Sunday, April 13, 2008

Gratitude X 10

Many of the books I've read lately have talked about being grateful. I’ve tried to do this on a daily basis. So, on Sundays, I plan to give the Reader’s Digest of my week. I’m going to hold myself to10. Some weeks I’ll want to blather on and on and some weeks I may have to dig deep…this way both the happiness and moonshine sides of me will be challenged. Here goes for this week….

1. Sunshine!

2 Writers block has been thwarted THIS WEEK…stay away you dastardly devil

3. Eating healthier- or should I say thinking about eating healthier – Candy is my nemesis

4. All the jelly beans are out of the house! Now to campaign to get them out of the stores too.

5. Walking with a friend – she gave me hand weights for my birthday so we can look sooo cool

6. Cleaning lady booked for the end of the month (a birthday gift)….now to try to figure out how to get money to have her come on a daily basis. Note to self, buy lottery tickets daily.

7. Rockstar 8 year old soccer players who actually listen to their coach - ‘the goal is the OTHER way!’

8. Monkey playing sports FINALLY: soccer (dad is coaching) & t-ball - he has to wear a cup….have you seen a 6 year old sized cup? So cute!

9. Husband home for dinner every night – AND he cooks the dinner. I hit the jackpot.

10. Having the guts to say NO more often! I still had a friend say that I had the word “sucker” written on my forehead this week….JUST SAY NO.

Peace Out! PS. I cannot seem to figure out how to auto number without numbering my paragraph above...will work on this.

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