Friday, October 9, 2009


My husband said he was feeling like a cold was coming on.

I said...I'm sleeping on the couch and no kisses for you.

Only in the past few years have I taken the germ thing seriously. I actually attribute it somewhat to my friend up the street who is the poster child for germ free living. I am more relaxed. When my daughter was a baby she would walk and crawl around the store as I sipped coffee with friends at Starbucks. I remember my friend Karen saying...well you're building up her immunities (tongue and cheek). We are a generally healthy family and so I can't see that my relaxed MO has served me wrong...but now I definitely stock hand sanitizer, wash often, and avoid certain a low-key but aware kind of way.

I know my kids will talk of me in the future and say...

The first words out of Mom's mouth when we came home from school were:

Hi! Happy you're home...GO WASH YOUR HANDS!

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