Saturday, August 22, 2009

I have choices

Through a series of unfortunate events, I had a bad day yesterday. They were your garden variety events...daughter was being a bitch (yes I said that), son hurt himself, couldn't find my purse, had an altercation at the Aquarium over the fact that they wouldn't give me my discount. So, I was in a gumpy mcgrumpster mood and was bringing down my friends. I found myself saying... I don't even LIKE aquariums, or parades, or zoos.... I imagine I was acting more of a 2 year old than a 40 year old (see picture of my 2 year old daughter).

As I settled into our aquarium visit (that I didn't really care for), I went to the bathroom and as I was washing my hands, I looked in the mirror and did a 'Stuart Smalley'....I said to myself (in my head)...I am deciding right now to get over my grump and enjoy myself from here on out. Then I announced to my friend that I had made that decision and then...I DID enjoy myself (I love the seals and otters at the aquarium)...and I'm sure my friends were relieved that I had transformed back into the 40 year old woman that they know. This was a lesson for me that I can choose the mood and choosing the better mood is good for all involved. I believe that it also lets more good things into my life...whereas if I stayed in the bad mood, I'd get more bad mood experiences thrown my way. My mantra for the day is "I choose the mood".

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