Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Room for improvement

It seems as if I am in a reflective mode as of late, so I thought I'd start with things about 2009 that I would hope not to repeat in 2010. I will try my 2 minute trick where I'll put down whatever comes to mind in no specific order. Here goes....

  1. Anxiety
  2. Lack of confidence
  3. Bad mommy moments
  4. Losing my purse
  5. Losing socks
  6. Losing control of the mess in the house
  7. Feelings of inadequacy
  8. Drinking too much
  9. Fainting
  10. Weight gain
  11. Too much mindless time on the computer
  12. Not enough alone time with my husband
  13. Worrying about schools for the kids
  14. Too much PTA
  15. Feeling unfocused
  16. Saying yes when I meant no
  17. Heartbreak
  18. Feeling helpless
  19. Comparing myself to others too much
  20. Not living in the moment enough

Weird...I didn't have the "number" setting on my writing and I finished at 20 without even knowing it. My mind is OCD even when I am not paying attention.

So looking at what I wrote, I could see turning each statement around to its opposite (and to the present tense) to 'set the record straight' so here goes.

  1. I am safe and so is my family
  2. I am in the process of gaining confidence in myself and the gifts I have
  3. I am a conscientious mom who is doing the best I can
  4. I respect my belongings
  5. Socks are replaceable
  6. My house is my sanctuary and I keep it so.
  7. I am good enough
  8. I drink in moderation
  9. My lifestyle and healthy habits make my heart strong
  10. I eat to fuel my body and exercise to support my heart; I experience joy and comfort in activities other than food
  11. I use my time wisely on things that fulfill my purpose and my soul
  12. My children are safe and they are appropriately challenged at school
  13. My relationship with my husband is valuable and I enjoy alone time with him
  14. I choose to devote my time to doing good in ways that are fulfilling to me
  15. I have tools with which to help me focus on what is important to me
  16. I honor my yes's and no's based on what feels good and right for me
  17. I experience what life gives me fully and in the moment, and I know that I give love as best as I know how
  18. I have tools to change my thoughts about any situation
  19. I know that my path is my own and I have a great life
  20. Reality is the moment I am in, nothing more, nothing less.

OK people...that felt REALLY good and powerful. What a shift to be able to write those statements and know that each are (or can be) true. I recommend this as a way to start the new year. I can see posting these statements somewhere visible to remind me. This activity took no more than 10 ready, set, go! It is so WORTH IT!

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