Friday, May 1, 2009

Good Cop, Bad Cop

This past week, I introduced the idea of good cop bad cop to my kids and how we as parents sometimes play those roles too. I can see recently that I have been a little more the 'good cop' with a few 'bad cop' moments and perhaps it is vice versa with my husband (of course this is my perception). I now maybe am wondering if I should NOT have introduced them to this concept because last night my daughter announced: "Dad is the bad cop tonight"....if it turns out that the label keeps consistently being applied to daddy, I fear that the kids may make 'sweeping generalizations'....that isn't good (but boy do I like it when I'm the 'good cop' label!!!). Anyway...I might be able to add this to my 'parenting don'ts' list.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Shhh. Don't tell the secrets. They should have to figure it out themselves, like we did. :-)