Monday, May 11, 2009

My Day

Yesterday was "my day". I asked for many things on that day...none of which were of monetary value, but experiencial value. So here is how the day played out (by my request).

1) Up early to head to my favorite breakfast joint called 5 Spot. I LOVE breakfast OUT. We got there in plenty of time and were about 8th in line so when the doors opened we got a primo spot looking upon the street....Check that off my list

2) Walked down to Highland Drive where there are beautiful views of the city AND Mt. Ranier poked out her lovely head....Check off my list

3) Walked down further to a modern playground with wires, twirly thingys, slides etc. I even did the twirly thingy but remembered that I no longer can stomach twirly thingys...I used to LOVE them with no side effects...either age or childbirth has changed that....Check off my list (after my head stopped spinning)

4) Drove down to the sculpture gardens to meander along the water and allow the kids to throw rocks and search for sea creatures (my daughter is a magnet for all things natural and found tons of tiny crabs all of whom she named)....Check off my list.

5) Headed home and took my son for a bike ride (his request). This is where the day gets tricky because my son fell off his bike, my daughter got grumpy and quit before we even started and my son whacked his shin on a metal slide at the park we rode to (does anyone remember doing that as a child...I DO!). My son and I had adventures and tender moments so in my book, both are I'll give it a check even though there were times where it was at risk.

6) My husband bought a 'French Lunch' (my request) and we packed it and all our gear into the car, hoisted our canoe on top of the car and made our way to Lake Sammamish for a canoe ride to a park where we sampled french bread, brie, grapes, wine (Orangina for the kids) and played soccer and football...and relaxed some too....Check off my list.

7) After our canoe trip, my daughter had requested to explore these mysterious steps that lead up a hill, so my husband dropped the kids and me off to explore AND walk home. We explored, and explored some more to find that we had a 2 mile walk home in flip flops and water shoes. I take full ownership of this adventure/slog because my husband offered to wait and drive us home. The kids actually stifled their complaints, enjoyed playing Terabithia (Ogres and other creatures in the woods)...and made our way home all still alive but weary. Check off my list

8 ) My final request was cupcakes that I knew my daughter would enjoy making. Check (with chocolate smeared on it).

So, really my day was about BEING with my kids and enjoying my family and making sure my kids knew they were loved by me....that is my gift to EXPERIENCE being a mother with my kids and I would not have had it any other way...DOUBLE CHECK!

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