Sunday, July 27, 2008

Dancing Queen

We were all dancing queens last night at my cousin's wedding. My children displayed their awesome "talents" on the dance floor. My daughter ended the night early because my spiky heel made its way directly on her toe and somehow DRAMA QUEEN came to visit. Then my break dancing son ended with a 'rug burn' on his chest from the dance floor. I LOVE dancing at weddings and my evening was cut short by my balls and chains. All other members of my extended family enjoyed the whole evening (yes I'm envious). The trip was well worth it nonetheless. I got to see all kinds of family I hadn't seen in ages.

There was an unauthorized photo (at least in my mind) splattered on a huge screen of our whole family circa 1992...I happened to turn my head JUST as it popped up...horror of all horrors I looked hideous with my long hair that wasn't long enough at the time...I really was trying for longer...and now with age and wisdom, I ask why? I was pasty white due to the fact that I'd been sequestered away at Grad School in Oshkosh, Wisconsin (yes there is a place called Oshkosh and now you can say b'gosh because I know you want to).

A snippet from our long journey home from Kentucky to Maryland, "Mom?", "yes Monkey", "Do you know that it is hard to Riverdance when you squat your knees?", "No, really?", "Yeah I tried it last night and it is way harder than it looks". That is just a very small sampling of the many revelations my six year old son revealed on the 9 (plus) hour journey is so cute to see inside his 'wide open' mind....I hope he keeps sharing his thoughts!
Gratitude X 10 (my normal Sunday topic)...thank goodness the car ride is over (times 10).

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