Monday, October 12, 2009

Big Picture

I had another dreamy night and I kept waking up saying to myself..."keep your eye on the big picture". I know that I had several different dreams and I cannot remember the details, but the 'big picture' came out of all of least that is what my early morning interpretation is of my dream.

So what is this about the big picture. I think for me the big picture is about always, in any scenario good or bad is to step back from the situation and witness it for what it is. If it is an emergency, take a breath and ask, what do I need to do next? versus the other way which is a frenetic running around, arms flailing, end of the world kind of histrionics. That does not serve anyone. In the good things in put the big picture umbrella on is to breath and ask, what do I like about this? Do I want more? How can I get more? I can see on this side of the coin there are times when you can get caught up in the emotion of it all too and not 'witness' what is really happening, that you are experiencing joy and to savour it and find ways to have more.

The big picture works for helps me keep my "eye on the prize" and to be able to rationally decide next steps for either getting out of a situation OR getting more of what I want.

That is my 2 cents on big picture for today! I'm looking for more insights to come.

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