Friday, February 19, 2010


My writing, as you may have noticed, has been few and far between as of late. It is all good. I think I needed a break. I have been groovin' in terms of making some progress on my coaching and other "things" in my life and I think that is the space that I needed. It is Friday (can you believe it?) and I am looking forward to a sunny fabulous weekend (there are NO COMPLAINTS out here regarding the weather...thanks to El Nino). As you might have seen in my posts, I like to tell stories about my life and so here is one from the other day.

I woke up at 3am (yes 3am) and could not get back to sleep. So, I decided to write and write and write whatever was on my mind. I wrote about good things, frustrating things, bad things, and and everything in between and then for each thought I noticed how I felt and for the frustrating and bad I questioned my thoughts about them (through self coaching) and turned them around completely or at sometimes just to feel a little better. It was like I was massaging my mind and my heart a little. It felt good and rich and liberating all at the same time. So then my day continued and I noticed a lot of little amazing coincidences throughout the day, information and people showed up just at the right time when I needed it, or I'd notice that I'd say or write something and then read it somewhere right after I said it. I've had these kind of experiences before and I love to notice them, and celebrate them.
So,what was going on that day? What made that happen? In my armchair analysis it is the following:
  1. I freed my mind of the chatter and pull of negative beliefs and moved it to better feeling thoughts

  2. I gave myself the space to feel good

  3. I felt good all day long

  4. I did things that I valued; connection, progress toward goals, gratitude

  5. I noticed
In a nutshell, I think I was aligned and from that space I was able to see where the dots were being connected in my life and I got more and more of it because of the above and because of my noticing. So...I am going to continue to test this model and see what transpires. I love the 'peaceful easy feeling' that I had that day and would love for that to be the norm!

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