Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Learn me some facts

One of the complaints I have about the school curriculum in our district is that they do not require the kids to memorize their times tables. So, it has been my job this summer to 'learn my daughter her times tables'. Learnin' with mommy has never been a good thing. My daughter and I butt heads (or I would like to say that my daughter does the first butting and then it goes downhill from there). My summer was a mad mess so I hadn't had a chance to sit and focus until now. We had done worksheets but not really just sitting down and going for it. So every day this week I have worked with my daughter on her times tables. It is a rough go. It is hard to convince her that it is for her own good. I even used the dreaded comparison (which I know isn't fair) to her friend who knows most of them. I am using all sorts of tactics (and bribery is next on my list). We're getting there slowly but surely...and I am hell bent on making this happen. I will soon be switching to my 3rd grade drone of reciting the frickin times this....7x2=14, 7x3=21, 7x4=28 ...oh Lordy please get me through this without wringing my daughter's neck.

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