Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Triple Crown

Yesterday was a triple crown day for me LITERALLY.

Here is the convoluted but funny - to me - story. I had a dental appointment to replace a tooth with a crown. I also had a phone meeting that was at risk due to this dental appointment so I told my team that I was getting a crown and made a joke that it was the kind in the mouth not on the head which is what I'd prefer. The meeting facilitator said that my penitence if I should miss the meeting was to make my own crown for my head.

That thought provided levity for my dental appointment. My dentist, being the light hearted dentist that she is, said she actually had a princess crown (see picture) for me to wear AFTER my tooth was fixed. So...I had a tooth crown, a princess crown (which sadly I had to leave at the dentist office) and then at home I decided to make my own pathetic crown (see other picture) anyway just for kicks (even though I was able to make my phone meeting). This little goofy morning activity was the perfectly liberating, joyful, silly act that I could do and it was the comic relief I needed (see side note below). Unfortunately all of this "crowning around" made me a bit impish on my phone meeting. Luckily the call leader had skills in managing imps.

Side note (please be advised that this is not for the squeamish):
I have now found my LEAST FAVORITE dental procedure.
  • I used to hate the Novocaine needle...now I'm at peace with it.
  • I used to hate the drilling noise...now I'm at peace with it.
  • I used to hate the smell of tooth dust...now I can tolerate it,
  • I used to hate the excruciating pain when the Novocaine doesn't work...well, I'm not at peace but I know I'm capable of handling it
  • NOW MY NEW HATE...the process of "testing" whether a crown fits by clicking it INTO place and then REMOVING it OVER AND OVER AND OVER...its sort of like a groundhog day experience with tooth extraction and it is VERY DISTURBING. Just the thought of it makes me feel like hurling. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS. THIS IS THE SURGEON GENERAL WARNING...tooth decay leads to crowns which are NO FUN TO HAVE PUT IN! AND YES I AM YELLING RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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