Friday, July 10, 2009


Today I had the good fortune to spend a full day with Pam Slim in a workshop about her new book Escape from Cubicle Nation. This woman is fabulous at what she does and has inspired me to start really focusing on what I want to offer, how I want to offer it, how big I want to be etc. I recommend this book to people who either are physically 'in cubicles'...or if you just might be feeling trapped with your thoughts about where you want to be in your life. She is both practical and inspirational which is a wonderful mix. I have read half of her book and now have a desire to read more. One thing that I found fascinating was that she asked us to pick one simple act that we would do soon that would forward our business...and she had the rider that it should be fun...when the word fun was added I got 'stuck'. I'm wondering if I'm complicating my definition of 'fun' because there are a lot of things I enjoy doing immensely but when I think of the word fun I'm thinking merrry-go-rounds and cotton candy....but I suspect what I enjoy is an equal fun-ness with different packaging. Now that I've changed my perspective, I know that what I'll do is coach more people...that is fun to me, and in fact my plate is getting full for next week, so I can deliver on my promise. What do you need to escape from?....I recommend Pam's book and I also recommend talking with someone about it...and I am willing and able!

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