Sunday, January 31, 2010

Gratitude X 10

  1. My husband is super kind to me.

  2. My daughter makes me proud (school play)

  3. My son gives good snuggle

  4. My new Coach challenges me

  5. My clients inspire me

  6. My Martha Beck tribe boosts my soul

  7. My friends remind me that connecting is like water - a necessity

  8. My mind sometimes gets the best of me

  9. My heart always tells the truth

  10. My February is going to be Fabulous!

Picture is of a crazy bird we saw at Disney in early January!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

What's your sign?

I know that interacting with people who 'get it' is exactly what gets me into the flow. Today I had coffee with a new friend...and just coincidentally my horoscope today read:

Aries: Stay at home today if you can. If you do go out, connect with a female who has the answers you need.

I chose to connect with a female and am so glad I did. I'm not sure what the answers are per se, but I know we covered a lot of ground in our 2 hour I'm sure I got the answers I need!

Note to self; Bookmark this post to remember what 'flow' feels like.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

All lovey dovey

Since the Hallmark holiday of love is approaching, I've decided that my valentine to myself will be to honor all of the words and thoughts I had about self love . My priority every day in the month of February is to check off every item on the list and confirm that I have practiced (if only for a moment) each of the 11 items which are:

  1. Connection - meet/talk/email at least one person per day

  2. Reflection - purposefully quiet the mind for at least 1 minute a day

  3. Celebration/gratitude - write at least one NEW thing I'm grateful for each day

  4. Inspiration - Read or observe something new each day

  5. Creativity - Write my blog, coach, photograph, draw, brainstorm my life OR whatever else I deem creative once a day

  6. Love - look in the mirror and say I LOVE YOU each day (I know I lost a lot of you on that one....but I think there is something to this)

  7. Confidence - Remember a time either that day or in my life when I felt confident and FEEL what that feels like AND/OR think of people who represent confidence for me and see if I can access how they might feel/act/do with their confidence

  8. Interconnectivity - Connect one person to something or someone that I know (or think of someone I can connect)

  9. Intuition - practice making decisions from my feelings versus from my squirrely mind.

  10. Knowing - list one new thing that I "know" to be true about myself each day

  11. Believe in myself - ask how I've believed in myself that day, and if I feel I don't, QUESTION why.
Now I will make a workbook with these items with 28 open spots in each category to record my progress on each one, EACH DAY. This feels like a tall order and it feels as though I doubt that I'll be able to follow through BUT I will reflect on that doubt and turn it around before Feb 1 so that I can believe in myself and set an intention for the value of this exercise. My sense of excitement is growing by the minute. How 'bout you? How can you show love for yourself this upcoming month of ooey-gooey-chocolate-chewy February? I'd love to hear!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Alrighty then

That is the first word that came to mind as I thought about what to write today. No insights are coming so...I start with those words and then...what...hmmm...

Perhaps because my tummy is full of Indian food, my brain cannot function. Today, I took my husband to lunch FOR THE FIRST TIME since we moved here 3 + years ago. His office is WALKABLE and we've never made a regular date of it. We've had a few breakfasts at his work with the kids but not a date in the middle of the day, WITHOUT KIDS. I love that we scheduled this in advance; that we blocked it off on our calendars; that I turned down another opportunity for lunch because this was scheduled; that we reminded each other daily of our lunch date...the anticipation and excitement over making ourselves a priority while a small task in the big scheme of things (just one hour on Wednesday) took on a bigger meaning psychologically. We're talking about making this a regular "thing" and perhaps doing an 'around the world' theme where we try different ethnic foods (within a radius of his work). How fun! How novel! How STUPID that we've not done this before! What other "simple thing" am I overlooking that can have huge emotional dividends? I'm going to go on a hunt for more moments...a treasure hunt of sorts!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Blue Monday

January is traditionally not my most fabulous month and for some reason I thought that now that I'm more enlightened and zen about things that this time would be different...and, well, notsomuch. I have my hunches about why...but was hoping that those "excuses" didn't have to be the norm anymore. That isn't to say that I'm a drooling-mess-of-a-thing during this time; I just lack the skip in my step and I give into lazy days more readily. This weekend was the pinnacle of my slump and I was in one of those 'stages' where I knew that if I just got outside or ran an errand or maybe even get out of my jammies (for-god-sake) that I could trip the wire and reignite my energy...but alas I did not. Boy is it hard not to self flagellate on this one instead of roll with it. Yesterday I had a little spill over from my lazy weekend, but was able to get a little more juice in my day...then this news report ironically provided me the spark I needed. The irony is that some "made-up study" stating that yesterday was the most depressing day of the year had me sit up and feel giddy...I had an excuse!!! Yeah me! And now...I am feeling that engine revving, I have more plans, I have things to look forward to, I'm signing up to run a book club and so on and so forth. Curious though that I needed an external 'benign' source to tell me I was "normal" to get me going...what-is-that-all-about?

In the zen-enlightened-ohm world...that spark could have been within ME to find it in myself to have the answer...that makes me believe there is more work to do here...and I believe honestly that my work is never done...which is what I like to call LIVING!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Ama te stesso

Today I participated in a call where we discussed self love. Prior to the call we were to generate a 'vision board' of what self love in this year would look like. As with all my homework in college and grad school...I "pulled it out" at the last minute (really 7 minutes before the call). I thought of words that I relate to and then found pictures that represent that and made a PDF of the whole thing and called it good. Here are my words and then the corresponding pictures as seen in my collage.

  1. Connection
  2. Reflection
  3. Celebration/Gratitude
  4. Inspiration
  5. Creativity
  6. Love
  7. Confidence
  8. Interconnectivity
  9. Intuition
  10. Knowing
  11. Belief in myself.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Gratitude X 10

  1. Heroes in Haiti

  2. Adoptive parents

  3. Relief efforts

  4. Organizers

  5. My safety

  6. Dr. Martin Luther King
  7. Walt Disney

  8. Bill Gates

  9. The Wright Brothers

  10. My life

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Something's fishy

My husband cannot be trusted to take my daughter out on a date. The two of them are trouble. Somehow one of them talked the other into buying 3 fish at PetCo. I have a no pet policy at my house because WE KILL THEM. I gave them both the "what for" (but really in jest) and announced that I WILL NOT do any of the care and cleaning for these "things". AND if they die while I'm home alone, I am checking into a hotel until the "cleaner" comes. So we now have Killer, Max and Flloyd in our home. I'm curious how they'll survive this summer when we're gone for a month!!!!!!????? I'mjustsaying.

Funny side note, my daughter informed my husband that she is prepared for their death WHEN (not IF) it comes! What have we done to our children!!!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

MIxed Emotions

Here are the range of emotions I had in the past 30 minutes:

  • Rushed - running late for 4th grade math night

  • Nervous - leaving the kids alone for 40 minutes during math night

  • Connected - talking to a few moms before the session began

  • Bored - not really keen on math in general

  • Nervous - when I saw the math worksheets that we were going to have to do

  • Embarrassed - my phone began to ring just after the session began

  • Annoyed - it was my daughter calling

  • Nervous - she informed me she had cut her finger

  • Logical - trying to figure out if it was a real emergency

  • Compassionate - she began to cry out of fear and pain

  • Rushed - trying to hurry home

  • Regret - should have remembered to tell them NOT to use knives while I was out AND maybe it is too early to leave them alone

  • Relief - that her finger doesn't require an emergency room visit

  • Useful - I cleaned the cut, applied Neosporin, put a clean band aid on, and provided Motrin for the pain

  • Super duper relief - that I had a legitimate excuse to get out of 4th grade math night

  • Guilt - that I am not heading back to 4th grade math night

  • Rebellious - math night "schmath" night...I am not leaving the kids again just to be bored/confused to tears

  • Grateful - my kids are ok, I am not doing 4th grade math, and I should get credit for at least trying to go (you know for darn sure that I'm going to email the teacher to give them my "excuse" for leaving early)

After that smorgasbord of emotion...I feel as though I need a drink!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Lessons from Disney

Client Service 101: How best to treat clients as modeled by the concierge at Disney Beach Club:

Always be one step ahead of your client

When we arrived the concierge called the kids by their first names (without our prompting) and said that Mickey had told him we were coming (much like Santa knows everything)

Have a simple freebie to excite the client

The concierge gave the kids Mickey stickers which they immediately applied to their jackets

Provide a sense of anticipation about the journey

The concierge hyped up all of the amenities of the hotel and theme parks so the kids were about to explode

Make the client feel safe

The concierge told the kids that if we (as a family) were to get separated; they were not the ones lost, we (the parents) were and that they should inform the park staff that "we" wayward parents were lost "again".

Make the client feel like he/she is in on a secret that only a select group knows

The concierge took our kids aside and told them of a couple of secrets around the building for them to look for and show us (finding all the mickey mouse symbols in the building for example)

Give your clients the "royal treatment"

The hotel provided breakfast in the morning, Mickey cookies and snacks at 3pm, appetizers and drinks (sodas, beer and wine) at 5pm, and evening dessert and aperitifs at 8pm. Oh yeah, and mints on the pillow.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Radio silence

Busy prepping to meet the big guy - MM in DW. Fun times ahead!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Auto Body lessons

Here are my lessons from a networking event last night:
  • Socializing in an auto body shop is hip

  • Business owners who hold such parties at their own auto body shop think outside (or inside really) the box

  • Said auto repair business owner clearly gets that business isn't just about WHAT YOU DO, its much more - like building brand awareness, reaching out to people with common interests (entrepreneurship), making it more than just selling business...all of this can go much further than an add in the proverbial "yellow pages"

  • Providing a creative and open environment in an uncommon place makes for creative and uncommon interactions (which is good)

  • If an auto body shop owner can teach me these lessons, who/what else is out there for me to learn about business and myself (for that matter)?
Note to self - say yes more often and more cool experiences will come!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sherlock Herself

My daughter can spy the one thing that she shouldn't see with the eye of a hawk. Today I had a handful (ok really multiple handfuls) of tootsie rolls (they rank up there with jelly beans) and she totally busted me within 1 minute of coming home from school even when I tried to 'hide the evidence'. It frustrates me to no end...but also makes me laugh. When she was 2 years old she totally saw her Santa gift (the princess castle was stored NOT OUT OF SIGHT by my husband in the walk in attic). I had to practically stand on my head and do circus acts to convince her that she in fact DID NOT see her gift. Who knows if she believed me? You can't get anything by that girl...and I know one day that will prove to be a useful gift, but for now, CAN'T A MOM INDULGE IN PEACE?

Monday, January 11, 2010

I got a feelin' - woo hoo

Here is how the story goes. When I say something I stick to it (mostly). So, in 1998 when I said I would run the London Marathon, I meant it...and I did it. When I say I'm going to write my blog every day (mostly) I do it. When I say that I will give up junk food from January until Easter I do it. HOWEVER, recently I have been making a conscious decision to start really thinking about what I'm 'sticking to' and deciding when and where I might want some flexibility or change. I do like how I can persevere at things. I believe I inherited that skill from my dear Father. I know I'll continue exercising this ability in some areas of my life...but I am now willing to change my mind if I wish, or redirect my actions where I see fit, especially if I see it as something that will serve me even better. So, last year I broke my decade tradition of giving up junk food from January until Easter. I was realizing that although I was proud of my willpower and commitment, that behavior was actually destructive because it wasn't honoring my ability to trust myself to exercise moderation. I wasn't believing in myself that I could say no to something and also say yes on occasions when I felt like it, and that I would know when to 'say when'.

In the spirit of flexibility, I have another change to make that feels good and feels right and provides me with a little more inspiration...and part of me feels fickle. I know I'm making more out of this than needs be...but I've decided to change my word for the year after already announcing it and committing to it. It turns out that with a little bit of perspective (mainly from my friend Jen) that instead of the word OBSERVE, I'd like to go a little deeper and change me word to FEEL. I think from that place I can "observe" the REAL me and what I want. I am a firm believer that the more we get in touch with our body and our feelings the more we can really see what makes us when I feel a sick feeling when invited to a PTA meeting, I know that doesn't work for me, or when I feel all giddy inside when invited to a girls night out, I know I'm onto something, or when I get a little stir inside when I read a thought piece on how to see things differently I know that perhaps there is something there to investigate. This FEELING is taking me out of my head (which can sometimes fool us into THINKING something is real) and putting me in touch with the truth because I believe our body always tells the truth. So...move over OBSERVE...I've got a feeling. The other cool thing is that I can actually have a theme song.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Gratitude X 10

  1. Sunrises

  2. Sunsets

  3. Kids in school

  4. Finishing books (3 library books down)

  5. Re-connecting with friends

  6. Re-connecting with clients

  7. A full schedule

  8. Morning walks

  9. Warm snuggly early morning hugs

  10. My plans for the day

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Old dogs

In the 18 years (close to half my life) I've known my husband, I've witnessed a curious phenomenon. He cannot change sheets. This isn't necessarily a husband bashing party, it is an observation and perhaps dare I say, a fact. It is more often than not that he puts the clean top sheet on sideways (what I call short sheeting) and/or the pillow case will have the seam directly across the place where you lay your face. In the past, this would bother me and I would make statements like..."I cannot believe that you advize CEOs with multi-million dollar budgets but you cannot seem to figure out how to make a bed (this would be in more of a joke form than a chastizing form...but probably one could argue that they have the same result). I still say that in my head (and sometimes out loud) but I say it now with a true laughing spirit. I find it fascinating that 18 years later it still is the same. Just yesterday, I went to make the bed and low and behold the sheets were hanging way too long on each side of the bed indicating another short sheeting. I laughed and had truly endearing thoughts about my husband.

My mother-in-law (whose favorite/only son I married) would probably say, "at least he makes the bed"....and I agree with her. I also agree that I have hit the jackpot when it comes to husbands. How many wives can say that their husbands cook dinner almost every night (after a long day at work). Or that their husbands prefer a tidy house and will take matters into his own hands if need be (sometimes a little too tidy where things will go missing which I suspect means they are thrown away). I also have a husband who loves me, who is committed to our relationship, who 'brings home the bacon', who supports my crazy 'self actualization' process I'm on, and whom I am proud to introduce to people and most of the times I can feel confident that I won't be embarassed (joke)...I could go on, and I'm sure he'd love me to...but the point is nobody is perfect. The other point to me is...make your own damn bed if you want it to be right.

There is that age-old discussion wives often have of their spouses where they have a sneaking suspicion that the recurring "doing it the wrong way" is a sly trick to get out of doing it at all. I really don't feel that is the case here...but maybe my husband has me really fooled. In the meantime, my lesson is to make the bed directly after the sheets are dry so that my husband is not tempted to take matters in his own hands!!!! I'm-just-saying.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Words to live by

I read this poem to my niece from the book Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein. It is my new favorite:

Listen to the MUSTN'TS, child,
Listen to the DON'TS
Listen to the SHOULDN'TS
Listen to the NEVER HAVES
Then listen close to me -
Anything can happen, child,
ANYTHING can be.

Well gosh darn now I have another new favorite that I just now discovered while looking for links to Silverstein's it is:

There is a voice inside of you
That whispers all day long,
"I feel that this is right for me,
I know that this is wrong."
No teacher, preacher, parent, friend
Or wise man can decide
What's right for you - Just listen to
the voice that speaks inside.

Hard for me to pick so now they're my two new favorites...but I do know that Shel Silverstein's The Giving Tree is my all time favorite book and it so happens that I am going to be reading it to 20 second graders this afternoon (as the mystery reader of the week). I love, love, love, the book and I love, love, love reading to children...what a great way to end my first week of January 2010.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Tabula Rasa

I had this goal of writing my blog first thing in the morning because I have 'things to do and people to see'. Guess what, my mind is a blank slate. I feel good inside, I'm actively engaging in stuff that brings me the most joy, I'm almost finished with my 3rd library book of the year and the 4th is at the ready which is Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert.

What I have been thinking of is to have some regular 'spots' on my blog. As I am moving in the direction of actively coaching and reaching out to people about who I am, how I think, and what I know, I want to start focusing on those bits (of which I have a good amount already posted in the past 2 years). So perhaps I'll have a Reading Roundup on Fridays, and Monday Musings, and Whack-a-doo Wednesdays, and of course my Gratitude on Sunday...and then I'll also continue my aimless musings when they come to me. These are just 'off the cuff' thoughts but it seems a plan is a brewing. I'm also ruminating about some teleclasses I might get started doing and the such. I'm just a bevvy of ideas and what January will be is about maybe, just maybe putting some into action. It feels as if the train is warming up, and the conductor is looking at her watch anticipating the telltale sign that it is time to start the journey...with a hearty call of "all aboard". I crack myself up with my ability to come up with a corny metaphor in a whim...maybe it should be Metaphor Mondays? hmmmm let me think about it!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Put your record on

Today is my day that I feel as though I am 'put back together' from the hub-bub of the holidays and my 10 days back east. The house is 'just so', laundry is one load away from done, kids are in a good routine, I have lists and I am checking items off as I go, I am sleeping on a more regular schedule (ish), and today I start back with my clients.

I am so excited to feel that energy again and work toward getting more of the same. The energy I like is encapsulated under the umbrella of what I call "meaningful connections". What makes me the best me is when I am communicating with people who "get it" and who want to engage at an energy level that is positive, forward focused, fun and engaging. That is my sweet spot and I want more and more of it. This can come in the form of a great conversation with a friend, a download of the workday with my husband, a chat with my child, an hour-long session supporting someone as a coach, a networking event where smart people are actively communicating and even reading smart, witty, concise but meaningful writing helps me to accesses my sweet spot of energy that I love. So YEAH ME...I have set my needle on the right groove of my 'record' (showing my age) and my song is playing beautifully...I suspect that at some point I'll hit a scratch in the record, but I'll know what to do...pick up the needle and move it slightly...and the song continues...OR sometimes it helps to just turn the record player off for a bit, quiet the mind and then restart at whatever point feels right. That is my plan for Jan (I'm a poet).

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


My word for 2010 started as witness, then moved to notice, however through a meaty conversation with my master mind group yesterday, I've settled on OBSERVE. My friend Dawn was encouraging me to change my perspective on how I make decisions and instead of going from a 'should do' perspective look for what makes me, me (inside) and look for more of "me" on the outside. She had a great phrase for it "More Me Now". As she was saying this I looked a my notebook I've been writing in daily and covering with words from magazines (kind of like a vision board). In the upper left corner I had three words patched together "My World Observed" (see picture) was a serendipitous moment where she was talking and I was looking at exactly the same heart started racing and I knew then that my word would be OBSERVE...and I will be actively observing my world both inside and out. LOVE IT.
Here is a quote to seal my word for the year:

"Self-observation brings man to the realization of the necessity of self-change. And in observing himself notices that self-observation itself brings about certain changes in his inner processes. He begins to understand that self-observation is an instrument of self-change, a means of awakening." George Gurdjieff (Armenian Philosopher)

BUT, I must also add this quote...because as my friend pointed out...I not only want to start noticing...I also want to start, doing look out for electric fences with pee on them:

"There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves." Will Rogers

Monday, January 4, 2010

Size Matters

There must be some growth hormone in the rainwater here in the PNW. This morning my son's socks did not fit, my daughters "got to" tennis shoes did not fit and MY toes were banging into my running shoes this morning during my walk. Our family might be shopping in the 'clown shoe' department before we know it. Geeze!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Gratitude X 10

  1. Home again home again jiggety jig

  2. Sipping the bubbly with friends on New Year's eve

  3. Kissing my love at the stroke of midnight

  4. Sleepy morning hugs with my kids

  5. Finishing 2 books this weekend (library)

  6. Deciding that its ok to read all I want

  7. Going to bed at a reasonable hour

  8. Waking up early and having my own quiet time

  9. Enjoying myself on my 4 mile walk all alone

  10. Anticipation of a GREAT year and more clarity for ME.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 2 book One - Talent Code

I finished my first book of 2010 (which happens to also be a library book). The book is called the Talent Code by Daniel Coyle. Very fascinating look about how one becomes great at something. The book reads a lot like Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers and it argues that breakout 'greats' are not born they are grown through a concept called Deep practice. The coolest thing is that there is a brain component in this that is a more recent discovery of its role in skill building. When one does deep practice (which is the act of trying something, failing and trying again until you've hit the 'sweet spot') builds myelin around the neurons in our brain. The more you practice the more myelin you produce which insulates those neurons/synapses so that it is a stronger path within your brain. Along with the deep practice (or actually before the deep practice) you need what he calls "ignition" and that is the trigger with which drives you to do the deep practice in the first place. Ignition can take several forms such as losing a parent and needing to fill the void, or witnessing someone "like you" doing something and getting the sense that you can do it too, or the pure exposure to something that sparks a passion in you. A final component of what makes the greats "great" is master coaches which are those skilled leaders that guide the student through their deep practice through perceptiveness, directive commands, and motivation. Coyle researched 'hotbeds' of talent where more talent is produced from one area that most (eg Renaissance artists in Florence, Brazilian soccer greats, Russian tennis stars, South Korean women golfers). It turns out that the combination of ignition (eg watching someone like you succeeding), deep practice techniques (breaking skill down to is component parts), and master coaches are what seems to be the elixir for creating 'more greats' from one area than most. Besides looking at sports, art, music and the such, Coyle showed how this applies to education by highlighting the innovative teaching methods of KIPP (Knowledge is Power Programs) schools around the US.

This book was a great start to my year, it was educational, interesting, fascinating, thought provoking and "advanced"in its concept and helped to potentially 'debunk' the concept that you have to be 'born with it' to be great. For some reason this kind of book gets me excited. The good thing about it is that it takes what could be a complicated topic (the role of myelin in the brain) and makes it readable and applicable to 'lil ole me'. I recommend this book just to have a little wiggle room in how we perceive how talent is made. I will now question the 'tabloids' when they say "She came out of nowhere to become a great singer"...I call BS on that!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Just one on 1/1/10

I have but one resolution this year and it is this....I resolve to obtain all my 2010 reading material from the Public Library when possible.

Coming soon will be my word for the year. The words I've been toying with are Whimsy and Notice....but I will spend the first week of 2010 ruminating and "noticing" what feels right for me. Stay tuned.
In the meantime, I will reflect on the my word for 2009 which was ALLOW.

I don't have any huge insights as to how this word played out for me...but I have a strong sense that it was woven throughout all of my actions and thoughts and deeds this year. One thought comes to mind is that I feel that I learned to "let go" more this year and from that I've had some great things happen. I believe that letting go is the sweet spot for getting what you want and it is a tough one to pin down. Its one of those things that is like a feeling that I will recognize when I feel it but cannot make it happen an a whim...or at least not at the moment. To let go for me means I'm "allowing" the space for things to align which will be in my best interest and I could never MAKE what happens happen by being graspy and controlling over the outcome. So with that, I "allowed" a few things that I can think of:

  • Change of schools for the kids

  • Certification with Martha Beck

  • Cleaning lady

  • Photography clients

  • Therapist who 'fits me'

  • Amazing connections (coaching colleagues)

  • Weight loss

  • "Let go" of my expectations of others (still working on it)

  • Clients

  • Cool "almost magic" coincidences

Whatever word I decide, I will make sure that the concept of letting go/allowing is implied because I feel as though I would like to practice this more and witness what transpires...I predict some cool stuff coming my way...and guess what, it already happened...I got a present in the mail from American Express, it is a "cooler" shopping bag that affixes to your cart at the grocery store. It allows your cold/frozen goods to stay that way while on errands and such. I have been wanting one but it never made it to my list of things to buy...and Voila, it shows up at my doorstep in the form of a gift. MAGIC