Friday, February 13, 2009


I just finished my last of 6 coaching sessions with MY coach from my coaching program. I looked forward to these calls and will certainly miss them, but boy do I feel like I've opened up my mind and heart a little to see where I have some limiting beliefs and where I have some 'work' to do to move forward with my life. It is all GOOD. Her parting homework for me was to blog about what success means to me. I decided to do this task right here right now without 'thinking' about it to see what I come up with. I don't expect it to be complete, I don't expect it to be right, I don't expect to know what the 'bleep' I mean...but I sit before you now and will type for 5 minutes what comes to my mind:

Success means to me:

I am true to myself. I am true to my family. I work hard but enjoy my work. I am busy. I wake up with energy and a joie de vivre. I am active. I am accessible to friends and family. I connect with people on a regular basis. I am providing support to people to 'end needless suffering' (Martha Beck's mission). I am constantly reading and learning new things. I am flexible in my approach and my interests. I seek wise people but use my own judgement in the final decisions. I believe in myself. I earn money that provides me the opportunity to do what I please when I please and which frees me up to give back to the community in ways I see fit. I believe in something bigger than myself. I am 'there' for my children. I enjoy every moment I have with the people I love. I enjoy and/or appreciate every moment I have with myself (even the ones that are hard and uncomfortable). I look for what I can learn in each moment. I approach my work and learning with an open mind and with the energy of someone who is at play. I admit my mistakes. I forgive myself and others.

5 minutes are up. I am NOT going to edit for grammar, spelling or change ONE word. In fact I am not going to read this for another day or so so that I am not compelled to change anything. I must admit I feel very vulnerable right now and feel like NOT posting...but what is the fun in that. Ok....before I get crazy and change something...I am going to publish. Maybe you could try something like this might find something interesting about yourself....I'm CERTAIN I will. Cheers! Chief

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