Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Random things

  1. These lists are fun!
  2. I'm getting used to writing in my other blog...new post soon.
  3. Cooking in Croc Pots makes me hungry earlier than I should be.
  4. I like music in the background.
  5. I don't listen to enough music.
  6. The radio in my car is broken and I'm not interested in the money it might take to fix it.
  7. I like being "efficient" - that was my intention for today, and I've done pretty well so far.
  8. I cannot believe that on Thursday I'll have been married 15 years...ca-razy.
  9. My daughter LOVES the mall and I'm scared...I've avoided it for 10 years...but she now knows their 'potential'.
  10. I love coincidences...they make me giddy. Sunday I thought of a photography client in the morning and then I saw her at the mall that evening, AND she had JUST given photos to her mom from our session.
  11. Random is fun!
  12. I Don't like ending on an odd number....can you say OCD?

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