Friday, September 3, 2010

Daily Bliss

  1. Horoscopes that actually are spot on.
  2. Morning coffee.
  3. Eating healthy.
  4. Volunteering with cool people.
  5. Walking in unknown (to me) areas.
  6. Salad bars at a cool store.
  7. Shower before a meeting.
  8. Nap-time before kids come home.
  9. Big hugs as kids get off the bus.
  10. Not my day for soccer carpool.
  11. Father/son errand (mommy home alone).
  12. Computer time in a quiet house.
  13. Order in my house.
  14. Laundry caught up.
  15. Yummy dinner made by my husband.
  16. Reading the exact meal we had (Ravioli and Green Beans) in the book I'm reading the kids (SCAT)...I love word serendipity.
  17. Kids to bed on time...and me following them shortly after.
  18. Tylenol for my headache this morning.
  19. Morning walk with my friend in the SUNSHINE.
  20. New client who starts at 1pm today!

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