Monday, December 14, 2009

What about you?

I was coming up with NOTHING to write about today...or nothing I wanted to delve into then, out of thin air a question came to me "What about you?" ...why that question? hmmmm

What about me (or does it mean YOU)? About me right now is that I feel like I'm hunkering down for some introspection, learning about myself, and releasing of thoughts that have not been serving me well. It almost feels as if I'm just about to dive in for some reason. As a result I feel this 'nesting' about myself. I have a slew of books I want to finish, I want my office to be purged a bit. I want to give myself some space while also wanting to put structures together...kind of a push and pull on that one. Right now I feel tons of tugs and pulls on my heart/core. I feel things more when I read something that rings true. I also feel more when something is yuck. I like this space, it feels like a nice warm pool that supports me and that is safe, but that requires me to let go a bit and float around in it. This is where I'd like to be right now, and then my mind creeps in and does things like makes me compare my progress to others, or makes me feel as though I've not accomplished enough, or makes me feel 'less than' somehow. I think I need to come up with some metaphorical Shepard's hook to reign me back in when I start veering that way ( is actually a good Shepard's hook for me). I think this lovely warm pool is where I'll do my best releasing of old beliefs, and gaining of new awareness (actually, I don't know if its gaining, more than accessing). So...that is "about me".

What about you? I guess if the question were framed with YOU as the subject, I'd say that whomever reads this silly little daily ritual I have, I thank you for participating and supporting me. I feel safe here. I feel authentic here. I feel honored here. This ritual has become a part of me that will be hard to change if in fact I choose to, so for now, I stay, and I thank you for hanging out with me. I will continue this little meander in 2010 and know that some days will be light and aimless and others will be deeper and meaningful (to me...and perhaps to you too!). I'd love to hear from anyone who finds this interesting and maybe give me a little word or two to let me know what you think...even if it is that this blog SUCKs. Sometimes I need to hear that too to remind me that I cannot please everyone...sometimes I think I'm powerful enough to do that (which I call a people pleasing dis-ease)...Anyway...that is my very twisty-twirly way of writing a blog today based on a random question that came into my head, that really made no sense at first...and then it did (ish).

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