Monday, July 13, 2009

Drawing a blank ya doin'?

Me, I'm good. I've finished my travel hangover from last week. I usually spend a few days after a long trip kind of in a daze where I don't really do much of anything. Then I snap out of it. My niece and nephew are here and we've been busy doing "things". It rained yesterday which was much needed. My husband is nearly finished laying a patio which I haven't been 100% supportive of. I am a believer that some things are better 'paid for' and designing and laying a patio is one of them. I think it looks great and I am proud of him, but I do wish we could have had some design advice just to figure out some of the nuances....but it still will be lovely.

What else?

I've got a million books I want to read and somehow never make the time to read them. I am halfway through a few and that is totally not like me to be reading several books at a time. In some ways its nice to break the mold and in other ways, it feels like nothing is complete. I'm feeling that way about some things right I think the word for this summer will be "completion". I want to finish some key books. I want to finish my coaching certificate. I want my HOUSE TO BE CLEAN AND TIDY (I'm not sure that is something that can be 'completed' is more continuous). In this week I want to get through the photos from my 6 sessions I did in DC.

Oh yeah...on Friday I leave for a weekend of fun and connection with Martha Beck peeps. It is a convention in Chicago and it will be with 200 of my closest friends (not). You may notice some weird 'unidentified occurrence' in the general vicinity of our is the powers of our tribe, we'll be doing magic I'm sure...mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha.

Well, since I sat down with nothing specific to say...I just said what came first to my mind...and that is "all she wrote".

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