Thursday, August 27, 2009

Pins and needles

I am awaiting word as to where my children will attend school. The district had to rifle through more requests than they had predicted (is my guess) and so our 'eleventh hour' is nigh when we should have known way in advance so that we could prepare our kids, buy school supplies, attend the "meet and greet" at the school. As I write this, the meet and greet at the school we would like to attend is happening....but I feel compelled to sit in my chair and wait for the call. I feel that it is risky to move from my post just in case they decide to only honor the requests if you happen to be there when they call...or the place is given to someone else. Although I know that is ludicrous to think that, at this point I don't want to ruin my chances. My heart is beating fast, my legs are shaking (nervous tick I share with my brother), and I'm sweating (wanna smell?)...I wasn't even this nervous on my wedding day. I sit...watching a proverbial "pot boil".

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