Thursday, December 10, 2009

Iron ON

Today I ironed a shirt. I don't normally iron, but today I was going to a networking event and felt compelled to actually upgrade my mommy-look to a bit more 'mod casual'. As I was ironing my shirt I thought of my dad who taught me to iron. I remember the actual day he taught me and the yellow button-down (with green chinos to complement them -gag). I believe my dad learned his ironing technique in the military, and then he passed it down to me. As I was doing the collar, then the yoke, then the sleeves, then the buttons and so forth, I was transported to the day when I was probably 14 and preparing to go to a family event with "his side".

So, I didn't actually wear the ironed shirt (because I was fickle this morning), but I loved the fond memory of my dad teaching me that lifelong skill. I also love the feeling that I actually WAS IRONING which meant I am 'upgrading' my social interactions to where I actually meet people who don't even have kids (perhaps) and if they do have them, I may never know. I was pumped about this...and as a result I had a GREAT 2-hour event with some neat-o people. At the end as a closing, we made a proverb of our own by going around the circle and each of us saying a word, then another, then another...I was under a lot of pressure because I happened to be the LAST person I wanted to make a profound ending. Well, this proverb thing could easily end up being nonsensical and gibberish depending upon where each person goes with his or her word, but not MY group...we came up with something profound (and I'm not even kidding). Here is the proverb of the day that was generated ONE person and ONE word at a time (by 14 people total)....

When the voices come from inside, you don't need to worry what to think! (my word was think)

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