Monday, August 24, 2009

Mood choosing

Today I awakened before the sun was up and thought it was the middle of the night. I was ready for a long go at the "toss and turn" of trying to fall back asleep...but being the smart woman I am, I looked at the clock and found that it was 5:30am...a reasonable-ish hour to get out of bed. So, I headed out to an exercise class and got my day started.

My day had started on such a good note that I even wrote down things that I was grateful for: blue sky, music, exercise, healthy food, time to read, making headway on my "to-do" list, ability to facilitate a meeting with my "tribe"....etc. While I was at it, I decided to make a list of 10 things I'd like to accomplish today and 5 were already done by 10am.

This is the kind of mood I'd like to choose on a daily basis. This feeling of "skip in my step" is how do I keep this "high"....I think the key is awareness. My intention today is to notice my mood and observe the circumstances, feelings, actions and reactions I have. My hope is that I will have mostly positive 'good mood' things today but if something should make me stumble....I will notice and observe and attempt to redirect. Just talking about it in this way makes me excited to play "mood anthropologist" for a day. The key is to take note and report the facts (without judgement) and then to make observations on the trends and what might be learned or changed. My first data point moving forward will be that I feel a sense of accomplishment and pride once I hit the "publish post" button on my!

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