Thursday, April 15, 2010

I'm funny

Recently I've been posting on facebook and twitter and in my head I've been really witty....but am I really? I'm not sure...but it is fun to think so. The thing is, does it REALLY matter what others think? I question that. If I feel witty, if I get a feeling of joy when I feel witty, if for some reason feeling witty elevates my mood, what does it matter what others think? I guess our monkey minds want to protect us from the POSSIBLE critics "out there" who might decide to let it be known their opinions. Most of the time, we won't even know what others think, and when/if we do, does it REALLY matter (I'm dying to read the book What You Think of ME is None of My Business? If we do somehow internalize the critic comments, what messages are we sending to ourselves about our worth?

I know that I have a lot of work to do in this area but I'm becoming more and more clear that if I continue to stop being authentically me because of fear of what others might think, the only person who suffers is me. I know that this concept will be a lifelong challenge because we have our egos and our egos are sensitive, but with awareness and desire we can choose NOT to listen to the critics and start listening to our essential selves. Now...the inner critic...that one is a little bit more slippery and that for me is my challenge...because it has been building its repertoire for 41 years and it has expert status within...but I am willing to meet it head thought at a time.

So, for now, I choose to allow myself to feel funny when I want, creative when I want, confident when I want...and when the band of external or internal critics show up, I will figure out how to change MY tune to one that is authentic to ME. Amen!

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