Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Alrighty then...

I've been a little remiss in posting. One day I plain forgot, and yesterday I was there!

I have had a life lesson this past week. Its called mortality of our parents. I sat by and supported my friend as she waiting for the news of her mother-in-law's passing. My job as friend was to be there and that is all I could do. I wiped my slate clean as much as possible to be a distraction, to help with kid management etc. What I learned is that we all want to DO SOMETHING...and sometimes there is nothing to do...but that is when you just sit with a friend and be. Sometimes you're there to console, sometimes counsel, sometimes commiserate but all is meant to just "be" with that friend. It is hard for us "go getter" mom's to need or ask for help...but for us friends who are on the sidelines, we want to its a funny little dance of both "kinda" needing something out of the scenario.

So my life lessons are:

  • Having a parent pass is no fun.

  • Wanting to help is natural and feels as if the other person is giving the gift of allowing versus us of giving the gift of help.

  • When there is nothing you can do...being available is the doing.
When it is all said and is no fun...and that is the mystery of still goes on and eventually we get used to the loss...but until that time, compassion and love is our gift to our friends and family.


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