Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Eeking out

The kids and I are eeking out our last days of fun before school starts. We are lucky to have friends who like to plan fun stuff and then they invite us along. Yesterday was a day that could have ended in ho-hum but actually proved to be quite the opposite.

We made a big trek to a water playground that had potential for a watery fun day...but the playground was really meant for little kids. No big complaints were made from the young folk, but we mom's felt bored by it. After a few phone calls we had a new and way better plan...we had access to a house on the water with water toys, kayaks and a place for the moms to relax too. These were way better accommodations. Thank goodness for friends with access to houses on the water. For me it was a reminder that we always have choices and if we get creative, our days can be unexpectedly fabulous. I'mjustsaying.

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