Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Play time

Yesterday I was cornered by my children.
Somehow I was wrangled into being Ma from A Little House on the Prairie.
We did chores, we made porridge, we had a wagon ride, we went to market in town....
I decided that maybe next Ma could get some bad illness and need to go to bed (aka mommy wanted a break and possibly a nap)...

Somehow Laura and Joe (the orphan boy) weren't too keen on that plan and curiously we ended up having a tea party at Aunt Lulu's and a Christmas celebration with "sugar cane" and homemade gifts.

I love that my kids are using their imagination, I love to witness it in action, however I'm not always so interested in being an integral part of it myself. I often WISH I were more enthused but it just isn't my cup-o-tea.

I should get the "good Mommy" award for yesterday's "sucking it up and doing it" category....AND I think I should get a special award for creativity. Don't you think Ma being struck down with the plague is a brilliant ploy to extricate myself from the story? I think so too!

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