Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Now where was I?

I always start the week a little befuddled as to what the week holds, but quickly figure it out with emails, calendar checks and general 'defogging of my mind'. My sense is that I live 'minute to minute' and really don't know what lies ahead. While this can actually be a nice way to live, there are times when I get nervous that I'm missing something OR when someone asks what my plans are, I look a little...well....blonde! I'm amazed at my ability to actually be 'on top of things' 98% of the time...its the 2% that can be tricky. For example, last Thursday I was AT SCHOOL and realized the my son was just about to get off the bus at MY HOUSE meaning no one was at home to retrieve him...I had been so overbooked and rushed that I made it to my meeting without finding my son. I was able to contact a kind parent to manage him until I returned home...but the fact that I FORGOT MY SON...that is a BIG 2% not on top of it...another demerit for Mommy of the Year. The funny thing is my son believes it is his fault because he forgot to stay at school (which is actually somewhat true too)...and I'm not letting on that I actually am the one ultimately responsible (because I'm the Mom and he is only 7). This week's goal is 99% on top and I'm hoping the 1% is maybe related to forgetting to eat (because this weekend required too much chip eating and beer drinking). Now I'm off to do the next thing on my list...which is?.....I'm not sure, but I'll know it when I see it!

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