Monday, July 19, 2010


Given that mostly my family reads this blog I thought I'd give a secret shout-out as I am in day 2 of 6 with them at the beach.
  1. Jumping into my brother's arms and not breaking him
  2. Acknowledging with my older brother that we both SUCK at communicating with each other (and curiously we didn't make agreements to be better)
  3. Feeling completely comfortable that my kids are safe with all adults (and older grandkids)
  4. Watching all the grandkids feeling comfortable being themselves without judgment
  5. Acknowledging with my older brother that we SUCK at communicating with each other and being OK with it (and curiously we've not made plans to be better about it.
  6. Having 2 parents to share these moments of familial bliss

OK so I just erased my blog twice and so I am stopping with Six (versus my normal 10) and now I'm going to telepathically tell my family my other thoughts. Instead of being more transparent about my thoughts I'll speak in code...ILY!

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