Monday, October 5, 2009

Not sure

I'm in a neutral place right now. I woke up well rested but feel as though today will be just a 'uh' kind of day...not bad but nothing to write home about (hi mom!). Now here is where I can try to make magic. Here is where I have a choice. I COULD investigate this 'uh' feeling and either decide I like it and make my day an 'uh' day OR I could investigate and find the why of my 'uh' feeling and change my thoughts to make it better. I believe both choices are valid. I think the magical part of it is that I can choose...that feels like freedom. I think I will choose the happy choice (as is my Positive Polly way). In as poetic a way as I know how, I will say to myself TURN THAT FROWN UPSIDE DOWN and then I will - Shazam!

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