Sunday, October 31, 2010

Gratitude X 10

  1. Sun after a rainy day
  2. An evening with my boys (daughter at a sleepover)
  3. Soccer games in the rain (glad they're over)
  4. Giddiness of my son as he's about to turn 9
  5. Coaching calls
  6. Friend calls
  7. Inspiration on the web
  8. Visual journaling with my book Creative Entrepreneur
  9. My simple but full life
  10. Halloween fun.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wowie Kazowie

I'm beat!
The weekend is full-to-overflowing with fun stuff.
Our family is whole again.
Our son turns 9 - how did that happen?
His braces come off tomorrow - he is beyond excited and cannot sleep
Life is good..and I'm off to bed.
Audieu to yu...and yu...and yu-ooooo

(did you see the cast of Sound of Music on Oprah?...I will watch it tomorrow)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Gratitude X 10

The Positive Polly vs. Negative Nelly addition:

  1. Busy week...too busy
  2. Sunny rain
  3. Parties...slow today because of them
  4. Dedicated conferences
  5. Soccer win...rough opposing team, my daughter was stepped on as a goalie and has huge bruise
  6. Work for my husband...he is absent this week, in Munich
  7. Work for me...this week was skewed too far on the volunteer side
  8. Candy...I MUST STOP eating it
  9. Books...want to dedicate more time to reading
  10. New week ahead...big sigh...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"Passions" - Wordle

Wordle: Passions


Psst, blog...I've both forgotten and avoided you these past few days. I'm not really sorry, but I kind of miss you. I'll get back into the swing of things soon. Thanks for hanging out patiently even when I'm not paying attention to you!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Picture this

I just plain forgot to post yesterday. No real good excuses except that I spent the morning getting hugs and kisses from this cutie pie while I documented her 12 month self. I love taking photos. I love that people can have great pictures of their kids and "I did it!". So, I'm looking forward to taking more great photos in the future!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tabula Rasa

Today feels like a clean slate kind of day. That is what I wrote on my twitter account today (@laurahenglish is my twitter alias). Anyway, that is what I feel. I decided to start a new book Infinite Possibilities by Mike Dooley. I also am going to finish my journal book and start a new one that has a fun kaleidoscope of colors. In fact, I may just quickly end my other book without ACTUALLY filling every page. Just that act of NOT finishing is somewhat scary for me (in more of a psychological way...not real fear silly). So it may take courage but alas...maybe that is all I need to feel big and strong and in control....TA DA! Obviously I'm a little goofy today, but this clean slate thing is kind of a cool feels like what you'd feel when looking at a big open vista with never ending views of nature. So now what? I don't know. I'm going to go with my gut (or one might call it intuition) on my next steps. That is pretty much how I run my life anyway, but the Tabula Rasa approach feels kind of groovy....DUDE!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I have a client coming to my house. I spent the morning tidying...I just felt the tell tale "click" feeling in my body where I know that I am feeling "good enough" about my house. I like the "click" helps me to let go of the perfectionist..."must have it perfect" feeling and lets me get on with my life. I don't know when this "click" perspective came into being but it has been in the past few years! I am learning to be neat, I am learning to employ wabi sabi techniques, I am learning to love my processes so that they don't overwhelm me! Feels really to prepare my brain and heart for my client!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Looking forward...

I'm looking forward to the day that I don't notice the left side of my skull. I look forward to the day in which the dull headache in my sinus cavity does not exist. I also look forward to the day that the jelly beans of the world do not speak to me. Is that a lot to ask?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Readin' Fool

Tons of books vying for my attention. I just read The Happiness Project by Gretchen Ruben. I'm halfway through Women, Food and God by Geneen Roth. I'm coordinating a group program with Creative Entrepreneur by Lisa Sonora Beam and then I have a handful of half finished books to complete. I'm being drawn to read more. I'm happy to oblige!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Gratitude X 10

  1. The color of fall
  2. Impromptu parties at my house
  3. Soccer season nearing its end
  4. Making time to read
  5. Naps
  6. Winning $3 on a scratch card
  7. Finding things exactly when I need them
  8. Cleaning out cupboards
  9. Flossed teeth
  10. Adventures in the city

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Restore revisted...

Today I restored via a 3 hour nap! I am still tired BUT that is exactly what I needed. I want to continue this indulgence by spending the rest of my day reading and relaxing. I am going to do it as long as I can before my family realizes I'm missing....catcha' later dudes!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


This week my intention was restore. I don't actually know why I picked that but...I feel like I've restored:
  1. Order in my home
  2. My ability to cook some meals
  3. A feeling of being 'on top of my schedule'
  4. A sense of relaxation around my PTA duties
  5. My ability to sometimes do nothing and be OK with it (today is that day)
  6. Reading books again (Women Food and God by Geneen Roth)
  7. Connection with my son and his learning
  8. Evening ritual with the kids where we're more deliberate
  9. Healthy sleep habits (slowly but surely)
  10. Commitment to stepping up the health and fitness regimen.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Star Student

Phew - both kids have already been chosen to be "on display" in their classes. This little program is meant to highlight each kid throughout the year in his/her classroom. I already have a hard time developing a system to get the kids to do their homework efficiently...then add extra forms to fill out...then add "star student" and I'm a mess. This morning my son and I had to scramble at the last minute to get 6-7 photos printed, write out his favorite things, find a special toy...AND make the bus on time. Needless to say, I had to drive him to school! The good news is...I don't have to do this again until next year! Holy Ca-Moly I'm exhausted from that morning dog and pony show!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Gratitude X 10

  1. Completed stuff
  2. Deleted stuff
  3. Ate yummy stuff
  4. Laughed at stuff
  5. Watched some stuff
  6. Talked about stuff
  7. Read about stuff
  8. Coached through some stuff
  9. Shared stuff
  10. Appreciated stuff

Friday, October 1, 2010


My husband's flight from London had to be diverted due to a medical emergency on his flight.
He asked me to guess where they landed. I guessed right - Iceland...but I wasn't completely right because he not only landed in the country I lived in for 2 years of my teenage years (which still causes my right eye to twitch)...BUT he landed in Keflavik, Iceland which is EXACTLY where I lived. What a completely RANDOM one goes to Keflavik (especially since the Naval base has since closed). He corroberated my story that there is NOTHING there! I am NOT lying!

It's a small world after ALL!