud in the sky almost every day we were there. And as for his other statement...the forecast is rain.

I am getting grumpier and grumpier about the weather. Ever since we got back on August 17 it has pretty much been cold and rainy...I wear long pants and sweatshirts on a daily basis. We have had a few bright spots...but mostly not. The forecast for the first day of school...rain (just like last year). OK enough negativity...I have to go buy myself a sunlamp now. I'm thinking that whenever someone registers to become a resident of this state they should receive a standard issued sunlamp to avoid seasonal affect disorder (SAD). Just a thought. Happiness and sunshine (please)!!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Like mother, like daughter

Yesterday I got my hair cut and I did it a little differently to 'youthenize' me as someone suggested (or did she MEAN euthanize...I'd better watch my back). Anyhow, I've got some fringe (bangs in US English) and a few more layers. My daughter watched my transformation and decided she wanted the same. For now its cool to look like mommy, I'm sure those days are numbered and it will be "like totally uncool for sure". I'll take what I can get for now. As my haircut made me look younger (or that was the intent), my daughter now looks older (maybe too much so). Perhaps at some point our looks will converge and we'll look like sisters, right?...that is called wishful thinking.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

She'll be a lawyer yet

Yesterday, after a long day of "it" doing I don't know what, I'd settled in for the evening. My daughter was showing signs of boredom; huffing, puffing, moping, asking to watch TV. We offered ideas, we ignored, we noticed (because you couldn't help not to) but mostly we ignored. Finally, the bright child comes to me and says, "Mommy can my friends come over for a sleepover". This was at 7pm. I hemmed and hawed and was hoping that I could get to a firm NO, when she used a very manipulative ploy, she said "Mommy, that is what summers are for"'s that for guilting me into a yes. So, yes there was a sleepover last night. I said yes with the conditions that they go to bed on time (they didn't) and that they look after themselves (they did and they didn't). Next thing you know she'll be trying to convince me that Ice Cream for dinner is what CHILDHOOD is about....where does she get this stuff?

Monday, August 25, 2008


I know its late/early but I needed to tell someone....I'm DONE with my big work I had to do. It was hanging over my head and now it is done. I had posted about not procrastinating any more...and I lied. I was nearly done with my homework for my new class on Monday except for one section. It required me to think about what I had recently read and what I had learned. I couldn't remember details and I was having a hard time eloquently describing what I couldn't remember. So, I avoided the task altoghter. Well, the 11th hour required me just to buckle down and do something. I'm hoping it suffices. I had to send my work in AND a picture. If they want a 'headshot', I don't have any so I gave this picture of me taken by my son (age almost 7) at the lake in Michigan a week ago today. In some ways I wish I were back there.

I have one other 'thing' hanging over my head, but it will have to wait until domani (in Italy, everything is domani (meaning, I'll do it OR you'll get it tomorrow). Off to slumber, but first I'll have to roll my husband over, I can hear his snoring in the next room...I don't "do" snoring. Ciao.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Gratitude X 10

  1. House to myself for the morning
  2. Making progress on downloading and editing the gazillion photos I took on our trip
  3. Almost finished my 9th book (one more to go before Sept 1)
  4. Almost finished my pre-work for my coaching class...goal to send by today
  5. One more week of summer with kids, I'm hoping to make it fun-filled
  6. Sunny day at the lake yesterday (it has been raining a lot this week)
  7. Night out with husband and friends listening to great music
  8. Made a dent in the laundry for the week - must fold and put away
  9. My new notebooks for my class and for PTSA - I'm a sucker for stationery
  10. Here's to a great last week of August!!!! (I'm putting it out it will come true)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

You do the math

Tickets to see Gypsy Kings at Chateau St. Michelle Winery - $120
Food for our picnic - $25
Wine bought at the Winery - $50
Babysitter - $35

Night out with my husband and friends - priceless

College funds for our kids are overrated!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Old habits do die!

I've noticed something about myself in the past few years. I rarely procrastinate anymore. I used to save my studying, paper writing, and work projects to the last minute and was still able to succeed, while also stressing my self out to no end. Now with the PTA and recently my new coaching class, I write my articles, respond to emails, do my homework way in advance of when they're due (or at least more often than I used to). So, is it that I've matured? Do I have more time on my hands? Am I more interested in what I am doing? Do I actually know the value of time now? Do I NOT want to feel the gut wrenching, tiring stress of last minute work? Probably all of the above! I like the "get it done sooner than later" mode. I have to admit that housework is one where I do put off until things are dire, I think that is related to the concept that the housework is NEVER DONE or if it is, it'll come back again very soon...stop the madness!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My head is spinning

Today I bit the bullet and took the kids shopping for school supplies. Holy cow is that a tough job. You almost have to go to special training to do it well and efficiently. Another thing is, taking the kids is really a mistake. There are so many options, so many pretty colors, so many things that you do not NEED and then the list is somewhat confusing. Do they mean black pens with or without caps. There is NEVER a box of 12 pens, but they DO have 8 or 20. Does an ultra fine Sharpie suffice for the extra fine that is on the list. Should I buy a 24 pack of crayons or the 64 pack (and make my children the envy of the class)? Does the teacher want simple folders or can the kids choose the Super Hero version? I think I've covered everything on the list minus the snacks for the classroom. That is a Costco run which is a whole other ball of many choices, so much peanuts, must be healthy (ish), must feed a small nation, must be something that the majority of the kids would like....Calgon take me away!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Patience of a Saint

Today was a 2 steps forward 3 steps back kind of day (or maybe it is a hurry up and wait kind of day). At the bank the kids and I (and other parents from school) had to wait an hour for something that should have taken 20 minutes max. There seemed to be a computer glitch holding up the process. Then we went to Pizza Hut (first clue that it wasn't a good experience) to redeem a reading reward from the library (free personal pan pizza). The menus at the table were sticky (another clue). There was one server (another clue) for the whole place. I'm not lying, it took about 45 minutes for the server to acknowledge our existence. The kids were amazingly calm through the whole thing even though we were hungry, thirsty and very annoyed that a pushy group of moms got served before us (it took all I could not to jump in, but I had kids watching). Several times in this event, I asked the kids if they'd like to leave (also saying we will NOT be coming back here ever again). We stayed put patiently and finally the nourishment (if you could call it that) arrived. It seems that my kids have inherited my amazing ability to stay calm and generally unphased about delays, long waits, empty hours, etc. If my husband were with us, we'd have been 'outa there' if 20 minutes had passed.

The silver lining for me was that I got to make a big dent in my book that I was reading. I am now 2 books away from my goal of 10 books by Sept 1. If you could see the next two books I'm going to read you'd notice they are small with big type; ON PURPOSE.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Age old question

Why is it that only one day back erases all the relaxation and 'zen' that you achieve on a vacation away from your 'real life'?

Jiggity Jig

I'm Home A month is a long time to be away from home. I have mixed feelings about coming home in that now the school machine starts cranking, so home is not as relaxing as one would like. But there is nothing like sleeping in your own bed after being away for so that is where I'm off to right now, I may even try a swan dive. Good night (really good morning on all time zones I've been in today).

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Gratitude and off the grid

This gratitude session is dedicated entirely to my husband. He turned 41 today.

  1. He is a great husband
  2. He is a great dad
  3. He loves to cook (yeah me)
  4. He is a great friend to me and everyone he meets
  5. He is very smart (scary smart)
  6. He tolerates my losing things (currently the battery to our camera)
  7. He appreciates his family
  8. He is very handsome
  9. He likes a good challenge (he is looking for this year's big deal, last year he climbed Mt. Ranier)
  10. I love my husband..thankyouverymuch.

As of tomorrow afternoon at 2pm I will likely be off line for a week (until Sunday evening). We will be honorary Yoopers in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. We will be spending a week with my husband's side of the family. It is an idyllic experience of lake fun, lounging, socializing, swimming, clowning around, campfires, sunsets, bonding, holding babies and so on. I am actually feeling homesick at the moment...a whole month away from home might be a bit too much even for this easy going, flexible girl....but one week more is tolerable. Anyhoo, off to the great outdoors for a week. As my 7th grade nun principle said to our class, "Silence reigned and they all got wet" took me a long time to get it, but now it has stuck! Peace out.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Grandma Pics

Every year I do a photo session of all of grandma's 'babies'. Every year, I've gotten less and less particular about the product (which the kids appreciate). Here is a fun one! Now onto our new adventure...celebrating my husband's ON!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Break down

We are on our last day at the beach. One more pool run, one more visit to the beach. We've had a great visit and now we 'break down' our beach house cleaning, picking up, packing etc. This evening we'll make a last evening visit to the beach and then watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. Our beachweek was a to make plans for next summer. Tomorrow we all go in our separate directions to our own separate lives (well sort of). My husband and I are taking a side trip to Virginia for Saturday night to celebrate his 41st birthday with college friends. Thanks grandma and grandpa for babysitting! Also, thanks for sponsoring out beachweek house! Group hug.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

One wish

My niece took an inventory of goals for our beachweek. Mine was specific...I want to see dolphins. As I was not successful at seeing whales in Oregon, I said I want to see REAL DOLPHINS not facsimiles of them. One morning, I set out with my dad on a mile walk to the beach to "see dolphins"...none. I was convinced that my mother (who also shared this goal) would see them on her one (or few) visits to the beach (because of her healing shoulder) and I would go on a daily basis and see none. I was wrong....I saw them!!!! I almost missed them but my whole family yelled for my attention across the beach (for all to hear) and then I saw and I jumped for joy just like a little kid! I'm sure some of the other beach goers thought that I was "special". I consider my beachweek a success (and I have 2 days to go!)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Beach-Guest Blog

We (Chief's nieces Biz and Bunny) are now half way through our 11th beach week trip. Our whole family congregates to a beach, this year is our second at Bethany Beach in Delaware. Some of our activities have been...

-THE FOOD: A breakfast run to the Fractured Prune donut shop. It is a small shop that specializes in fun flavors such as creamsicle and peppermint patty.

- THE POOL: We have made one or two pool trips across the street, but it has been more popular with the younger crowd. Grandpa nicknamed them the synchronized belly flopping team in honor of their creative leaps (and in time for the Olympics).

-THE BEACH: We have experienced many waves so far in our lives, though this year's are not the biggest we have found many ways to entertain ourselves. J-man and Princess, two of the six cousins, enjoy standing or lying at the breaking point of the waves and allowing them to pummel them...always producing a few laughs and a lot of sand filled bathing suits. AJH and J-man, because of the chaffing, have created the penguin squad, named for their funny walk. Once we decided we were going to take on the task of creating our own sand city (AJH was the architect). It started as a wall and quickly grew to a mini-metropolis with a residential area, a business center, a town hall, and its own fall out-shelter/escape tunnel. At the end of the construction, we decided that our creation was not as pretty as the neighbor's, but it was both practical and authentic looking (theirs look 'store bought'). Monkey's favorite activity is to wait for the waves to come up and bury his feet. One time he waited so long (exhibiting his ginormous amount of patience), the sand covered his shins (he was hoping to get to his knees). This year he has become very brave about facing the waves. While out boogy boarding, he hung onto Bunny's back and rode a huge wave onto the shore. Once while waiting for the caravan to arrive, Uncle Sock arranged a touch football game, the big boys against the big girls. Though we are slightly biased, the girls played an excellent game and out maneuvered the boys for their 14-7 victory.


One thing we have noticed about this beach week compared to beach week pasts is the pace at which the week is going. The little ones are much better at entertaining themselves which has led to more downtime, conversations, and family-wide card or other games.

Playing the card game Pit is a tradition going on since one of the early beach weeks. If you have never seen the game played, it involves yelling, pounding of the table, and the winner yelling PIT!!!!! It has become a right of passage for the older grandchildren (Biz, Bunny, AJH) to the play the game with the adults, we remember watching them play when we were little. The little ones (J-man, Princess, Monkey) were not overjoyed at having to watch from the sidelines, but we think they ended up enjoying the loud and chaotic experience in the end.

Now we are going to help finish preparing our Greek party. We have food, home-made tunics and an actual model of a temple.

Hope your summer is going well: Atlanta (Bunny) and Pandora (Biz)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Making memories

We've been trying to 'tap in' to the Internet via someone else's connectivity and have been 'shut out' for 2 no blog. We've been cursing someone called 'Cronin' because he/she has a secure connection. Beachweek is ringing true to form just as all of our other 10 years have: sun, sand, pool, reading, napping, dancing, singing, playing games, eating too much and on and on. My extended family has a ball reconnecting, creating new memories, getting too much sun, tumbling in the surf, and hearing family stories (told by my dad). The one major element missing is my brother. He is surely just isn't the same without him. I must end this session now because its my turn for Charades..."first word, sounds like..."

No picture today...Internet won't let me (fists in the air cursing).

Saturday, August 2, 2008

On the road again

Just can''t wait to get on the road again....
Our NEXT journey (to the beach) begins in an hour. Luckily this drive is only one DVD long (in kid hours) so the kids won't get too antsy (or me for that matter). Every year we have a theme for the week which culminates in a "party" celebrating the theme. This year it is Greek Week. Given that there are ages 6-63 (+ or -) we won't be recreating Animal House, we'll in fact be getting into "character" of Greek gods and goddesses. We've even bought makings for some 'costumes'. Anyway, the fun is in the journey of figuring out how to 'make the party'. My Greek goddess character is actually a combo of two goddesses Eutychia (goddess of happiness) and Selene (goddess of the moon) just call me EutSe for short.

Off to do the last packing for the trip. Rock ON!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Muffin Top

I just ate a HUGE muffin almost the size of my head and I didn't even want it. I ate the whole thing without even realizing it. It was the definition of mindless eating. For the next 2 weeks I'll be in a bathing suit on a daily basis. The first week in Bethany, Delaware at BEACH WEEK with my side of the family. Then I head to the U.P. of Michigan for LAKE WEEK with my husband's side of the family. So...any effort to look at all becoming in a suit have been thwarted by my Muffin and many other delights I've consumed on this vacation. Every summer I intend to be "in the best shape I can" and every summer (around this time), I give in to the fact that the summer is all about relaxing, enjoying yourself, imbibing too much and eating too as the story goes, I'll start back on my quest for the 'best shape' in September...but then there is Halloween candy, Thanksgiving dinner, Holiday gorging...then the New Year resolution kicks in...and so on and so forth. For now....I'll try to digest the cake-size muffin so by lunchtime when I dine out with a friend, I can gorge some more...Carpe Diem

Picture is from Monkey's 1st Birthday...that is probably what I looked like when eating my muffin.