Saturday, December 12, 2009

Taking note

Dear Mother Nature,
I wanted you to know that I've noticed a trend here in the Pacific Northwest. I have seen more blue sky this fall than any other fall in my 3 year stay. Thank you. It does wonders for my spirits to witness the beauty of this area. I am willing to sacrifice my warmth for this at the moment I see 21 on the thermometer.

I would like to ask you a favor Momma N.; will you please consider NOT gracing us with a wondrous snowstorm until AFTER my family has safely departed to our holiday destination. I have two reasons, 1) is that I would prefer not having to make up snow days in June and 2) I would like to avoid a repeat of last year's almost-missing-Christmas-due-to-snowstorm.

In return, I will continue to marvel at all that you've blessed this planet with, hummingbirds and eagles, perfect roses with unmatchable smells, expansive lakes, amazing mountain ranges, Mt. Ranier, majestic evergreens...and that is just a sampling of what I can see in "my little world".

Thank you for considering my request, and for all that you is a constant job to get the sun and moon to rise on a daily basis...and I appreciate you for that. Many, Chief

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