Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Totally Random

Random thoughts because I don't have much focus power right now:
  1. Kids are about to be home and I don't feel 'ready' for their energy
  2. I did sleep in my bed last night but took about 2 hours to fall asleep. I'm proud I stuck it out.
  3. I am excited that all the shows are starting back again.
  4. I have a sugar addiction...right now there are sour gummy worms on my desk
  5. I am so grateful that my co-VP is 'on it' with our school newsletter. This first one it a total "winging it job" to figure out how to get someone ELSE to do it.
  6. In a matter of a month, I've gotten very knowledgeable about our school...maybe too knowledgeable.
  7. I get to go out with my Martha Beck peers tomorrow night. I need a fix.
  8. The book I'm reading now is called Practical Intuition by Laura Day. I'm learning to listen more to my 'hunches''s fun.
  9. I have a friend who is dealing with a sister with a severe illness and complicating factors. I'm learning how to support without attachment. I don't know that I am good at it.
  10. My waste bin in my office needs to be emptied...(maybe that one belongs on my to do list).

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