Sunday, December 6, 2009

Morning visions

I was up at the crack of dawn this morning sifting through piles of winter gear. It turns out the kids have grown AND we've lost some essentials for snow play. I just sent my kids out looking a bit 'patched together' to go skiing with Dad. Actually, Dad will be in the lodge reading while the kids are in ski lessons. I am not sure the kids are really keen on this, it almost felt like I was sending them off to some torture program.

Whenever dad adventures take place I am a little on edge (for the kids). I might be generalizing a bit, but, dad's attention to details can be a little off and so sometimes they believe the kids will 'get by' with whatever is in the car. It is TRUE that they will live, however, with some planning, the kids may also have a good time and not whine as much. So, I COULD HAVE let my husband get the kids together for this skiing "adventure" but I'm not sure if they'd have been warm OR had essential equipment like say, socks. Also, I know how uncomfortable it can be to be cold and skiing and then hot and skiing and then back to cold, so it is nice to consider this when dressing the kids. So the vision I'm left with is: my daughter wearing MY ski coat, not-very-waterproof pants with three layers of under-wear, my turtleneck, my thick shirt, my ski socks, and snow boots that do not match the rest of the get up. My son is wearing a coat that is last year's and is too small (almost 3/4 length sleeves), with a shell underneath to hopefully cover the part of his arms that the coat doesn't cover and my husband's ski socks, his boots are hand-me-downs that again, aren't that stylish. It was an ordeal and a vision as they slogged (because they had all of this mismatched gear on) to the car.

Another "dad adventure" worry is that I believe mom's have the ability to be a little more patient especially when there are complicating factors - like ski boots, hats, gloves, snotty noses etc. So, I did a little prayer of patience for both my husband and the kids. I know all told that they will be fine, but it is always a mom's/wife's wish that everyone is enjoying themselves with the least amount of hassle as possible. It's just in our DNA to want that! I'm just sayin'.
Photo is from this morning's sun rise that I witnessed.

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