Thursday, October 8, 2009

Coach in training

Last night my daughter filled me in on her thought processes when she is in a grumpy mood. She says that if she wakes up feeling off, she cannot help her thoughts and actions but she knows that maybe the next day she'll feel better. She also says that for some reason she doesn't show her grumpiness anywhere but at home. In my mind I was thinking...phew at least she only carries on at home and phew she feels safe at home to do it....I must be doing something right.
I decided to talk with her about how grumpy doesn't have to be a whole day kind of thing. It could be a minute-to-minute kind of thing. I also said that everyone is entitled to have "their moments" but that doesn't mean that I will except the grumpy behavior and not tell her when she is 'diss-in' me (or us).

I talked to her about the self coaching model I use and how you can change your thoughts and then take action from a more peaceful place. I showed her the model with one of my bad mommy moments. I told her I haven't always been proud of my mommy behavior but we're all human and we all have room to grow. In the middle of our chat she announced "You're coaching me aren't you" and I said "what do you think?" and she said "yes" I said, you'll owe me $50 when the session is over...she then said...make it quick so I can owe you less. She's a smart one that girl.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

If you are effective at coaching your daughter through her teenage years, I'll hire you for mine.