Saturday, May 31, 2008


I had a dream last night about a friend I knew in San Francisco. I remember it being a fun dream but cannot remember the details. I do recall waking up thinking I should email her just to say hi and tell her she was in my dream.

Just now, I experienced a weird coincidence. I came to sit at my desk and HER Christmas card was sitting at my desk (with a lovely picture of her two children). My kids have been at my desk so I know its something that they dug up from somewhere, but I don't have the cards out, I have no idea where the card was before it was on my desk AND why is it that THAT card is the one on my desk. I've been having some pretty amazing coincidences in the past month and I really like it but also I'm a little 'Twilight Zone' about it too. Just this week I've had about 3 incidences where I've mentioned something or someone and then it has come up in a totally unrelated scenario the next day or shortly after.

When I lived in London in 1997 I had a 'moment' like this. Here is the story. I believe that I am responsible for the death of John Denver. And why you may ask? Well, I was speaking to a fellow American about John Denver songs and how at parties in college the boys would show up and scoff at our collection of John Denver CDs (like what 'lame-Os'). But, without fail, when "I'm Leavin' On a Jet Plane" came on, who would be singing the song at the top of their lungs, those very same boys. OK, so I told my friend this story and the VERY NEXT DAY the report came out that he had died the day before (the same day I was talking about him). I know it is a coincidence, but I didn't normally mention John Denver on a regular basis, it was a one off conversation about something that wasn't important or relevant in my life and then he dies...creepy!

I told my friend the other day that I think I have powers. Now I need to 'hone' the powers so that my Mini Cooper shows up (stick shift please) and my million dollars and the trip to Italy with my husband sans kids and, and, and....oh yeah, and a cure for cancer and world peace!

Friday, May 30, 2008


I have a few blogs in the works (in my mind) that I wanted to put some time into, but today, I have a clogged ear, a stuffy head, and a general malaise about me. I swear that a germ literally jumped from a teacher to me yesterday because she said her ear was clogged and now mine is...coincidence, I don't think so. Anyway, yucky yuckness is making me feel less able to write a well thought out musing, so bleah to you! Maybe some moonshine tonight will make me feel better. I know my mother is cringing at that statement. She is a t-totaller and has been for sometime now so she is less than 'supportive' of the drink (which I respect), but I can and I will and 'I'm my own person and you can't tell me what to do!"...which is a famous line I pronounced to my family when I was in 3rd grade in Newport, RI. It has gone down as a memorable statement in the lore of our family. I'll never live it down AND by the way, I still stand by that statement! So there!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Putting our money where her mouth is

Well the time has come for us to face the music. We knew that Princess would need to visit the orthodontist sooner rather than later due to crossed front teeth. I thought it would be just a minor adjustment maybe just retainer. Ohhhhh, nooooooo, it is much more fun than that. It turns out that her bottom jaw sets back further than it should which causes her to have an overbite which isn't due to her teeth but due to her jaw. Therefore, the jaw must be moved forward. This could be done by headgear but that is the "old way". The new way involves manually and slowly coaxing the jaw forward with a complicated technical contraption that involves a crank and braces too. So, we're starting now while the jaw is still malliable to make the movement swifter and easier. And, oh by the way, this is just phase 1. When the rest of the adult teeth come in, braces will likely need to be put back on due to crowding on the top teeth. The payment could feed a whole African country I'm sure. When I told my husband about the new jaw we are buying he was a bit overcome by the price, and somehow felt 'bamboozled' into saying yes because, who knows better than the orthodontist who has to pay off a boat, summer house and trip to the South of France!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Off to the Looney Bin

O.K., so this isn't my favorite day. First I find out about Herman's fate...then, I realized something disturbing.

Earlier today I heard an obvious noise; the thud of a bird trying to fly into our big floor to ceiling windows. I chose not to investigate due to my squeamish nature. I then proceeded to forget all about it. Tonight as I was conversing with my family I looked up into the upper part of the window and there is a huge 'splat' on the window (see picture)...ewwwwww. Now, where is said bird, I wonder? Husband is currently spraying the window and perhaps he has found the remnants of the bird...I don't dare ask, but I'm sure I will, maybe I won't, ok I will....stop the madness!!!!! Can't wait for a new day and a fresh start...shake it off.


My biggest fears came true. All day today, Herman was 'sticking out' of his shell. This is not a normal position for him especially in the daytime...he is nocturnal you see. So, I suspected something was amiss, but ignored it by shielding my face every time I passed his home. This evening I asked my husband to take a peek. Well, just like when you pass an accident and cannot help looking even though you don't want to, I watched as he lifted the thing up and the crab's claws hung lifeless...I turned quickly and did a 'nervous tick' thing with my fingers to my temples and said..."I knew this would happen, I knew this would happen" and walked quickly away. Daddy did the dirty deed of telling Princess that Herman was old and had lived out his life (in 31 days at our house). She did not take it well, as suspected. Poor thing was so sad and asked, why, why, why? We skirted around the issue, guessed at the causes and promised that we'd give him a proper burial. She wants to wait in order to have some of her friends around. I'm sure she'll give a good show. She wants to bury his body in the ground and put his shell on top of the dirt...I will be elsewhere if/when this takes place because I do NOT want to see it out of its shell. The poor child asks why all of our animals die shortly after we get them, 2 fish and now the crab. I have no answers except that maybe I 'will them' dead because I really don't appreciate them. They freak me out (live animals that are likely to die sooner than later). Anyway, I'm not sure dogs should be part of our family if in fact we DO have a curse of some sort. All this evening the song from Oklahoma is playing in my head "Poor Judd is dead, poor Judd Frye is dead". I keep checking myself to ensure I don't sing it out loud because Princess definitely knows the song and will know why I'm singing it. By the way, Herman was about a $47 investment, divided by the days he lived at our house...he cost approximately $1.41 a day. I heard Devin ask if she could get a turtle next....Aye Ca rumba!

Note: the picture attached is from last year at Princess' field trip to see the tide pools. It is NOT Herman in her hands (ewwww).

Nothing in life is...

We decided to go to the Folklife Festival yesterday. We (really I) decided at the start that we would NOT be spending money at the event (as little as possible at least). They advertized the event as free, but as the saying goes "nothing in life is free". Here is how free plays out. They jacked up the parking rates to $10 per car. Festival employees confronted at the gates asking for a $10 suggested 'donation' to the event. There were 100s of stalls hawking their wares (we did not partake). They had kid tents with crafts; MANY of which had a fee (we did nothing with a fee). The kids talked Dad into buying popcorn and licorice (behind my back) - $15. We adults shared a coffee $3. So our free event was actually $40.

We informed the kids of our 'NO SPENDING' commitment. Well this met with some grump. Monkey began to tear up as he watched the carnival rides go 'round and walked past all the yummy foods. The carnival rides are a permanent scene downtown so I promised another visit. Princess gave the 'teenage' lip (last I checked she WAS 8, right?). I had to take her aside and have a "conversation" about how lucky she is to have a house over her head, how we give them treats all of the time and that we'd be taking them to see Speed Racer sometime soon and that we had to save our money for that. What I SHOULD HAVE SAID was, "you buck up Missy and get what you get and LIKE IT". Either way both kids weren't 100% into our idea of not spending money. With that said, we did a pretty good job. At the festival we:
  • "people watched" and counted 15 crazy costumes

  • did a free kid craft

  • participated in a 'jam session' with fun instruments

  • watched a very large square dance lesson

  • enjoyed a picnic lunch

  • sat by the huge water fountain and let the kids run and run around it

  • watched street performers

  • participated in an American Indian dance

  • watched a jump rope act (which made me tired watching it)

  • acted like a family who 'plays well together'

Again, as the Master Card add says: priceless (with a $40 surcharge)!

Monday, May 26, 2008

True Meaning

Today is the day that people gather together over BBQs to officially kick off the summer. It is a day off, a day of relaxation and 'do whatever you want'. It is a day for big sales too. Well, the day's true meaning has been watered down. In fact, I had to look it up to get the true meaning. So, I'll share it with you.

According to, it is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation's service. It was officially proclaimed in May of 1868 by General John Logan, commander of the Grand Army of the Republic and first observed on the 30th of the month.

So, still enjoy the day, but take some time to either remember a lost soldier or give thanks for what that loss means to our freedom as a nation. Even though the current 'state of affairs' are arguably 'sticky' in terms of who, what, why, where of the wars we are in, it doesn't mean we shouldn't respect and honor those who have served and specifically those who have died. I know that I am touched by many people who have served in our armed forces and I know for certain that each has lost either a friend, colleague, parent or has somehow experienced loss first hand in the service. So, I give a virtual hug and shout out to those families and friends who are remembering. And I'll do my own remembering as well.

“Four things support the world: the learning of the wise, the justice of the great, the prayers of the good, and the valor of the brave”
Muhammad quotes

Sunday, May 25, 2008

What memories are made of

Here is our day...we either saw or experienced the following:

  1. 3 turtles on a log while walking our canoe to the lake

  2. 2 deer in the woods on our walk to the lake

  3. Canoed onto Lake Sammamish and up to a beach

  4. Picnicked at the beach

  5. Built sandcastles

  6. Jumped in the icy water (kids only)

  7. Canoed home

  8. Eagle swooping down to catch a fish

  9. Eagles flying above canoe

  10. Fish jumping out of the water

  11. Lily pads

  12. Cat tails

  13. Red-winged blackbird

  14. Crane (awesome wingspan, skinny legs and body)

  15. Dogs jumping in Sammamish river

  16. Outdoor shower (aka garden hose with soap and only)

  17. Popsicles outside on deck after dinner

As the Master Card commercial says....priceless

This day is one of my favorite family days in recent memory. Now I'll describe the least favorite family day which happened 2 years ago (almost to the day).....

Canoeing was SUPPOSED to be our easy family adventure sport....but...we spoiled it by capsizing on our second outing. The story goes as follows (I used to be really good at telling the story, but much time has passed since the incident). I usually start the story as 'the time we played Swiss Family Robinson". The canoe trip was on a tiny river with a small current not even a mile from our house. We somehow tipped the boat, canoe went rushing down the river (husband after it). I was left to care for the wet, scared, wide-eyed kids. We were stranded in water (ankle deep). I had to hold both Monkey and Princess because they were hysterical. I had no shoes on and I had to balance two kids, and myself on slippery, sometimes painful rocks. We stood waiting and waiting for Daddy to return from trying to catch the boat. It seemed like an eternity for him to show up. At some point I had a terrible thought that in fact my husband had not survived the currents (albeit small and not treacherous). Finally he did appear trudging through the water. He helped the kids and me climb up a swampy hill to safety (remember, I had no shoes). Safety was actually a quite civilized dogpark less than a mile from our house. We were all standing there drenched, no proper clothes on (bathing suits), no shoes and husband had to leave us to get the car and the boat (that he had dragged onto a side bank - minus one oar). The kids and I sat for a good hour looking like 'fish out of water' (literally); avoiding eye contact and conversations with the civilized folk walking their pooches. The experience was dramatic while it was happening (mainly for the kids), but if you were to have a birds eye view of the scenario it would be comical to see how UNdramatic it should have been...ankle deep water, small current, people and dry land an arms throw away. The kids are mentally scarred and today was our first trip where they weren't skittish and white knuckled....they won't let us go NEAR the scene of the accident in our boat which actually is a lovely meander until the trees close in and the current picks up...but we wouldn't do it again...or would we?

Gratitude X 10

  1. Beautiful flowers at the Pikes Place Market
  2. Adventure day with the kids - bus, aquarium, walking
  3. Saturday bike ride
  4. No more soccer
  5. Sunshine
  6. Week of catching up on things put off
  7. Husband who does the cooking
  8. Talented daughter singing in Variety Show
  9. Sweet son who loves to hug his mommy
  10. Desire to clean house...its a wreck right now!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Here fishy fishy

The kids and I had a lovely (yet cold and rainy) day of it yesterday. As planned we:
  1. had breakfast with dad at work
  2. walked (in the rain) to the bus
  3. rode the bus with all of the morning commuters (standing room only)
  4. walked to the aquarium
  5. had a fabulous time exploring and most of all enjoyed the sea otters, we love to imagine them as humans and make up what they might be saying
  6. spent the money that was burning a hole in Princess' pocket, so we now own a stuffed sea otter
  7. spent money on Monkey because he was sad that he didn't have money to spend, so now we own some trinket toy that'll be lost momentarily
  8. ate at Ivars and had some of the fish and clams that we saw at the aquarium (a little awkward)
  9. then made our way home on the bus and walked the mile home without complaint - phew!
We ended the day watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. My kids now are saying..."Daddy, I want a Pony and I want it NOW (a.l.a. Veruka Salt)". An enjoyable time if I do say so myself.

Friday, May 23, 2008

You'll be able to wear it again...I'm sure

We're such wild and crazy ladies. We all were 'gussied' up for our evening as bridesmaids for bunko. Many of the gals came up to me announcing excitedly that they too had owned this style of dress (exact one in many cases) for their proms back in the day. They would say such things as, " Is that a Jessica McClintock? I had that very same one in baby blue". I felt so popular. It was a wild and crazy evening with many of the traditional elements of a wedding minus a groom and minus the decorum that most weddings (or maybe not??) would have. As the saying goes, "a good time was had by all" Do you like my hairdo? I tried to recreate as best I could from when I DID wear this dress for a wedding. Unfortunately my hair was longer, PERMED and I had bangs that went on for miles back then. I wasn't about to spend money on extensions AND who perms their hair these days? Bangs, no thanks. The curling iron and hairspray is as far as I'd take it...which is way more than I do on a normal day anyway!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Much ado about nothing

Today I don't have anything specific to blog about so...hmm...what to say....maybe I'll just talk about my plans for the day. The news announced that the price of gas is at $4. Yowza. In defiance of that news, I'm going to try to bike to the kids' school today to take pictures of Young Authors Day. I need to make it back home and then back again (unfortunately in a vehicle) to have the auditions for the Variety Show. Princess has decided to sing a song from High School Musical. That should be interesting. She does have the ability to hold a tune, but there are some spots that are not as, uh, tuneful. Its all fun. Then we'll head to Monkey's (and Coach Dad's) soccer game.
My evening then starts with me getting prepared for Bunko that has the theme "Always a Bridesmaid". I actually do have one bridesmaid's dress left from back in the day. It is from my brother's (Uncle Sock's) wedding. Princess now uses it for dress up. I'll have to borrow it from her. In the big scheme of bridesmaid's dresses, this one was actually quite nice and simple. The drop waist part of it 'dates itself' but is was a simple, garden party, type dress in light pink. I can still wear it, sort of. I was a shadow of myself back then and so the dress didn't even skim my hips, now my hips skim. On the top half, I did not 'fill out' the dress, now I fill to overflowing (and it is uncomfortable and looks like I have 4 boobs instead of 2). I'll have to do adjustments on the top half in order to keep circulation flowing, but I'm committed to wear the dress. I'll have to put my hair in some 'up do' appropriate for the dress, I have plans. I guess the other important element would be getting a bouquet of flowers, another thing to put on my 'to do' list today. So, as much as I thought I had nothing to say I definately filled up this space. Consider me 'unblocked'. Tomorrow is NO SCHOOL for the chillins. I actually enjoy these days. We may plan to have breakfast at the Mothership (aka husband's work) and then walk to the bus depot and take the bus into the city for an adventure. Its all fun and games.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Meat, Meat everywhere

We recently signed up for an organic meat delivery service. Some friends are doing it so we thought we'd give it a try. The delivery will be made shortly. The issue is that we have to have 6 months worth of meat delivered all at once. Another issue is that my husband doesn't want to get another freezer at the moment. So for the past few weeks we've been widdling down our freezer supply to make room for said meat delivery. I am skeptical that our 'side by side' freezer section will hold the meat. And IF it does in fact hold the meat, there will be no popsicles, waffles, or other 'fun stuff' to have on hand (at least until we widdle down our meat supply...or eat meatsicles). One other travesty is that a snowperson from our last snow had taken residence in our freezer and s(he) is now displaced (and oh by the way, melted into nothingness).

We, as parents, have decided to adopt the organic way of life (especially with meats and milk) due to the fact that 8 year old girls are starting to get boobies and our daughter might not be far behind, perhaps we can stave them off or reverse the progress. I'm certain that, one day, my daughter will be so glad that I wrote this, NOT.
So, guess what will be for dinner most nights, meat, meat or more meat (at least there will be varied types; beef, pork, or fish), anyone want to join us for dinner (unless you're a vegetarian)?

Monday, May 19, 2008

Off with her head

This is likely going to be a long post, so you might want to grab a chair and sit down for a bit....

The past few days I've had some interesting coincidences happen that I'm exploring deeper. Saturday night when I was on my date night, I asked my husband if he had ever read any of Lewis Carroll's work. The story goes that Alice in Wonderland (and subsequent stories about Alice) are not his only publications. Back in the day, the Queen of England had read AIW and wanted to read all writings by Lewis Carroll, well, she was surprised by the fact that many of his manuscripts were not fictional, but mathematics books. My husband has an affinity for numbers, math and specifically statistics and he was describing a book he is reading which deconstructs math theorems (queue eyes glazing over). That is why I brought up the topic of Lewis Caroll's writings.

So, fast forward 20 minutes and we are at our next drinking establishment when, what should the cover of the menus be, but a pencil drawing of the famous tea party from AIW. The bartender said, that's synchronicity, my husband said, no that's serendipity...whatever the correct term is, it was a bit spooky and cool at the same time. Fast forward again to the Sunday morning news and they announce that Ashlee Simpson got married on Saturday to the theme of...drum roll....Alice in Wonderland. Ashlee Simpson's wedding has no real meaning for me, but the fact that AIW was presented to me yet a 3rd time in less than 24 hours registered as significant. So, I let it sit and sit, until Monday morning on a 'life-coach call', I brought up my recent AIW coincidences and the coach said, that perhaps there is something in the actual story that might resonate as meaningful in my life. This is where the Law of Attraction and little more "out there" stuff comes in that I'm open to (my brother, however, is quite skeptical). So...I am now on the quest to find the meaning. I started my search for meaning by looking up what metaphors the book has in it to see if they parallel my life...while they were interesting, they weren't resonating, but what did resonate are two quotes from the book....

Quote One:
`Who are YOU?' said the Caterpillar.This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, `I--I hardly know, sir, just at present-- at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.'

Quote Two:
`I quite agree with you,' said the Duchess; `and the moral of that is--Be what you would seem to be--or if you'd like it put more simply--Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.'
`I think I should understand that better,' Alice said very politely, `if I had it written down: but I can't quite follow it as you say it.'

Those quotes, while somewhat (or completely) confusing, actually speak to me. The first could represent the transition(s) one makes in life - daughter, student, employee, wife, mother, stay-at-home mom of school-aged children (insert ME), empty nester (and the list goes on). Each stage can leave us a bit disoriented and unsure of where we fit in. The other is (I think) about being true to yourself and others will then see who you truly are. If that is not the real meaning of that statement...someone chime in and help translate.

So, now I'm off to to rent the DVD to watch (with my children of course) and see if there are other poignant metaphors that stick out for me....any other insights are welcomed. In the meantime, I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date....hmmm maybe that is all that it is about?

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Dinner conversation with monkey.
Monkey: Mommy, why aren't you fun anymore?
Me: What do you mean?
Monkey: You don't smile and do funny things anymore.

Me: I promise to be fun again now that things aren't as busy for me.

That is a clear REALITY CHECK if I've ever felt one.

Gratitude X 10

  1. WARM weather
  2. Day at the beach (see bathing suit babe IN glasses above)
  3. Friday night out with with husband and parents to enjoy sunset on the water (and food and drinks and good conversation)
  4. Crazy weeks have subsided as of today, smooth sailing until next set of guests (my parents and nephew) June 15
  5. Date night
  6. Time alone today while husband and kids go to a Mariners game
  7. Watermelon
  8. Clean sheets (FINALLY)
  9. Really nice visit with inlaws (I hit the Jackpot when it comes to inlaws)
  10. Happiness and Sunshine (and some moonshine thrown in)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Oh sunny day

We're off to Alki beach where this replica of the statue of liberty stands. It is not your normal sandy beach...rocky is more like it, but it is still a great easy getaway. Picnic packed, sunscreen applied, grandparents ready....we're off to have fun!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Back and forth and up and down

Today has been like a carnival ride.

  1. Out the door early with 2 kids and 2 grandparents to have breakfast at school
  2. Rushed to dentist to get a tooth 'fixed' (love the Novocaine needle - NOT)
  3. Scurried back to school to communicate OPERATION CARE PACKAGE to 2nd graders (sending care packages to my brother and his crew in Afghanistan)
  4. Drove out of my way to 'big sale' at Brooks sporting store with in laws in tow (running shoes were dirt cheap so NOW I have my green shoes at a fraction of the cost). I ended up buying way more than I the saying goes, I went broke saving money
  5. Waited in line for more than an hour to buy shoes and sundries
  6. Made my way home

Took a second to breath and write this....THEN, I will

  1. Go back to school to have an information session with students about our 2nd annual Variety Show
  2. Drive home to regroup with husband and his parents
  3. Retrieve babysitter from her house
  4. Journey out to enjoy time with husband and his parents
  5. Take babysitter back to her house
  6. Fall into bed exhausted
  7. Get up early to do a photoshoot at 8am

And round and round and round again!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Some may already know this story, but I'll tell it there! I thought I'd give the history of my nickname Chief. In my Junior year of college, I was feeling sorry for myself because my name did not lend itself to a nickname and LUCKILY, I hadn't done anything to earn a bad nickname. I had many friends with some great nicknames such as Verde, Amis, Jules, Kush, Lizard, Dougie Fresh, Big Dan, Sammy, Flock of Seagulls (my friend Ted could come up with some great bedhead that looked just like the band's hair) and on and on. My boyfriend at the time decided to solve the problem and took it upon himself to call me Chief Nocohomie (I'm guessing at the spelling). I've not researched whether there is a real Indian Chief with that name and I'm now wondering if it could have been an 'insider' joke with his buddies...but luckily the name was shortened to Chief. Chief stuck with all of my closest pals from school. To this day, they exclusively refer to me by that name. In fact, my "matron" of honor said a wedding speech with my real name and it felt wrong and out of place. Nowadays when I get an unexpected call from a friend and they say "Hey Chief", I get a flood of warm, happy, and safe feelings. It instantly brings me right to that time when life was much less complicated (eventhough we thought it WAS complicated back then). It is a virtual 'hug' when my friends call and announce my name. Thanks ladies for just being YOU.

First fight

My kids had their first physical fight with each other yesterday (if you could call it that). It was at the bus stop and I'm sure they were fighting over who got to be the first in line which is a daily battle among all the kids at the bus stop. I did not witness the battle but of course Monkey was crying (as he does). Reports of punches, pulling hair and hurt feelings were thrown about. This incident was disappointing to me only in that we'd avoided them to date and I thought somehow we were immune to it. Of course the kids have had their issues, but no physical outbursts have been brought to my attention. I told them that I was disappointed and that when they got home I'd deal with it (because the bus was climbing up the hill as we were resolving the issue). So, here was my resolution. The minute they walked in the door I gave them paper and pencil to write five things they like about their sibling. They took this task on willingly and Princess even colored a picture of them together with a pretty sky, grass and smiles. So here are the lists:
Princess wrote:

1) He's funny and makes me laugh

2) He's nice

3) He's verey pashent

4) He's fun to play with

5) He's my friend


1) Shares

2) I love her

3) She is Prity

4) Pes Bilder (peace builder is a program at our school)

5) She helps me

I made them read it out loud to each other and then hug. It was much more sincere than the sorry I heard at the bus stop. All is well in sibling rivalry....for now. I'll save these of course because they are sooo sweet.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Wapner's on at Seven (ala Rain Man)

I don't know if I can describe my comical shopping experience as well as it felt, but here goes. I had the "honor" of grocery shopping with my in laws yesterday and I truly felt as if I was living a sitcom episode. My first clue that this was going to be an 'experience' is when they picked up the circular with all of the sale items in the store. They both made the announcement that "we never buy anything that isn't on sale"...."oh boy, here we go" is what I thought. So, I willy nilly pick up some bananas and they announce "those are on sale". Then I went to pick up something else..."those are not on sale". Then we had the conundrum of whether buying bulk mushrooms or the 2 for one packages would be a better deal, they analyzed the unit prices and determined that the packages were the better deal. This is how the shopping 'experience' ran the whole time we were there. I decided to 'shorten' my list of 'must haves' so as not to have to do too many 'analyses'. I went to buy some 'whipped' butter (which I find is easier to spread when I'm rushing through my morning breakfast for the kids)...well father-in-law (FIL) did a tisk tisk and said that the stick butter is a better deal and that I should buy that...I conceded in order to respect my elders. By the end of the shopping spree, we had to guess how much we were saving, FIL said $38, MIL said $22 and I just randomly guessed $20. The final savings was $40 dollars which my FIL said he would have been exactly right if I hadn't run to pick up the last few items that were not on the list....oh boy. I was feeling all rebellious and said I'd be back and went to get some candy intending to pick something FULL price, but then I chose the one on sale, they must have rubbed off on me. It was a comical experience and we ALL had a laugh at their expense. I was granted permission to post this blog. Note to self, no more grocery shopping with the in laws.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Natives are restless

On Friday I hosted a strategy meeting for the executive board of the PTSA (of which I have signed on as president...yikes). The goal of the meeting was social, a little brainstorming and more social. Well, we had all of that, AND we also had a nice little pow wow about how we think there are some inherent and big issues in the school that we'd like to try to change. Boy was that a lively discussion. Now to figure out what to do to make things happen....I can still hear the ceremonial drums pounding at our pow wow.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Gratitude X 10

1. Homemade bath salts, potted flower and notes from my children - Happy Mother's day
2. Phone calls from family
3. Herman the hermit crab survived a week - hallelujah
4. Snickerdoodles - YUM!
5. In laws here to play
6. Pow-wow with parents about school issues - 'we shall overcome'
7. Monkey playing tball - soooo cute
8. Awesome performance by princess at the school play
9. Not LOSING the biggest loser (but not winning either...I think I can, I think I can)
10. Going to Mariners game today with family

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Weigh in

Today was the biggest loser weigh in....and....drum husband won with 8 pounds down. I lost 2 pounds and our team up the hill had a 5 pound loss between the two of them. As the saying goes, men can think about losing weight and they do. My husband DID put a concerted effort in with his consistent workouts and keeping an eye on his caloric intake. We're going to continue our health and fitness goals until the end of May...the team up the hill are off to Germany (well la-ti-da) and so they may have issues with the Beer Gardens and Bratwursts...but maybe not. I'm glad to keep up the focus, but guests and general life things keep getting in the way of my fitness and eating goals. In one more week, the guests will have all gone and maybe, just maybe, I can 'hunker down' for the final stretch. I think I can, I think I can....

Friday, May 9, 2008

She's on her way...

Last night was the school concert for Princess. It was your normal run-of-the-mill concert, no bells and whistles. However, my daughter had a speaking part. She had a stellar performance; no misspoken words, no stalling on her lines and she spoke loud and clear. The girl next to her also had a speaking part and she, well, she didn't do as well; not that I'm bragging or anything! Maybe, just maybe, Princess will support us with her booming acting career; but for now, we'll keep it simple and just shine at our school programs. We don't want her to go all 'Britney' on us!

Princess is the tall one in the front row. It is amazing the difference in sizes of these kids. I think our street has some growth hormone in the water because most of the kids on our block are gi-normous compared to their classmates.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Normal Rockwell came to visit

Picture this: Four children helped me make cookies last night for the bake sale at school. Everyone cooperated, took turns stirring and making the balls for the cookies. Then the boys left to color pictures at the kitchen table while the girls helped finish off the batches. It was a magical moment...then I was left to clean the mess. It was actually a very nice evening with the kids. These Snickerdoodles have become my signature bake sale cookie and Princess says I make the BEST cookies EVER. The recipe comes from the kitchen of Mrs. Greene. Her daughter, one of my best buddies, gave it to me during my bridal shower. Her mother used to send batches to school when we were in college. Fond memories...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

He made my day!

I got a phone call from my brother yesterday and it made my day- even my week! He is a Navy Commander (who usually floats on boats) kicking sand in Afghanistan playing Army (which is referred to as NARMY). This is all wrong in my opinion...but it is what it is. He is doing a stellar job out there (which I would expect no less from him) and he is making the best of it. His family is doing the same back home (I think a metal of honor in these situations should go to BOTH the family keeping it together at home and the soldier serving his/her country abroad). Instead of leading the troops (he is front and center in the picture on top) he should be leading the beachweek games (picture on bottom)...I'll call George W. to demand a recall for this important matter.

If I have to find the silver lining in this situation, I'd say that I've never been closer with my brother and I am so enjoying this (irony that there is so much literal distance involved). I've never talked, written, emailed than I have these past 6 months (I made 2 extra trips home to see him off). I've been a bit obsessed sending packages and letters (probably still not enough to make up for his solitary-feeling experience I'm sure). By the way, how many parenthetical statements can one make in an entry...I might submit this one to be considered for the record.

So, when things are feeling rotten in your everyday life, think of the families who are dealing with 'this situation' and that can provide some perspective (or not). If anyone reading this would like to know how to send letters or packages, please leave a comment and I'll contact you directly.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Mother of four

This week I get to test the model of having more than 2 kids - double the fun. We have 2 guest children. The set up is as if I'd have had 2 girls 12 months apart and then twin boys. At this age, it is a nice treat for all of them to have a playmate all morning and evening long before and after school. That being said, how do people have more than 2 kids, I ask? I have 2 friends with 5 kids, 1 friend with 6 kids and my brother's friend takes the cake with 7 kids between the ages of 16 and 1 years old. I think they all might have missed that day in health class that told them how babies are made. We are one day down and 4 to go...but who's counting? (me!)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Introducing Herman

Thanks Grandma H. for the birthday money for Princess; this is how she chose to spend it. I am not a big fan of creepy crawly things (thanks in part to MY mother's, a.k.a.Grandma H's, phobias). So, this is definitely a stretch for me. I never knew a hermit crab could be so big. I just hope Herman doesn't die in the near future, the fish dying last summer did me in.

Gratitude X 10

  1. Crazy week is over; but, new crazy week begins

  2. Pictures published in the local 'rag' from our Hawk Walk

  3. Successful 8 year old party - shrinky dinks ROCK! (see picture)

  4. Husband 'holding things together' while I was at PTA convention

  5. Glad I am not a divorcee PTA mom

  6. Hearing nice things about my blog from friends across the continent

  7. Ready to refocus my fitness and health starting Monday (Monday's a time to start again; Sunday is a time to gorge because Monday is coming)

  8. People still talk to me despite my HUGE pimples on my chin (puberty is hitting at age 39...huh?)

  9. Sun on Sunday - yeah!

  10. Happy healthy family

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Trying to fit in

I made it out alive from the PTA convention. There is standard by which the participants display their 'accomplishments' in the form of multiple (and I mean multiple) ribbons to tell where they are from, how many awards they have won, and other 'badges of honor'. Well, I DON'T have any badges of honor so my friend bought me some....if you read them you'll see how 'seriously' I take the PTA convention. The event was true to form, with the very serious, committed members and the many (and I mean many) larger (and I mean larger) women at the event. Good people watching for sure.

Last night, my partners in crime and I made our way up to the hotel bar to watch an even crazier (read scarier) phenomenon; dedicated PTA divorcee moms dancing and flirting with the airport, hotel bar clientele. What fine speci"men" does one think she'll score at an airport, hotel bar I have to ask? I thanked my lucky stars that I am 13 years happily married and wasn't part of that scene. I DID dance a few times with some of these speci"men" with the rider that I don't "dirty dance". I made it out in one piece thankfully and never lowered my 'dancing standard'. I had to scurry home early this morning to prepare for an 8 year old girl party. It is NO FUN having 10 screaming girls over when suffering from a slight hangover...that is why after the girls left, I had a VERY LONG nap!

Thursday, May 1, 2008


NOT! I'm off to the airport hotel for 2 nights to participate in the PTA 'convention' that happens this time each year. I went last year and found it quite comical, so I'm back again for more of the same. I feel as though there is good 'content' for a mockumentary ala Best in Show about this PTA stuff and the excitement and commitment people have. Also, the amount of JUNK FOOD that is circulated is astounding. I am committed NOT to eat it because based on what I see at the convention, if I keep going to these events, I might balloon into least that is the standard I see at the event. So, I am probably not able to post until Saturday evening, where I'll have stories of an 8 year old birthday party to report on. My life is a habitrail at the moment, but it keeps it interesting! Off to the 'PTA circus'!