Thursday, September 9, 2010

Contents = Meaning

Here is a view into my life right now in no particular order (literally) in the form of the contents on my desk. I give you one word that pops into my mind for what they mean - it'll be a "pop" test about my values:

  1. Phone = connection
  2. Check from a client = ambition
  3. Lysol 4-in-1 wipes = cleanliness
  4. Matches = light
  5. Lovely smelly candle = sensory
  6. My cell phone = remote
  7. Old bag of popcorn = hunger
  8. Diet coke = thirst
  9. Notebook for my "thoughts" = reflection
  10. Notebook for PTA = support
  11. A note to myself "I am..." = goals
  12. The book The Power is Within You by Louise Hay = growth
  13. My Nikon DSLR = creativity
  14. My Holga = funky
  15. Cootie Catchers made by my daughter = play
  16. A timer = structure
  17. New Sketch book to capture my creative thoughts = fun
  18. A jean jacket (I "borrowed" from my sister-in-law's giveaway bag) = style
  19. My husband (briefly) to say Happy Anniversary = love
  20. My Sanity (ish) = sketchy
Sounds about right to me!

Holy Cow that was fun! You should try it (it doesn't have to be a desk)!

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