Monday, March 24, 2008

What's in a name?

I thought I’d shed the light on the Moonshine in the name of my blog. In February, I began my soul search. In that time I voraciously read self help books to find my purpose and decide what I want to do going forward. I read Loving What Is, The Secret, Finding your True North Star, Ask and It is Given, Rich Dad Poor Dad and so on. As I would read, I’d share my thoughts about positivity and the Law of Attraction with friends and family. I started to term my new outlook as Happiness and Sunshine. For example, if I was going along my merry way of happy thoughts and someone tried to shoot them down, I’d say (almost with my fingers in my ears) “happiness and sunshine”. I’m certain that I’ve annoyed many with my ‘mantra’…but happiness and sunshine to them! As I was sharing my new outlook to people, some would nod their heads in interest, some wanted to hop on my bandwagon, while others were skeptical and would have nothing to do with it….”its not realistic”. On one occasion, my brother (lets call him Eeyore for short) happened to be privy to one of my sermons. The whole time he was ‘yes butting’ me and 'poking holes'. I kept saying “what’s the harm in happiness and sunshine". At some point during this exchange, my son looked up into the night sky, he said in the sweetest voice you can imagine, “No mommy, its happiness and moonshine” while pointing up to the sky. Well, this got many chuckles from my family and a great agreement from me. “Yes Monkey, that phrase has true meaning on so many levels”. It is true in that sometimes, there is darkness with a silver lining, and sometimes, mommy is happy when she has moonshine. Once that phrase was uttered I began saying, "what a great name for a blog"….and that’s all she wrote.

1 comment:

Paris said...

I found you - well actually you told me. Good stuff and Eeyore gets honorable mention.