Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Word Association: Fringe

Fringe caught my eye and made me think of London. Although we share the same common language with the Brits, there are some distinct idioms (and words) that are different. One is fringe. We call the hair that is on our forehead above our eyes bangs, they call it fringe which makes it sound like curtains or something. I don't use that term here in the states because it doesn't get me very far (and at the moment I don't have any fringe). I'll list 10 other words/phrases that I remember. I'm sure I know more, but don't want to hurt my brain.
  1. Loo = bathroom (which they don't use they call it the toilet)
  2. Queue up = line up
  3. Bap and salad = sandwich with cucumbers
  4. Lift = elevator (our first 'flat' had one directly to our was slow but it was a lift)
  5. Flat = apartment
  6. Whinging = whining (I'd love to use this word more here in the state, but it causes confusion)
  7. Half Six = 6:30 (or any other time on the half hour)
  8. Elevensies = snack time at 11am (tea and cookies where I worked in London)
  9. Trousers = pants (pants are actually underwear in England)
  10. Fanny = a woman's nether region (I don't like hearing that word here in the US for that reason)
  11. Nappy = diapers (I'm so glad I'm still not using those)
Wow...I was able to add a bonus one...maybe I'll stave of Alzheimer's for one extra month down the road.

A note about the picture. This was taken as part of a Father's Day gift I made for my husband in 2004. Princess had fringe for a while when she was a youngun'. I had intended to never cut bangs for her because I know how long (and hard) a process it is to grow them out. When she was about 18 months old I decided to take the plunge ONLY BECAUSE every old lady at the park would declare that my child would go blind because her hair was in her eyes. You see, Princess had no interest in hair clips and her hair was as thin and straight and blond as it comes. Instead of fighting with the hair contraptions (and her) I let her walk around with a nice little cover over her eyes. Her first haircut wasn't painful (ie she didn't cry), but boy did they do a bad job (you get what you pay for). She DID cry right after the haircut when she had to sit on Santa's lap. My favorite Christmas picture is of Santa with a 3 week old in his hands (Monkey), Princess with a full on red faced cry and me sitting next to her trying to make her feel better (I had not intended to be in the picture). In those days, life WAS complicated for me but I've made it through.

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